Friday, May 17, 2013

Wants and Needs

 Knowing the difference between wants and needs can save your company
「想要」不等於「需要」 - 了解想要與需求的不同,能保住 公司命脈.

Ben and Sandy Johnson have just moved their company into a new office. Business is good, and Ben thinks it might be time to have fun.

Uncle Bob: Hey, Ben , How's the new office?
Ben: It's really nice. You should visit some time.
Uncle Bob: I'd like that.
Ben: Wait until we finish the game room, though, it's going to be exceptional.
Uncle Bob: Game room?
Ben: Why are you putting a game room in your office? I think it might be beneficial for our working environment.
Uncle Bob:  How will it benefit your staff?
Ben: Well, lots of tech companies have amenities in their office, and it seems to be working for them.
Uncle Bob: That doesn't mean that everything can be formulated the same for every company. It sounds to me like you're confusing wants and needs.
Ben: What do you mean? Sometimes they're the same thing.
Uncle Bob: Not really. Needs are things that you really can't do without. Wants are things you would like to have.
Ben: But what's wrong with wanting a game room?
Uncle Bob: There's nothing wrong with wanting a game room. You just need to remember that the things you want aren't always good for you. And that is especially true in business.
Ben: But what about Google? They offer free meals, fitness centers and nap pods.
Uncle Bob: For successful companies, perks like those are offered as part of a carefully crafted business strategy.
 How is having great benefits part of a business strategy?
Uncle Bob:Some companies use benefits to recruit high-quality workers. Benefits can also help employees work longer hours and  improve workers longevity by keeping staff healthy and happy.
Ben: So how do I know if something, I want is something the company really needs?
Uncle Bob: You just need to set your priorities.
Ben: The game room is pretty high on my list of priorities.
Uncle Bob: I'm talking about prioritizing spending for your business. Every dollar you spend on something you want is a dollar you can't spend on something you might need.
Ben: So my first priority should be getting things that my company needs to survive and grow.
Uncle Bob: Right, And your second priority should be getting things that might benefit you company tangible ways.
Ben: Like investing in a new product or service?
Uncle Bob: Yes. After you've met those needs, you can start thinking about the things you want.
Ben: Like my game room?
Uncle Bob: Exactly. So when do you want me to visit the new office?
Ben: You'd better just come by next week. If you wait for the game room, you'll be in for a lengthy wait.
Uncle Bob: Sure thing, Ben.

Grammar Gym:
"'ll be in for a lengthy wait."
"to be in for (something) - can expect (something)
Ted knew he was in for a lecture from his mother when he saw his low grades.
When Joe saw the dark clouds in the sky, he knew he was in for some heavy rain.
The audience knew they were in for a treat the minute the magician got on the stage.
I didn't know I was in for a surprise; I thought it was just another regular day at work.

Vocabulary Tips:
amenities -供娱乐,消遣的设备。
*The amenities are available for club members only.
*The workout center is part of the company's amenities.
formulate -用公式表示的,或(照着)复制。
formula (n) -公式
*Not every chain store can be formulated according to the company's plans.
formulate -策划,构想出。
*The movie was formulated by a bunch of college kids.
perk -贴补,额外的待遇。something special, extra benefit.
*A car and a reserved parking space are just a couple of the perks the company offered.
perk -振作,活泼生动有精神起来。
* I perked up after taking a walk. 走路之后,我精神来了。
craft -精心制作。
*The sets for the play were crafted by professionals.
craft -(本文)详细规划。
*The weight loss program is crafted according to one's personal needs.
longevity -长寿。refer to people live for a long years. long years.
*A healthy diet and regular exercise contribute to a person's longevity.
*The invention of vaccines increased human longevity.
prioritize -决定优先顺序,按优先顺序排列。put something important at first place in order.
priority -优先顺序。
*Every day, Stewart will spend a few minutes prioritizing his tasks.任务
prioritize -也指“把某个对象列为优先”。
*The government prioritized the economic growth of the country.
tangible -可以触摸到的,此文指“实质的,真实的”。 tang-接触。can touchable.
*tangible learning materials. 可以实际操作的教材。
*There's no tangible evidence to prove that the suspect is guilty.
lengthy -漫长的,冗长的。long, very long time, a lengthy ride, a lengthy drive. a lengthy wait.
*The professor's lengthy lecture made me feel sleepy.
*The detective wrote a lengthy report about the incident. 洋洋洒洒一长篇报告有关。。。
nap pods - a cozy place where let people to take nap.
you'd better = you had better (to do something).
sure thing - definitely will do it. agree with someone or  to do something.

Language Tips:
keep up with the Joneses -比排场,比阔气。 邻居做什么,买什么,有什么,你也跟上去做,去买,去拥有,仿效他们。不愿落后于人。
Joneses - 指你生活周遭与你社会地位相近的邻居们,某些个Jone 先生们(他们爱花钱,爱现的家庭生活方式)
keep up - 不落后。不输人,保持。
wants and needs -想要的和需要的
needs -需要的
wants -想要的
wants and needs try use those rules below may help you saving some money and no regret later:
the ten second rule -(10 秒钟法则)小钱,小东西,买前先等上10秒钟,想想需不需要,如果10秒钟过去了,还想买才买它。
the ten days rule -(10天法则)大东西,贵重的,要花大钱的,如汽车,70寸立体电视,最好等上10天,10天之后,你要买的意念还很强,且想好了又有此预算才买它。很多时候,10天之后,你失去了买他们的冲动,没太大的兴趣想要买了。

Taking notes of study "StudioClassroom"

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