Friday, July 31, 2009

Cool Ideas for Hot Weather

Tips to help you keep cool this summer by Pamela Osment

Finding ways to beat the summer heat can be difficult but not impossible! Try a few of these fun ideas, and you’ll cool off in no time.

Eat spicy food
Spicy food causes you to sweat. And as the sweat evaporates, it cools your body down.

Use cold sheets
Put away your blankets and sleep between sheets. Put your sheets in a plastic bag and then in the refrigerator about two hours before bedtime. Cold sheets can help lower your body temperature, which should help you fall asleep more easily.

Keep it light
Because dark colors absorb heat, wearing light-colored clothing keeps you more comfortable on hot days. Also, natural material like cotton lets air pass through, which cools your body.
Add water
Water also helps get rid of the heat. But if you're at school or work, it's not possible to take a nice, refreshing shower. Do the next best thing and run cool water on your wrists. In addition, you can run some on a towel and put it on the back of your neck.

Freeze some fruit
Snack on frozen watermelon and other fruit for a tasty way to beat this summer's heat!
beat-overcome or to win。 敲击,胜过
beat, beat, beaten
We can beat the dinner crowd by getting to the restaurant early.
*For Josh, playing on-line games always beats other kinds of entertainment.
*Our swimming team beat their opponents and won the championship.
temperature (n)-
Today, the temperature is much cooler than yesterday.
absorb (v)-take in water or liquid.吸收,学习或吸收知识
Use a cloth to absorb the spilled juice.
*The medicine can be absorbed by the body in just 20 minutes.
*Students absorb what is being taught better if they participate in a related activity.
refreshing (adj)-On hot nights during the summer, I like to go for a refreshing swim.
wrist (n)-Tom fell off his bicycle and broke his wrist.
spicy (adj)- spicy food.
sheet- not a sheet of paper, here is refer to a cloth under the blanket and over the mattress.
evaporate-something in liquid is changing to something in the air and the air kind drys the thing.蒸发, 消失,不负存在.
vapor (n)-水蒸气
*Alcohol added to syrup makes it evaporate easily.
*Enthusiasm for learning can quickly evaporate if a teacher keeps criticizing his or her students. 学习热诚,批评。
refreshing-make you have more energy, feel alive, wake up, awake.
We sleep between the sheet. Put the sheet on your bed
Grammar'll cool off in no time.
in no time--"almost immediately" or "very quickly" (take no time to pass by)
If we all work together, we can get the house chores done in no time.
If you take the subway, you'll get to the train station in no time.
Chat Room
Cool (v)-使东西变凉,冷却
cool -calm, 冷静
"cool it" - calm down, "冷静下来。(informal) If someone angry or get too excited, you can say
"Hey, cool it-当有人大吵大闹时,叫他冷静下来。
cool off=cool down or come less angry.冷静或是降温,冷却。 it also mean to became less warm.
off--doze off-fall asleep. 睡着了
put off--delay 延宕,延盪.擔擱.
rip off- rip someone off is to cheat someone by charge a large amount money. 敲某人的竹槓

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How Much Should You Spend on Your Pet?

Is there a limit to what you should spend to save your pet?

Is it worth it to spend a lot of money to keep your pet alive?
by Jeremiah Clark and Chelsea Ewald

Today, humans aren’t the only ones benefiting from advanced medical technology. For a price, sick pets’ lives can also be extended through medical procedures. While many people support this type of spending, others are strongly opposed to it.

Adam: My dog, Cooper, has been a bit under the weather lately. I took him to the veterinarian a few days ago and learned that he needs some minor surgery to fix the problem. It will cost a few hundred dollars, but it’s well worth it!

Beth: Just be glad that Cooper’s illness isn’t more serious. I recently read about a family who paid $20,000 for their sick dog to have a bone marrow transplant. Can you believe that?

Actually, I can. someone is willing and has ability to spend that much money, but many people are not able to afford it.

Did you know:
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, 49 percent of people consider their pets to be "family" while 48 percent consider them companions. Only 2 percent consider them property.

Some pets are so loved that after they die their owners have them stuffed and then displayed in their homes. And now, today, thanks to modern science, rich pet owners can opt have their aging or sick pet CLONED.

under the weather (idiom)-Carl stayed home from work because he was feeling under the weather.
transplant (n)-many kinds of transplant. -from donors give their organ to someone and placed into a person's body. liver, Kinney or other. 移植trans-转移 plant种植
After receiving a heart transplant, the patient had a greater chance of survival.
*The doctor specializes in kidney transplant surgeries.
*Her body rejected the liver transplant.
outrageous (adj)-unbelievable. 令人吃惊的,让人无法忍受的, 不可思议的。
Jill thought it was outrageous that the government decided to double taxes.
*It's outrageous that people waste so much food while many people are starving in undeveloped countries.
span (n)-a length or amount of time, a period of time.一段时间。
Ray doesn't like to watch movies because he has a very short attention span. 集中精神的时间
*The life span of a butterfly is only a few days. 蝴蝶的生命周期只有几天。
*The attention span of children of this age is about 30 minutes.
benefiting-good things
be extended-be lived longer
oppose-against. If you oppose something that you are against it.
prolong- 延伸,延长,托长。发长音。
bone marrow-
orthopaedic-something relate to feet and bones.
You got to be joking (idiom)-When someone says something ridiculous, weird,you will say “You got to be joking.
companion-refer to close fried or mate, spouse.
acquaintance- associate (n) 相识,熟人, 习知,熟习(但不是朋友)
associate(v)-spent time with someone. 重音在第二个a (e)
conviction (n)-断罪,判罪,确信,信念坚信。

Andy has strong convictions about politics and shares them with as many people as he can.

*It’s Larry’s conviction that only money can make him happy.

*Patricia has strong religious convictions.

*The woman’s conviction to be a good mother is unshakable
to put pets to sleep is nice way to say to put pets to dead, don't want to see pet to be hurt or suffer.
I don't make sense-
stick -not to change.
Trivial (adj)-ordinary, common generally, usually, ordinarily, as a rule, outmoded,old fashion, out-of-date. 锁碎的,微不足道的,陈旧的,无趣的,平常的. trivia 锁碎的事物,琐事 Jim had a bike accident, but his injuries were trivial compared with when he crashed his car.
discretionary (adj)-任意的,自由决定的。

That is not one of our regular bills, so please pay it out of our discretionary.

*The CEO of our company has a discretionary grant to encourage those who work hard.

*Judges have discretionary power to decide one’s future
jeopardize (vi)-put it in risk. 委及,(使)受危困

The student jeopardized her success on an important test by watching a movie instead of studying.

*The rushed decision to expand jeopardized the company’s finances.

*Overworking can jeopardize your health

Chat Room
in favor of / set against = for/against 支持/ (坚决)反对。
in favor of -to support something.
against-not in favor of
debates (n)-people to discuss two different idea, one person or team is argue in favor of the idea and another person or team is against the idea.辩论
debate (v)- debating, you are involved in the act of debating.


Talk about ridiculous!

Talk about--regarding what was just mentioned, that is…

Whatever was just mentioned is ridiculous.

Talk about + description

Stuart lives a block away from his office, but he always rides his scooter to work. Talk about lazy!

Terry had overslept but was still able to get to the airport in time to catch his flight. Talk about lucky

Monday, July 27, 2009

How Sharks Work

Sharks may not be friendly, but they are fascinating .
by Marshall Brain / (c) 2007, How Stuff Works Inc.

Discover the interesting features that make sharks great hunters

The summer beach season is prime time for shark attacks. It seems like sharks are attacking all the time. But that is something of an illusion. The number of attacks is very small (only 23 in Florida in 2006).

Characteristics of a Shark
Have you ever wondered about the sharks themselves? It turns out that sharks are absolutely fascinating creatures. How a shark hunts Muscles and fins give the shark its speed and maneuverability in the water. A shark’s front fins act like the wings of an airplane and let it “fly” through the water. The tail acts like a high-power propeller.

But the big thing that gives the shark its edge in the ocean is its sensory package. The package includes the shark's eyes, ears, skin, nose and mouth, as well as electric sensing.

A shark's nose is probably its most important sense. If you were to put a single drop of blood in an Olympic-size swimming pool, a great white shark could smell that. And they can tell the direction that the smell is coming from. Many sharks can also hear sounds of distress from miles away.

Sharks handle their electric sensing using cells located in the head. Whenever something moves using its muscles, a shark can detect the electrical impulses flowing to those muscles. A shark can electrically "see" anything that has muscles even if it is hiding or the water is murky.

Sharks even have vibration sensors in their skin. When something moves near the shark, tubes pick up the pressure changes and hairs inside the tubes send signals to the brain. This extra sense allows a shark to turn quickly and attack again.

When you put all these different senses together, it makes the shark a nearly ideal hunter. A shark can detect prey from miles away and then use eyes, electrosensing (electric sense) and movement sensing to home in.

Strangely, sharks do not seem to use these senses to home in on people. The very low number of shark attacks tells us that sharks don't hunt human prey on a regular basis. ( the good news is human being is not the fist prey for sharks :))

On the other hand, people love to hunt sharks. Millions and millions of sharks die every year. Without protection, extinction is a definite possibility.

prime (adj)-refer to the best quality or most important, or the best time. 主要的,首要,重要的 The busy intersection is a prime location for a convenience store.
*Housewives are our prime customers.
*The prime time of restaurants is between 6:30 PM and 8:30 PM.
*The Oscars will be broadcast during prime time.
absolutely (adv)-These pictures you took of the mountains and river are absolutely beautiful
fin (n)-The fins on a fish's body help it swim. 鱼翅
fascinating-extreme interesting.
illusion-appeal is to be true, but it isn't.
absolutely-totally, completely.
maneuverability- refer to move quickly and easy in the water. 机动性或操纵的灵巧性。
*Power-steering improves the maneuverability of a car. 动力方向盘加增车的灵活操纵性。
propeller-something is in the back of the boat that spin and make the boat move faster.螺旋桨 edge (n)- side, here refer to what make shark a little bid sharp than others.一般指边缘, 此指优势,优越条件。
Ken's skill at playing basketball gave his team an edge during the game.
*Because of his language skills, he has an edge over the other applicants.
*Her years of experience gave her an extra edge in the field. 多年的经验使她在专业领域中,有特别的优势。
impulse (n)-small, short, quick bust of electric. Our body has impulse whenever we move.
When you touch something, your skin sends an impulse to your brain.
impulsive-someone do things quickly without too much thinking. You are very impulsive.
murky (adj)-mix up the water, is cloudy. 暗的,含糊的,混浊的。複雜的.
After the storm, the water was so murky, we couldn't see the bottom of the lake.
*The water in the river became murky and dirty after the typhoon.
*She wants to forget about her murky past and move on. 忘记複雜的过去, 重新开始,向前迈步.
prey (n)- is something predator eats.猎物 (人或物). 侵袭目标,对象.
Snakes hunt prey such as mice and small birds.
*The eagle swooped down and caught its prey.
*The thief is looking for his next prey. 小偷寻找下一个下手的对象目标.
prey on -Wolves prey on rabbits.
definite (adj)-certainly.
There is a definite relationship between how much people exercise and their health.
home in -use the sensors to move closer and closer to your goal. .瞄准. 针对.
home in on someone or something. 准确的对准某个对象
Our discussion should home in on the solution to the problem.在针对问题的解决方法加以讨论.
The fighter plane homed in on a tank on the ground. 战斗机瞄准地上的一辆坦克车.
"see"-here refer to sense.
vibration-big music speak, you can hear the air vibrant. 震动,电波.
Set your cell phone on vibration mode.
extinction- extinct- die out, disappear, no longer exist.
ideal-perfect for
How the shark is such a deadly hunter?

But that is something of an illusion.
something of a =to some extent, in some ways.
But that is in some ways an illusion.
Although the performance was meant to be a high-class production, in the end, it turned out to become something of a joke.
Ernesto enjoys being funny; he is something of a class clown.

Chat Room
is prime time for shark attack. 全胜时期。
prime time- (T.V. 7-10P.M , usually is earn the most of Ad. money, most people watching) 黄金档,黄金时段。最受欢迎或最拥挤的时段。
high time-时机成熟的时刻,到了应该立即去做某事的时刻。
It's high time for us to go.
It's high time to clean up the room.
It's high time to take break.
loan shark-is a person who loans something money requested extremely high return, charge big interest.
card shark- is a person cheat in distributing cards to win big.
loan shark or card shark, both should stay away.
..tubes pick up the pressure changes.- send or deliver 察觉,感应到,发现,雷达可以发现敌机 pick up a bad habit-很容易学会,学得,学会。在学习上有天份。
Can you pick up some milk for me? 购买东西。
You can pick up your co-worker to work , and drop off her after work. 去接他。
pick up someone-接人。
No one gets pick up by the police-逮捕。
pick up speed-increase, accelerate the speed.
pickup (n)- a open cargo area truck. 载货用的小卡车
pick up where we leave off. 拾起,捡起

Japanese Socks

Traditional Japanese footwear finds fans around the world by Beth Bowyer Wei

Geisha, traditional Japanese entertainers skilled in music and dancing, move gracefully in platform flip-flops. But how do these ladies protect their feet, especially during cold Japanese winters? The answer is tabi, traditional white, split-toe socks that can be worn with flip-flops. Geisha, however, aren’t the only ones who wear them. Japanese workers have worn heavy-duty tabi for generations. But now this age-old footwear is gathering all kinds of fans. Modern tabi come in a variety of cool colors, patterns and materials.

There are different styles, too, including the "five-fingered sock" that fits the toes like a glove. Both Japanese shops and online stores sell these trendy socks.

Not just for fashion

For the Japanese, feet are important and should be treated with care. Many Japanese, including shiatsu experts, claim that separating the big toe from the second toe increases circulation. Plus, they believe tabi ease pressure caused by walking on sidewalks and standing on trains.

So whether you're looking for fashion, health or comfort, buy a pair of tabi! There are different styles , too, including the "five-fingered sock" that fits the toes like a glove. Both Japanese shops and online stores sell these.

Did you know:
Tabi have inspired some Western fashion designers to create some pretty unique shoes.
The split-toe TABI design can even be found in athletic shoes. For example, Nike sells a split-toe woman's shoe called Air Rift. Daisuke Matsuzaka, the star pitcher for the Boston Red Sox, is a big fan of split-toe socks. He reportedly has given pairs of tabi to his American Teammates.

Gracefully (adv)-move and act nice and beautiful.优雅地。
The ballet dancer moved gracefully across the stage.
heavy-duty (adj)- (1) very serious, (2) something has thick, strong support。 厚重,耐用的。
You cant' cut that wire with small scissors. You'll need a heavy-duty pair to do the job.
*The construction workers need to wear heavy-duty workboots to protect their feet.
* These heavy-duty tires can deal with all kinds of conditions of the road. 应付任何路况。
trendy-in fashion, in,时髦,流行的
That trendy coffee shop offers live music on Friday nights.
*She wore a trendy hat to go with her new outfit. 新行头
*Quincy opened a trendy restaurant in L.A.时髦的餐厅。
circulation-Regular exercise helps promote good circulation. 循环,circle圈圈。
*Exercise can improve blood circulation.血液循环
*Make sure there's good circulation of fresh air in the classroom. 新鲜空气的流通。
*This magazine has a circulation of more than two million. 报章,杂志的发行量,超过200万分。
flip-flop (n), 木屐,托板 (也指木屐走路时发出的flip-flop声)shiatsu (n), geisha (n) 藝技
New dress fits you like glove=New dress fits you perfectly. it likes just make for you.

Modern tabi come in a variety of cool colors, patterns and materials.
come in, here is not mean "please, come in."
come in =available
Modern tabi are available in a variety of cool colors, patterns and materials.
This style of jacket comes in three different sizes-small, medium, and large.
Nowadays, cuckoo clocks come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

Chat Room
age-old (adj)-
things are very old, or long standing. 古老的,古董可以是age-old.
An age-old tradition-一个古老的传统。
old age (adj)- is use only on the living thins. 年老的,年纪老的。 old age dog, old age man.
The man became very wealthy in his old age.老年的时候
aging (adj)- is a whole process of growing old. 衰老,老化。一个小孩不能说是aging,只能用在中年人。

Friday, July 24, 2009

Eye-Catching Trees

引人注目的樹These trees are so special that you’ll take another look! by Lisa Holl Chang

Henry Ward Beecher, a 19th century minister wrote, “Of all man’s works of art, a cathedral is the greatest. A vast and majestic tree is greater than that.” Whether majestic or simply unusual, these trees stand out.

Found on the plains of Africa, these trees appear upside down. Their branches, which look more like roots, grow out of abnormally thick trunks. The trunks hold water, sometimes up to 120,000 liters, which helps baobabs survive in Africa’s dry climates.

Instead of growing up, these unique trees grow outward. From their branches hang aerial roots, which reach to the ground and eventually create new tree trunks. A large banyan tree may look like a forest. The world's largest such tree, the Great Banyan located in Kolkata, India, covers about one and a half hectares.

Redwoods and sequoias
These two related species, found mostly in California, literally stand out for their height and size.
Coastal redwoods commonly grow over 100 m tall. Their slightly shorter relatives, giant sequoias, are simply massive. General Sherman, the world's Largest tree, weighs in at 120,000 kg.

These eye-catching trees are indeed natural treasures worth admiring.

eye catching trees- the trees catch your eyes.
cathedral-great and big church, very beautiful and awe. grand = great.
Majestic (adj)-great and big and awesome. 雄伟的
Peter wants to travel to China so he can see the majestic Great Wall.
Stand out (phr.v)-special, catch people's eyes. 站出来的意思,此指突出的。长的特别高出
Gareth's strong reading skills make him stand out from his classmates.
stand out from someone-从一群体中或是一群东西中显得特别突出。
*Her looks really stood out from other beauty contestants.出众的外表使她在选美佳丽中显得特别突出。
upside down (adv.)-turn around, turn all the way down. 颠倒的,倒过来的。。
This book is turned upside down. You can't read it that way!
*The car landed upside down on the road.
*The books on the shelf were placed upside down.放颠倒。
*These naughtily kids turned my house upside down. 调皮孩子,一片混乱,乱七八糟
outward (adv)-spread from inside to outside.
Because of the heavy rain, the lake filled up and spread outward toward the nearby town.
slightly-just a little bid of.
My next trip to America will be slightly longer than my last one.
literally-really do.
The whole town was literally destroyed by the flood.按字面的意思,确实的,不夸张的,没有夸大其词的。
Our team literally sees each other every day of the week.
aerial root- root hanging in the air.
hectare-10,000 sq. m. land.

These eye-catching trees are indeed natural treasures worth admiring.
The wedding is indeed cancelled.
The secretary did indeed send the proposal last week.
be-verb or helping verb+indeed. give certainly statement.
Is it raining outside? Yes, indeed. (indeed can also use in short sentence)
Gary is late again, right? Indeed, he is.
be-verb or helping verb + indeed.

Chat Room
work of the art-
cathedral 大教堂- is a big church统称的教堂。
towers塔楼, columns大圆柱, mosaic 马赛克and stained glass windows 彩色玻璃窗(some cut into different shape and put together)
chapel-is much smaller, a place for people to worship in Hospital, school, or airport...学校,医院里的小教堂。

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Car Drives Through It


Eat, drink and even get married – all without leaving your car 在美国,无论是用餐,喝饮料, 甚至是结婚--全都不必走出车外,就能办到喔!

by Ruth Devlin

When you’re in a hurry, there’s nothing more convenient than a drive-through. Often written “drive-thru,” this convenience began due to America’s love affair with cars. Companies wanted to make it easier for people to do business without leaving their cars.

The first bank opened a drive-through in 1946. Fast-food restaurants followed in the late 1940s. Both fast-food restaurants and banks use microphones and speakers to communicate with customers. Fast-food customers give their orders from their car. Then they drive up next to a window in the building to receive their meals.

Banking customers receive their cash from an automatic drawer. Coffee huts and pharmacies have windows where drivers pull up to get coffee or medicine. Alan Hilozitz, a spokesperson for the Starbucks Coffee Company, told The New York Times newspaper, "Drive-throughs are a matter of customer want and customer need.

They serve a fast-paced world with people talking on cell phones and trying anything that will squeeze a little more into the day."

Microphone (n)-is a small gadget or device that can project the voice to let the most of people can hear it. 麦克风,传音器,简称MIC

Speak into the microphone so everyone in the room can hear you. 对着麦克风说话

*Please speak into the microphone so we can hear you.

*My cell phone has a built-in microphone, so I can record messages. 装置内麦克风,可以录音。

Speakers (n)-Often refer to a square box that the sound come out of it.喇叭。音响,拨音器。

Loud music came from the five big speakers near the stage.

*Many speakers were installed around the auditorium for the concert. 在体育场装置了很多喇叭

*There's no sound coming out from the left-hand speaker of the CD player. 左边的喇叭

Automatic (adj)-自动式的,自然而然,一定会有的。You don't have to turn on the water, it's automatic.

automatic doors, 自动门。a fully-automatic washing machine, 全自动洗衣机

*There's an automatic fine for overdue payments. 延期付款,将自动罚罚金。

Squeeze(v)-push a little more

If we hurry, we can squeeze in lunch before our noon meeting.

love affair with- here refer to something have enjoy with, Japan has love affair with sports.喜爱,疯狂,迷戀, 爱好.

Drive-thru-where the microphone and speaker where is you give your order than pull up to the next window the get things.


Drive-throughs are a matter of customer want and customer need.

are subject or situation all about

Drive-throughs are a subject all about customer want and customer need.

be-verb+ a matter of (talk about something is all about0

A Roman gladiator's performance in the arena is a matter of life or death.

The new airport regulations are a matter of national security.

pharmacies-is a store or shop you can buy medicine.

spokesperson-speak for a group of people or for an individual (single) person.

Chat Room:

Americans love affair with cars. love affair- is a romantic relationship that two people were not married in U.S., it is not encouraged外遇. But here it mean most enjoy with. .in love is enjoy with. in love-being in love with something, 爱好,着迷.对某件事的着迷,疯狂的喜爱.a young couple in love.一队相爱的情侣. .I’min love with gardening (painting, baseball etc.)

Conversation A:

Let's go through the drive -thru at McDonald's today.

Why? Because it's July 24.

So? It's National Drive-Thru Day! Are you kidding? No, I'm not. (U.S. has almost every day is holiday for special deal or promotion, such as National Ice Cream Day. ..for fun).

Just think how much more hectic our lives would be without drive-thrus. I suppose so.

I use the ATM in the drive-through at the bank a lot. But did you know there's a drive-thru convenience store in Missouri? And there is a drive-thru check-in at Hawaiin Airlines in Hawaii.

That's crazy! You can even get married at a drive-thru chapel in Las Vegas. No thanks. That's one thing you should get out of the car to do!

Conversation B at the fast-food drive-thru

I thought drive-thrus were supposed to be fast. We've been here over five minutes, and we haven't even ordered yet! That's because the guy in the car ahead of us is asking too many questions.

Either that or ordering for a family of 10! People need to use good manners at a drive-thru. If you have lots of questions or are making a big order, go inside! It's for fast service. If you have lots of questions or are making a big order, go inside! And at banks, drive-throughs are not the place to discuss banking problems. We should write a book on drive-thru manners! Yes, but let's order lunch first. I'm starving, and it's finally our turn!

hectic (adj)-crazy, life is full of business, craziness, cause people more stressful. 忙乱的,忙碌的

The first week of college is always hectic for freshmen. 大学一年级的学生对于学校一切都很么陌生的环境,在开学的第一周总是特别忙乱的。

*We got tired of the hectic pace of city life and moved to the suburbs. 都市忙乱的步调感到厌倦。。

Mary's hectic day included going to five meetings and having four interviews.

ATM=automated teller machine (n)-You can use your bank card or credit card to get cash from an ATM.


Sean always says "please, and "thank you." He has very nice manners.

*The little boy needs to be taught good manners.

*It's bad manners to speak on a cell phone loudly in a restaurant. 大声对着手机说话是不礼貌的

Good table manners are learned at home. 好的餐桌礼仪。

Starve (v)- feel hungry, very hungry. 感到饥饿,挨饿。

Kevin is starving because he hasn't eaten since last night. 锇扁了

The whole village starved because the hurricane ruined their access to outside supplies.对外补给的通路被台风吹毁,整村的人都在挨饿。

I'm starving. Let's order some pizza!

Chat room:

Drive-thru chapel to get married.

No thanks-people offer you something, you try to be polite to say you don't want it. 谢谢,心领了。

Propose 向某人求婚 =Pop the question 较口语的说法

Thanks, but no thanks--比较好的用法,表示我心领了(不接受对方的提议或好意。)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Get Ready for Unusual Darkness!

Watch the sun go dark in the middle of the day
What is a solar eclipse, and what's special about the one that's occurring today?
了解日蚀成因,以及今天这场日蚀的特别之处。by Ryan Batdorf.

Ready or not, a total solar eclipse will occur today where people in Asia can see it.

What causes a solar eclipse?
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the earth and the sun. This always happens during a new moon, but the angle of the moon’s orbit keeps an eclipse from occurring every month. About twice a year, the earth and moon’s orbits line up so that the moon’s shadow falls somewhere on the earth’s surface. That is when a solar eclipse occurs.

What is special about this eclipse?

The route of the moon's umbral shadow will start in India and cut through Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar and mainland China. It will then cross Japan's Ryukyu Islands and curve southeast through the Pacific Ocean. It is there that the longest time of total darkness will occur-6 minutes and 39 seconds. Those places not in the direct path will see a partial eclipse from the moon's penumbral shadow.

solar(adj)-Solar rays are strongest from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

eclipse (n)-When something in the sky usually provide light is covered up. Moon passes the sun and earth every 30 days, is a new moon.

In 2010, two solar eclipses will occur.

Solar eclipse, Lunar eclipse. solar refer to sun. lunar refer to moon.

orbit (v)- is a path, that is taking by an object moving in a specific angle around a larger object in space. moving motion around the body in circular motion.

The earth's orbit around the sun is almost a perfect circle. orbit (n)-轨道

Partial (adj)-part of it.

Andrew could only give a partial description of the accident.

*This Saturday there will be a partial eclipse of the sun. 日偏蚀

Total eclipse of the sun. 日全蚀

The moon will be partially eclipsed this Friday night.

The satellite was successfully launched into the orbit of Mars. 人造卫星成功的发射进入火星规道。

The spacecraft will be in orbit around the moon at 16:00.太空船 将在下午4点进入月球轨道绕行。

The shuttle is orbiting around the earth right now.太空梭正绕地球轨道转。

line up-get in the same line, (anything) place something in the line. 排列,排队,排成一排。

The teacher told the kids to line up before leaving the classroom.

The librarian is lining up the books in alphabetical order on the shelves.图书馆员按字母次序把书架上的书排好。

umbral-darkest part of the shadow. the path of the umbral shadow.

penumbral=partial shadow


The route...will start in India and cut through Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan.. .., It will then cross Japan's Ryukyu Islands and curve southeast through the Pacific Ocean.

go through= Start, cut through, cross, and curve=zigzags, hugs, loops, snakes, winds. 经过一词,可以用不同的字来形容,来描述, 使文章更生动活泼,有创造性。使文章赋予生命

A road could zigzag its way through the forest.

A river can snake its way through the hills.

A path can hug the base of a mountain.

Chat Room:

once in a blue moon-once in a long time, rare.蓝色的月亮很少出现,意即很难得,千载难逢,很少的。

reached for the moon -try to achieve something that is very difficult.试图去做非常困难的事,有如去碰触天上的月亮,星星,难度高,近乎不可能达成的事。

reach for the star-

ask for the moon-某人要求月亮,意指对方做出不切实际的要求.

promise for the moon-promise you the moon -promise you something that is impossible.答应给对方月亮,意指做出不切实际的应许或承若.

promise you the moon-promise you something that is inpossible. 答应将月亮给人,做出不实际的许若.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Final Mile

The Final Mile
最後一哩的難題Bringing broadband to the backcountry
Is it possible to have high-speed Internet in places that are far away from the city?
by Vance Fry

Sometimes we have to turn around and look behind us in order to see how far we’ve come. For me, it happened on a recent visit to a friend who lives on a farm some thirty minutes from town. I wanted to show him a video on YouTube that I liked, so we tried watching it over his dial-up Internet connection. The operative word here is tried. The video skipped and hiccuped. It stuttered and sputtered. It. Was. Agonizing.

Most of us are accustomed to a broadband Internet connection to the point of taking it for granted. Whether cable, DSL or mobile broadband, today’s connections are many times faster than those in the days of the poky dial-up modem. Videos play smoothly, complex websites load quickly, and files download in a fraction of the time it would have taken ten years ago. (And the files are much bigger too.) There's a catch, of course: You have to live near enough to a major city to get broadband Internet. If you don't, it's poky dial-up access for you. And for those living really far out, there may be no Internet access at all.


Technology experts often talk about the "last mile" problem, which refers to the difficulty of bringing Internet access to remote locations. In cities and suburbs, it's relatively easy to provide access for everyone. It is much more difficult to deliver access to those living far from cities, especially in developing countries. Internet service providers, for their part, have been reluctant to provide access to sparsely populated areas. The handful of Internet subscribers they would reach wouldn't justify the expense.

But every year, technological advancements allow broadband access to reach more and more people. Most broadband connections today run over existing cable TV and telephone lines although these technologies aren't available everywhere. Some companies have delivered the Internet over standard power lines. Advancements in cheaper, more efficient fiber optics cables promise to bring blisteringly fast Internet connections to more users.

Still, the last mile remains elusive. There will always be somewhere that doesn't have an affordable broadband connection. But someday that might not matter. If the rapid progress in cell phone technology is any indication, it may not be too long before an Internet connection simply follows you wherever you go.

DSL =digital subscriber line

operative (adj)-重要得,关键地 operate (v)-操作,运作。
The operative factor to her successful diet was exercise.
operative word-一段话或是一个句子中,最关键的字
*When she was employed with the company she made a lot of money. "Was" is the operative word here, because she just got fired last month.
sputter(v)-popping then slow down or stop. start a car then nothing happen.发出噼噼叭叭的声音(暴溅声)。噼噼叭叭的响声。或做慌乱的说话,口沫横飞的讲话。语无伦次的说话。争论。喷溅出的碎末。喷出。
The old car sputtered to life when Jordan turned the key.
*The air-conditioner sputtered for a while and then completely shut down.
*After he heard the news, he sputtered incoherently in a rage. 盛怒中
poky(adj)-very slow, dullness 无精打采的, 迟钝的
We were stuck behind a poky old truck all the way down the road.
Sometimes a mother will say to her children "stop being so poky, speed up"
Judy wants this particular book but there is a catch. She has to buy two others to get it.
*The price of the house is way too cheap. There must be a catch to it some where.
*The salary of this job is great, but the catch is that you have to work night shifts.
hiccuped- 打嗝
stutter- 口吃,结疤。结结巴巴的说话。
agonizing- 使人烦恼的,苦闷得慌,痛苦难忍的
sparsely (adv)-related to remote, very few, separate apart from each other. 稀少地,稀疏地sparse-稀少的
Susan sat on the only chair in the middle of the sparsely decorated room.
*This sparsely populated area has no freeway. 人口稀少
*Dave just moved here, so his house is still sparsely furnished.房子空荡荡的,没什么家具。
justify (v)- to make right or balance to what it is done. or have a good reason to use it for. 正当的,有充分理由的.
The buses here are so quick that it is hard to justify owning a car.
*Higher productivity can justify the cost of purchasing new machine.
*NO matter the reasons, you cannot justify your rudeness toward your parents.没理由的,,对父母粗劣的态度是不可以的
blisteringly (adv)-极度的here refer to very very fast, rapidly. blistering-极坏的,极其的,极度的,(有恶劣的意思) blisteringly 大部分用来修饰副词或形容词。
Sam was blisteringly quick and won the race easily.
*The cars raced by blisteringly fast.
*No one can work in such blisteringly harsh weather conditions.
elusive (adj)-difficult to describe, mystery.
Sandra is so elusive that it's hard to find her.
reluctant -hesitate, not sure.
remote place- far from city, not too many people live.

Most of us are accustomed to a broadband Internet connection to the point of taking it for granted.
to the point of="to the level of" or "to the degree of"
Most of us are accustomed to a broadband Internet connection. the point of taking it for granted.
The Travelers were tired to the point of collapsing.
Sandra was mad to the point of not being able to say anything at all.

Chat Room:

backcountry (任何)偏远未开发的地区is similar to wilderness矿野(含有纯朴,未受污染的空旷之地), backcountry apply to it's position, and wilderness is apply to it's condition. a wilderness can exist in the backcountry. but not every backcountry is wilderness.
the outback-偏僻未开发的地区,尤指澳洲的内陆。
The last final mile - The final mile-refer to the final step.
The final stretch-marathon you can call the final mile is the final stretch.
stretch- 可以表示运动场上,跑道的直线部分,接近终点的直线跑道--延伸出来的意思是最后階段.
final stretch of the pregnancy-一个怀胎8个月的孕妇.
The eleventh hour-12 hours on the clock, the time before 12 at 11, that means it doesn't have too much time left, the time is running out, it's running out of time. 最后时刻, 常用于截止前的时刻.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Road Trip Safety 7-18

Tips to keep you and your family safe on the road.
Read these tips and drive safely. 熟记道路安全秘诀,确保行车安全
by Pamela Osment

Do you have any road trips planned for the summer? If so, why not review a few safety tips to help you travel safely?

Watch the road
Make sure you’re well rested, and stay off your cell phone when you drive. Tiredness and cell phone usage cause serious accidents. When you drive, keep your eyes on the road and your mind on your driving. You may need to react quickly to avoid an accident.

Children’s safety
Car crashes cause the most accidental deaths for children worldwide. In some places, child safety seats are required for children until they’re over 145 cm. But no matter where you live, children under 13 always ride safest in the back seat.

Adult safety
Statistics show that when car accidents occur, seat belts save lives. People not wearing seat belts have a much higher death rate than those wearing them. Be sure to always wear yours; it's the most
effective way to save your life!

Avoid alcohol
Alcohol and driving don't mix- ever! In many places, drunk driving is the major cause of traffic accidents. Take your trip without the deadly addition of alcohol.
This summer, make sure all your road trips end safely and happily!

crash(n)-car crash, car hit the car or something that not move to cause the damage.撞击,毁损.
Laurie broke her leg in a car crash last Friday.
*Many passengers were injured in the car crash last night. 受伤
*The survivors of the train crash were rushed to the nearest hospital.生还者,火车事故.
*A convertible crashed into a store and the driver was seriously injured. 跑车
rate(n)- measurement, it usually refer to comparison with others.
The growth rate of children is much higher than 50 years ago because of better food.
*The birth rate of many European countries is decreasing continually. 生育率持续
*The unemployment rate is increasing due to the recession.
*The treatment has a high success rate in treating ulcers. 成功率,治愈胃溃疡
alcohol-Never drive your car or motorcycle after drinking alcohol!
drunk(adj)-When the policeman stopped the driver, it was easy to see that the driver was drunk. 酒醉,醉酒状态
deadly(adj)-can cause death. 致命地
*The deadly disease finally disappeared due to the development of the vaccine.绝迹,疫苗的发明.
*A deadly virus was found in the water. 致命地病毒
common sense, friendly reminder.
Okay, I'm coming.
I'm leaving, it's time for me to go.
stay off- leave off, kept off. stay off the cell phone=don't talk on the cell phone.
tiredness-feeling tire, exhaust
buckle up the seat belt.
you get something, I get other, bring a map, beware the speed limit and the road situation.
accident-something mistake or bad, not plan it happen.
C.M=center meter
drunk-alcohol get into the body, it cause the mind and body react slow and not working properly
.. a bid of out of control by alcohol.
effective way (ifektiv)

If so, why not review a few safely tips to help you travel safely?
if so =If it is so, in the way that was just mentioned.
Do you have road trips planned for the summer?
If you do have road trips planned for the summer, why not review a few safety tips to help you travel safely?
( use if so to avoid too much words in the sentence. For the formal situation,use if so to shorter the sentence and straight to the point
The weather has been clear and sunny and will remain so until tomorrow.
Billy has always been afraid of germs, and after he had that flu last month he became even more so.
Are you interested in the latest fashions and designs? If so, then come visit the fashion fair at the mall.

Chat Room
road trip =car trip, people like to use road trip refer to taking trip by car. 开车旅游.
hit the road--to start the journey.(很口语的说准备出发,上路了)
Let's get the show on the road-开始着手某事,开始工作,着手进行.
the end of the show on the road--一条路的终点.意指无路可走,结束了.
down the road- something in front of you, refer to the future.未来.
She may have children down the road, but definite not any time soon. 未来有可能,目前不会.
rocky road-颠簸的路,艱難困苦的路
on the rocky road-在颠簸的路,艱難困苦的路上
don't hit on the rocky road-不要(别)走颠簸的路,艱難困苦的路

The 2009 World Games 7-15,16,17

Kaohsiung welcomes the world .
Athletes from around th world are in Kaohsiung this month.
by Simon Stopps

This month, visitors from around the world converge on Kaohsiung to participate in one of the world's foremost athletic competitions-the World Games. Though independent of the Olympics, the World Games have much in common with their larger Olympic cousin. Both competitions follow the principles of the Olympics charter, and both are held every 4 years, like the Olypics, the World Games begin with an opening ceremony and conclude with a closing ceremony. But most importantly, both seek to unite people from around the world through friendly competition.

Though the similarities are important, the differences between the two competitions are what really set the World Games apart. Unlike the Olympics, the World Games do not require the host city to build new facilities, but encourage it to make use of existing venues. As a result a broad range of cities from Duisburg, Germany, to Akita, Japan, is eligible to hose the event.

More importantly, the World Games intentionally include sports that, while recognized by the International Olympic Committee, are not included in the Olympic Games. Consequently, the World Games offer a collection of popular and exciting sports that appeal to a broad audience.

bound,spring and flip down to 20 m in 5 seconds
Tug-of -war
An event that relies heavily on strength and teamwork, tug-of-war is a sport with ancient roots. Two teams of eight pull on opposite ends of a rope. A team wins by pulling the center of the rope a full four men away from the opposition .
In Kaohsiung, tug-of-war will be held at the National Sun Yat-Sen University.
The sport of modern wushu, based on traditional Chinese martial arts, is composed of two disciplines, In the first, called taolu(套路), athletes are judged on their performance of a series of kicks, punches and jumps. In the second, called sanda (散打) athletes face off in full-contact sparring.

Boules sports
Based on an ancient Roman game, the name boules comes from the French word for balls. Teams of players take turns tossing balls toward a small ball. Players are awarded points if their large balls land closer to the small ball than those of their adversaries.
A relatively new activity, competitive climbing has grown quickly in popularity. In climbing, athletes either race to the top of identical rock walls, or they compete to complete the most difficult climbing routes.
Rugby sevens
In rugby, teams of players carry, kick, pass and run a ball to score as many points as possible. Unlike conventional rugby, which uses teams of 15 players, rugby sevens pits two teams of seven against each other in short 15 minute matches. The result is a game that maintains the essence of rugby but is extraordinarily fast-paced and requires a high degree of strategy. In Kaohsiung, rugby sevens will be held in a brand-new stadium.
Since their beginning in 1981, the World Games have continuously grown in both size and importance.
This year's Kaohsiung Games, with an estimated 4,500 athletes competing in 31 sports, promise to be the most successful and exciting yet.

Converge (v)-to meet together or to come together.聚集,汇集.
Each morning, the students converge on the playground to begin the school day.
*Medical professionals converged on the conference to exchange ideas.医药界,交换资讯.
*Many residents converged outside of the community center to protest the meeting.居民在社区活动中心的外面抗议集会.
charter(n)-a statement or document gives the definition of the organization to define the the principle or policy
The role of the school in the surrounding community is explained in the university's charter.
venues-is a place where the activities take place.事情发生或集合得来地点.
The city has prepared a number of terrific venues for both tourists and business visitors.
*The Hyatt Hotel, the venue for the film festival, is fully packed this week. 凯悦饭店,银展场地,挤满了人.
*The school's gymnasium is an ideal venue for our basketball competition.
eligible (adj)-legal rights. 符合条件的,合格的.
Terry is meeting with the students who are eligible to join the school basketball team.
*Ricky is nearsighted, so he's not eligible for the air force. 近视,空军.
*Susan already got her credentials, so she is eligible to teach now.
cousin, the relative.
host-you host a party is you invite people as visitor or guests to join the party.
host city- is the city take visitors as guests.
make them more interesting to watch.
to make unity or oneness through competition.
World game starts from 7-16 to7-26, 11 days event this year, 2009.

Chat Room
set apart- made different from 使某样东西,显得突出,与众不同.
-Her good looking face set her apart in her class.
set aside- to reserve something.搁置一旁,放在一边.
-She set aside money for rainy day.
set about-start, begin. 着手,开始的意思.
-All depend on how you set about it.

Charlotte jumped over the fence in one bound.
flip-turn around, 360 degree or a couple of different 360 degree flip (turn)翻,翻转
Steve did an amazing flip when he jumped into the pool.
feature- something special that will happen.
state-of-the-art- the top of a kind.
state-of-the-art--艺术的(完美)境界, 近常用于某种先进的科技产品,最先进的.
*The museum uses a state-of-the-art security system. 用最先进的保安系统.
opposition (n)- 比赛(对方)打仗(敌方)本来是指反对,反抗。此处指对方的队伍,对手,整个团体。oppose-反对。play against.
The opposition in the speech contest will be tough.
*The opposition has a strong defense, so today's game is going to be tough.
martial art-a type of Wushu。(武术)柔道,功夫,摔跤等 Ben has been practicing this particular martial art for most of his life.
tug-of-war--拔河8 people a team, two teams are pulling on the end of the rope with strength, back and forth.
spar-compete, fighting, facing to each other kicks, punches to fight with full body.跆拳道。轻拳出击。拳鬥.争吵,争闹.
*The two boxers were sparring to test each other. 轻轻出击,要探对方的虚实.
*This newlywed couple are sparring over minor things again. 为芝麻小事吵闹.

Chat Room
fist-拳头 close hand.
slap-用手掌打人hit someone with an open hand.
punch-用拳头打人 hit someone with fist
punch the clock-打卡
punch in-签到
punch out- 签退
pull punches -- to hold back the strength when punching--not telling the truth directly. most time use on the negatively.用拳打人通常都很用力,pull 有拉回的意思,即不是很用力,力量收回,意指婉转的批评.
not pull punches, Don't pulling the punches---说话很直接,不要有所保留.(通常用在不好得很表现,不好的结果,不太方便直接说的事.)

adversary (n)-component 敌人,对手.竞争对手.
Payton has been my adversary in the last three hockey games.
*Victor sees Johnny as his main adversary in the company.主要对手.
*Germany and Brazil, long-time soccer adversaries, will compete against each other again this year. 长期足球对手今年又要交锋.
relatively(adv)-Math is a relatively difficult subject for me.相对地,比较地,二者比较起来比较上来说,比较后一般地说.(relative)相对的,相关的.
The cost of living here is relatively lower than Tokyo's.
Relatively speaking, students who go to private schools achieve better grades. 功课比较好.
pits-to put, to make---to make two teams to fight or compete.
essence- essential, quality. 精髓,精华.精油.
Mr. Mitchell thinks that good planning is the essence of good decision-making.
*The essence of Japanese cuisine is the freshness of the ingredients and the layout of the food. 
*The essence of cheerleading is teamwork.
essence of chamomiles-小甘菊的精油
extraordinarily (adv.)-extremely, not normal.
The cost of eating in that restaurant is extraordinarily high.
wrap up-Before we wrap up this lesson (story), let us look at...结束

A relatively new activity, competitive climbing has grown quickly in popularity.
(1) Competitive climbing is a relatively new activity.
(2) Competitive climbing has grown quickly in popularity.
(put these two above sentences into one sentence, to avoid use twice adjective and repeat the subjuect word. same subject. combine two sentences. (use be verb, sentence 1 (,) plus sentence 2) such as:
Competitive climbing is a relatively new activity and has grown quickly in popularity.
For example:
James is a third-year Ph.D. candidate. He is studying in Paris.
A third-year Ph.D. candidate, James is studying in Paris.
Karen is a serious ballet student. She is taking six classes per week.
A serious ballet student, Karen is taking six classes per week.

Chat Room
land (v)-降落The plane has landed. something is landed.着地,着陆.
landing on one's feet-safely landed, like a cat, fall on the ground with it's feet. safe ,no hurting. 安全落地,意指安然无恙的度过难关.
cat landing on it's feet-安然无恙,站稳.
land a job-obtain, get a job.获得.
land a fish-we landed a fish, we caught a fish.
land a big prize-He is landed a big prize.获得大奖.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

word notes

Uniquely-Many of the town's holiday traditions are uniquely European.

*The valley's vegetation is uniquely its own.

Movement- For many years, the environmental movement has been encouraging recycling.

Souvenir-Jacky returned from her vacation with her arms full of souvenirs.

*The store sells all sorts of souvenirs of the Eiffel towel.

*She bought a drum as a souvenir of her trip in Africa.

initially-Everyone initially thought Michael had won, but later the race was declared a tie.

*....was much more severe than initially expected.

*Initially, she worked as receptionist, and than....

Five rings linked together is the official Olympic symbol.

What do the five rings symbolize? -Respect

Exhibit- Rachel will exhibit her favorite photographs in the park next weekend.

*These young actors exhibited their talent during the show.

*She exhibited calmness during the crisis.

Oath-The three brothers took an oath to always protect each other.

*...was reminded by the judge that he was under oath.

*He took an oath in the court room by placing his hand ...

On behalf of- I would like to thank Mrs. Taylor, on behalf of all the students, for all of her hard work.

On behalf of someone-

On behalf of my family, I would like to thank you for...

James attended the meeting on behalf of his boss.

...from all over the country on behalf of the orphans

What do athletes promise Not to do in the Olympic Oath?--Take performance-enhancing drugs.

Under the Olympic Oath to follow the rules, practice good sportsmanship.

What do doves symbolized? -PEACE.

Unfortunate-The unfortunate accident caused Maria to miss her meeting.

Wee-- If you look closely, you will see several wee fish in the bottom of the fish tank.

Marvelous- everyone agreed that Pavarotti had the most marvelous singing voice of his generation.

Emily is eloquent. She can easily talk me down.

....wanted $4000, but I talked him down to $3,000.

An employer should avoid talking down to his staff.

...any opportunity he could to talk up his new products

Co-stars always talk up each other when they're promoting.

The poor wee kitten was shivering in the wind.

Would you care for just a wee bit more sugar.

..I'm a wee bit worried about him.

What phrase describes a person who is too tired to talk anymore? talked out.

talk out, talked in, talk up, talked down

Style-I really like the style of sherry's clothes. She always looks great!

Durable- This coat will last for 10 years because it is so durable.

*Their washing machines are durable.

*This windbreaker is made of a durable synthetic fabric.

* It is hoped that the treaty will maintain a durable pace.

denim-Wendy loves denim. She must have 20 pairs of jeans!

inspiration-Ben's poem was the inspiration for Mark's song.

*Many artists seek inspiration from exotic cultures.

The trip to Alaska provided him with inspiration food.

Larry's wife has always been his inspiration for painting.

The snow-clad mountain become the beer's trademark.

The fur-clad lady got every one's attention.

In which decade was the Levi's brand born? 1870s

Who were the first to wear jeans in Hollywood movies? Cowboys.

Leisure- Vivian spends most of her leisure time shopping at the mall.

*The resort offers excellent leisure facilities.

* Victor works too hard. he seldom has any leisure time.

* provides all sorts of leisure activities.

Designer-Have you seen that new designer dress in the shop on First Street? The style is really nice.

*Designer sunglasses are not necessarily better than...

*The designer wedding gown costs over $20,000.

Detail- Look at all the colorful detail on Jim's new car. I love all the stripes.

*The elaborate detail on this gown made it the most...

*The metal detail on the jacket was totally handmade.

baggy- Nancy doesn't like tight clothes, so she buys baggy ones.

Calvin Stewart made what kind of jeans? APO

Which famous person was NOT a jean-wearing film star? Gloria Vanderbilt.

Picturesque-David and Ruth were married in a picturesque church by the sea.

collectively-While traveling through Europe, our group collectively decided to stay in Spain for three extra days.

*All the residents of this town were paid collectively ...

*...of this enterprise went on strike collectively.

aftermath-In the aftermath of the flood, emergency workers set up food stations and temporary shelters.

*Many people got sick in the aftermath of the big flood.

*...needed to be rebuilt in the aftermath of the earthquake.

octagonal-Most stop signs around the world have an octagonal design.

intact-Although Ryan has experienced a lot of difficulties this year, his sense of humor is still intact.

*The antique vases remained intact during moving.

The love between the couple remains intact.

Which province is NOT part of the Maritimes? Quebec

What is NOT true about Halifax? It is the capital of New Brunswick.

Halifax, it has one of the world's largest harbors,it has a strong nautical tradition, and it has a Maritime Museum.

funnel-The waitress used a funnel to pour ketchup into the bottles.

*He used a funnel to put gasoline into the oil tank.

*She funneled shampoo into a small bottle so....

*The river funneled through the valley and out to sea.

likewise-Barbara is a great teacher, and likewise a great mother!

* punch in when you arrive, and do likewise.


Scrumptious- Lynn prepared several scrumptious desserts for the company birthday party.

*Those scrumptious chocolates are so hard to resist.

*you can find scrumptious food and wine everywhere.

Vendor-This night market has hundreds of vendors that sell snacks, drinks clothes and lots of other things!

Alliteration-Flo put flowers on the floor , Patsy picked purple peppers. Leo is a language lover.

Shelly sells seashells by the seashore.

What is the Bay of Fundy known for?-Gigantic waves

What kind of culture will you find in New Brunswick?--French.

renowned-The louvre is renowned as one of the greatest art museums in the world.

world-renowned-this world-renowned cellist will be performing.

blockbuster-The blockbuster film Titanic received 11 Academy Awards.

*Her first navel was a blockbuster, which made her famous.

*The movie"Spider-man" became a blockbuster, and...

host-The sunny state of Florida offers a host of water parks and amusement parks, so it's a great vacation spot for families.

*The cruise provides a host of sports programs.

bed-and -breakfast--This beautiful bed-and-breakfast offers a wonderful mountain view.

What is Not true about One-Day University? -the classes are on Mondays

One-day University , the teachers are top professors, the lectures are 70 minutes long. the students are adults.

Which university has made their courses and lectures available online for no cost? MIT

Aptly-The news reporter aptly called the disaster the worst one to ever hit that area.

Quebec is a largely French-speaking province in eastern Canada.

While Sam was in Europe, he toured several villages that dated back to medieval times.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Emma Roberts 7-10-09,7-11-09

This young star has more than just her aunt’s famous smile
Actress Emma Roberts is jproving that she's got more than just her aunt's famous last name.
by Beth Bowyer Wei

In first grade, Emma Roberts' teacher asked her students to write down what they wanted to be when they grew up. While the other kids wrote "astronaut" or "doctor," Emma wrote"actress." That's not surprising, considering she visited her first movie set when she was only 2 weeks old-and has been on them ever since. As the daughter of Oscar-nominated actor Eric Roberts and the niece of superstar Julia Roberts, Emma has acting in her blood. The bright-eyed 18-year-old is proving she has true movie star talent and not just a famous name.

After several small movie roles, including ones alongside Johnny Depp, Bruce Willis and her aunt Julia, Emma's big break came in 2004. That year, she began starring in Unfabulous, a hit series on Kids' network Nickelodeon. She played the lead role of Addie Singer, an unpopular junior high schooler who wrote her own songs. While filming the show, she became one of the first adolescent actors to keep an ongoing blog about working on a TV show. Emma used it to let fans in on behind-the-scenes action as well as introduce them to Hollywood lingo.


Film success
In 2006, Emma returned to the big screen in Aquamarine as a girl who found a mermaid in a swimming pool. Then in 2007, she played her biggest role yet-teenage detective Nancy Drew, in the film version of the best-selling mystery novels.

Earlier this year, Emma starred in the movie Hotel for Dogs in which she and her little brother opened a shelter for stray dogs. Emma also appeared in two independent films this year, both of which premiered at the prestigious Sundance Film festival.

A bright future
As she takes on more grown-up film roles. Emma hopes to follow in the footsteps of actors like Shia LaBeouf and Anne Hathaway. She admires the way they effortlessly transitioned from children's roles to more mature roles. For now, however, Emma's next "role" will involve hitting the books! This fall Emma, who has been homeschooled most of her life, plans to start university. She hopes to devote most of her time to studying literature but says she'll be keeping her eyes open for movie projects. There's no doubt wherever she is on campus or on set-this Hollywood heir will continue to make a name for herself!

Did you know:
Last year, Vanity Fair magazine added Emma to its elite "Bright Young Hollywood" list.
Emma is extremely close to her aunt. Julia Roberts. Many claim that the two are look-alike.
Emma loves to read and play volleyball. Her favorite actors are Matt Damon and Johnny Depp.
Her favorite actresses are Reese Witherspoon and Cameron Diaz.
Emma has a cat named Coco Chanel.

nominate(v)-提名,推荐 (为甚么推荐或提名某人用(for or as) nominee-被提名的人
Several Grammy-nominated singers performed at the sold-out concert.
*Sandra was nominated for the chairperson of the committee.主席,委员会
We nominated Paul as the leader of our study group.读书小组的组长
in one's blood (idiom)-血统家世
As the grandson of a governor and the son of a mayor, Bill has politics in his blood.
*Geoffrey has singing in his blood. His father is a famous tenor. 男高音
in one's blood=run in one's blood
Many of Frankie's family are good at math. It runs in the family. 有数学的天赋,来自家庭
alongside (prep)-along (一起) with, beside 在某个对象的旁边。在。。周围,在和。。一起
Nancy landed a newspaper job alongside some of the best reporters in the state.
*Hank parked his car alongside ours. 停在我们车子的旁边
*Yvonne sat alongside her best friend Janet during the class.坐在一气。
adolescent (adj)-青少年
Thousands of excited adolescent girls showed up for the Janet's Brothers concert.
movie set- movie making, build construction where the movie is being shot
big break- your chance to shine
Hollywood lingo.--lingo-referring to vocabularies or language that use in a specific field such as movie lingo called Hollywood lingo. lingo also use on business lingo, education lingo, medical lingo.
movie lingo- banana (v) means 从人后绕行,不要挡到人或影响别人。

Chat Room
Actor, actress 男演员,女演员,(女明星)
actress, suffix (ess) refer to female.
actress, waitress, stewardess.
gender-neutral 性别中立 (女性主义抬头)
policeman, policewoman=police officer
stewardess=flight attendant
one of the first adolescent actors (广义的使用)所有的青少年演员。。。


Then in 2007, she played her biggest role yet- teenage detective Nancy Drew....
yet=at this time=up to the present (yet-不都是用在否定) 到目前为止的
not yet
Then in 2007, she played her biggest role up to now-teenage detective Nancy Drew....
Last week, the Thompson family received the best news yet -Mrs. Thompson's test results, showed that she does not have cancer.
Stanley ate 40 hotdogs in ten minutes at the school carnival; this is the school's fastest record yet.

version- film is base on the book, book is version, or film version.版本,形式.或是对一件是的说法.
Which version of the story did you enjoy most: the book, the play or the movie?
*The latest version of this computer game is already out of stack. 最新版,缺货
*The Chinese version of this novel will be published in September.
*David's version of the quarrel is completely different from his wife's. 吵架,说法完全不同.
stray-wonder around on the street, no home.
Melissa started a local organization that helps stray cats and dogs find good homes.
hit the books (idiom)-study hard.为了考试而赶快k书,敖夜读书.
After playing soccer all afternoon, Tommy hit the books because he had a big test the next day.
*Tomorrow is the final exam. I need to go home and hit the books now.
*Since Diane stayed up hitting the books all night last night....
heir-a person who inherit someones' name or property. 后嗣,继承人,
That young man is the heir to an oil fortune. One day, he will inherit billions of dollars.
*The royal couple has been married for 10 years but still have no heir to the throne.无后嗣,继承王位
*Eric is heir to this large estate in Wales. 威尔斯广大土地.
independent film-small unknown private company, it's more independent not relied on the famous or well-known big company.
footstep-follow the path of someone.
make a name for yourself-ultimately achieve a fame.
mermaid-a half woman, and a half fish, is not a real creature, is an imaginary of fair tale.
big screen-refer to movie. (theater has a big movie screen)

Chat Room
homeschool (v)-homeschooling 在家教育,(学区不好,地区偏远, 时间不能配合等因素)
brick-and-mortar school-(brick-and-mortar (adj.)=material to use on the structure of building)
Brick砖和 mortar 水泥和砂混和物 (实在的,有场所的 (学校))
real school with structure.
On-line-store- 网络,虚凝商店it is not operate a brick-and-mortar store.
homeschool (adj) student 在家学习的学生(不必上学的差,好几届拿到冠军在 National Spelling Bee全国英语比赛拼字)