Monday, May 20, 2013

New Kid on the Block

Life in an American junior high school
街角的新面孔 - 美國國中生活點滴.

As the new kid on the block, my daughter Irene needs to deal with and overcome several difficulties. Fortunately, there are detailed instructions for parents and students who move to our area. From enrollment to the academic program, we followed the step by step.

My daughter graduated from grade school in Taipei, so she is entering the seventh grade. Each semester, the school holds an orientation for transfer students like her and new sixth graders.  We thought that would be the perfect time for us to learn more about the school. However parents aren't allowed! The school expects middle-schoolers to be independent and have self-discipline. So my brave daughter went with two new friends from church.

The activities included getting to know your campus, finding your classrooms and learning how to read the bulletin board. In the classroom, the students played Bingo in small groups to learn more about each other.

The second week of the semester, the school had a "back to school" night. Parents meet the teachers and learn about their child's schedule, requirements and grading. The biggest difference between elementary and middle school is that the students change classrooms for each subject. Do you think that's complicated? Wrong! From Monday to Friday, the schedule also changes. Math can be the first class on Monday and then the second one on Tuesday. I'm still confused but the kids have no problem after the first week.

Students attend seven classes each day. Every student has different classes from the others depending on their electives. Some study Spanish, some learn French. Classes end at 2:40, and the school bus takes the students home. So far, Irene has missed the school bus twice and gone to the wrong class once. But I think she likes her new school. This new kid on the block is finding her way despite the language barrier. We can only stand beside her, support her and look forward to a great school year!

Grammar Gym:
This new kid on the block is finding her way despite the language barrier.
"to find one's way" - to find a direction from one place to another.
"to find one's way" - to figuring things out.
Jason would not have found his way in the corporate world if he hadn't followed his father's advice.
With good common sense and a positive working attitude. Janet is finding her way in her new job.

Vocabulary Tips:
enrollment -注册,入学。 "en" -是如何如何。 "roll" -名册,名单。
*Enrollment for this semester is already closed.
enroll (v) -使入学,使注册。
*Mandy tried to enroll her daughter in a private school.
academic -学业的,(重音在第三节)
*Alice's academic performance at school is outstanding.
academic -学业成绩优异的。
*Hank is bright, but not very academic.
academy (n) -学院。
*a police academy.
self-discipline :自律,自我约束。 'self'-自己 'discipline'-纪律
*To become a great athlete requires determination and self-discipline.需要决心与自律
self-disciplined -自律的
*He lives a self-disciplined lifestyle.过着自律的生活方式。
bulletin board -公布栏,公告栏。 'bulletin'-公布,公告。 'board'-板。
*Our poster was taken off the bulletin board.
*The time and the location of the meeting will be posted on the bulletin board.
block - street block, refer to the area, the street block where they live.
fortunately - good news.
step by step - one thing at a time, slowly follow the instruction.
the grade school - the elementary school.
orientation - introduction, tell you more about what you need to know.
transfer student - who start at one school and go to another school.
the first year junior high student / the 6th grader -In U.S.A. the junior high start on 6th grade, the elementary is from first grade to fifth grade. The 6th grade is the first year in junior high.
self-discipline / self-control :
self-discipline - do whatever you should do without parents tell you.
self-control - not to do what you shouldn't do without people remind you not to do.
complicated (adj) -not simple, not easy. 复杂的。 complicate (v)-使复杂。
*The application procedure is too complicated for me.
complicated -混乱的,麻烦的。
*The situation in the Middle East is complicated.
confused - not understand very well.感到困惑,或是不清楚的。 confuse -使迷惑。
*The new computer system made me so confused.
confused about -那件事令人感到困惑要在confused后面加"about"
*I am confused about how to get to the train station.
elective (n) - 选修课, 选出来的。 elect (v)-选出。select.
*I chose marketing as one of my electives.
*Wilma holds an appointed position while Donna holds an elective office.
despite - disregard, regardless of the situation, still....虽然,尽管。。。。仍然。。。怎样。。
*Susan finished her doctoral degree despite her illness.
*Despite the objections of their parents, Ricky and Chloe still got married.
requirement - something you have to have or do.
so far - up to this time, up to this point.

Language Tips:
break the ice - 破冰, 把冰打破。把僵局打开, 特别指在彼此不认识的情况下,某人开口讲话,打破尴尬,消除沉默的气氛,他就是break the ice。
ice -冰,也指人与人之间的矜持。
icebreaker -破冰游戏。彼此不认识的活动中,主持人总是先来个icebreaker -破冰游戏。
elective - 选修课,不是必修课。
global understanding -对世界的认识。也可帮助自己的世界和各国文化的增进, 也能帮助你进入号的大学,或获得更好的工作。更能欣赏外国的电影,音乐,书籍。更值得的是你可以结交很多世界各国不同的朋友。

Taking notes of study "StudioClassroom"

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