Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Downside of Staying Connected

The habit of looking down at your smartphone or tablet could be hurting you
小心長簡訊脖! - 低頭注視你的智慧手機或平板電 腦的習慣可能對你有害.

The next time you're riding a subway or bus pay attention to your fellow passengers. Chances are you'll see plenty of them with their heads down, tapping the screens of their tablets or texting on their smartphones.

While these folks may be making good use of their time by staying connected, their bodies are paying a heavy price for such convenience. As hand-held devices such as smartphones and tablets are becoming more common, users are reporting some new physical problems.

Florida chiropractor Dean Fishman began noticing an increased number of his patients complaining of neck and shoulder pain. He traced these symptoms to the overuse of hand-held devices, specifically the action of bending the neck, and  coined the term "Text Neck." As if the painful symptoms weren't bad enough, Fishman warns that an untreated case of Text Neck could lead to permanent spinal damage. He founded The Text Neck Institute in an effort to treat and educate those suffering from Text Neck. Treatments offered there include chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage therapy and exercise planning.

Ways to prevent Text Neck
In order to avoid or reduce the possibility of getting Text Neck, use the following basic ergonomic principles.

*** Avoid awkward positioning. Don't strain your neck, and stay aware of how your body is positioned in relation to the device.

*** Take frequent breaks when using any kind of mobile device. Many doctors recommend that users change their position every 15 minutes.

*** When using a tablet use a case that can prop up the device at a comfortable viewing angle.

There's an app for that
For those who simply can't take their eyes off of their devices, there is an ironic twist - downloading a special app could help. Dr. Fishman has released an app called the Text Neck Indicator App, which measures the angle of your smartphone. When the angle is appropriate, a green light appears in the upper corner of your screen. But when the angle puts you at risk for neck strain, the light turns red, triggering you to adjust your angle. So go ahead and stay connected, but don't let your body - or your neck - stay in one position for too long.

Grammar Gym"
" increased number of his patients complaining of neck and shoulder pain." 

the pattern in a formal way to say something more and more.... "An increased number of (something + verb-ing)".

An increased number of girls getting cosmetic surgery....
An increased number of investors buying property in this part of town....

Vocabulary Tips:
downside - negative result.缺点,负面的效应
*The downside of working abroad is being away from friends and family.
upside - positive result.好处,有利的一面。
*Even though Paul was fired, the upside is that he doesn't have to work for that terrible boss any longer.
make good use of something - use the most of it, not waste it. 善用,好好利用。
*Will decided to make good use of his business trip to see Rome.
symptom - sign of something. what are your symptom when you sick.症状,
*The symptoms of the flu are a fever, runny nose, coughing and muscle pain. 流感。。
symptom -症兆,征兆,症候.
*Constant conflicts are one symptom of an unhealthy marriage. 不断的冲突。
chiropractor (n)- who rub, massage of patients' muscle and treat people's body pain.整脊师,脊椎指压治疗师。
*After one visit to my chiropractor, my back stopped hurting.
chiropractic (adj)- 指压脊椎治疗的。
chiropractic treatment -指压脊椎治疗的治疗。
chances are - possibility.
traced something to something else - follow something to something else. draw a line from one thing to another.
coin (v) - coined, to create, to invent.
as if something isn't bad enough - if this is not bad enough, there is something that is worst.
spinal - main back bone. 脊椎。
massage - rub, back rub, rub the muscle.
in order to ..... (do something) - for ...something. (为了。。)
ergonomic (adj) - specific make for your comfort. something that  is comfortable.人类环境改造学的。
strain -pull it or force it in uncomfortable way.拉伤,扭伤,
* Janet strained the muscles in the back of her leg while hiking.。。。拉伤了后腿的肌肉。。
* Alex strained his back while carrying his son.。。抱他儿子闪到腰(背)
strain -压力,负担。
*Brenda has been under a lot of strain lately.  最近压力很大。
prop something up -support you to keep up a certain position. 支撑,支持某样东西。
prop (n) -道具, prop (v)-支撑。
*Gina propped herself up with a lot of pillows so that she could read in bed.用很多枕头支撑(她可以在床上看书)。
*It is hoped that the new policy will prop up the economy.
ironic (adj) - not expect it means it does.说反话的,讽刺的,幽默地,反常的,出乎意料的。
*His ironic remarks really irritated me. 他讥讽的话语。。惹恼的我。
*It's so ironic to see an independent group being commercialized like this.非常讽刺的。。。商业化到如此地步。
irony -讽刺。
*You can always find a hint of irony in his work.经常在他的作品中看到一丝丝嘲讽。
indicator - a sign that tell you something.指示者,指示器,指标。
indication (n)-a sign that tell you something。标示,指标, 信号。
indicate -指示,标明,标示。
*The color of the outfit Patricia is wearing is an indicator of her mood today.穿着衣服的颜色是显示她今天心情好坏的风向球。
*Oil prices are one of the indicators of inflation.油价上涨是通膨的指标之一。
trigger - pull the trigger, alarm.
in relation to something - refer to position, where is this place from another place.
*Where is the post office in relation to this hotel?

Language Tips:
text neck - 简讯脖。
R.S.I. = Repetitive Strain Injury. 重复使力伤害,重复使用某部为肌肉而引起的伤害。
tennis elbow -网球肘。手肘疼痛。
blackberry -黑莓,
blackberry thumb -有种手机,叫“黑莓机”前几年很风行的, 年轻人用左右二大拇指在黑莓机上不断地打text,而使得大拇指受伤。blackberry thumb 由此而来。
rubik's wrist - 玩魔术方块,大量使用手腕,手腕重复使力,转动而造成的疼痛伤害。
my arm fell asleep -头伏在手上趴在桌子上睡,醒来,双手发麻。我们可以说my arm fell asleep, 非常口语的说法。
my leg fell asleep -(口语的说法)我的腿发麻。
numb - 发麻,身体某处发麻,正式的说法"numb", "b" -不发音
pins and needles - 手脚由发麻中苏醒,感到麻麻的,又有刺痛如很多的针在扎,就说"pins and needles"
避免姿势不正确而受伤,最好:Don't let your body - or your neck - stay in one position for too long.

Taking note of study "Studio Classroom"

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Art of Mime

In this art form, actions speak louder than words
默劇的藝術 - 在這種藝術形式中,肢體動作勝 於言語

What do you think of when you think of face painted white? A shirt with stripes? White gloves and a black hat? In the West this figure might come to mind when we think of mime. 

Mime is the art of acting without using speech. The word can also refer to a person who performs this art. This type of art has grown and changed over the centuries. What began as a simple form of communication is now a form of theater.

Mime through the ages
Mime is one of the earliest forms of self-expression. As languages were developing, humans still used their bodies to speak. Mime first became an art form in ancient Greece. Silent actors performed everyday scenes using gestures. These plays often taught a lesson about values.When the Romans conquered Greece, they took the art of mime back to Italy. There they made it their own. Even after the fall of the Roman Empire, mime survived.

In the mid-1500s mime became a form of street performance in Italy. Mimes wore masks and acted out comedies. Because masks hid their faces, they could make fun of any aspect of society. Everyone enjoyed these performances - young and old, rich and poor.

Mimes also traveled around Europe. Because their art had no words, there was no language barrier. Mime became especially popular in France. French performers created famous mime characters like Pierrot and Bip. These characters helped shape today's mime.

Mime like a pro
Want to try mime? Try communication only through body language; no talking allowed. Watch people's facial expressions and gestures closely and practice copying them. Create a story to act out - this will be more interesting to your audience. No props? No worries! You can create anything you need out of thin air.

The most important thing is to believe your illusion. If you believe it's real, your audience will, too!

Grammar Tips:
"What began as a simple form of communication is now a form of theater."

"What began as a now a..." this pattern is use in formal situation when you talk about something was in a way but now is changed to anther way.

What began as a tiny laboratory in the back of a school building is now a separate research center.
What began as a two-man business team is now a company with five hundred workers.

Vocabulary Tips:
perform -表演,演出
*The band will perform tonight at the prom.毕业舞会。
*The singer started performing in the early 70's.
perform -表现
*John performed well in this project.
communication - a way to keep relationship with people.传播,沟通,交流。
*Facebook opened a new way of communication.
*She had no communication with her parents once she moved out.
communication -通讯。
*Communication equipment.通讯器材,通讯设备。
self - expression :show people what you think, express yourself.自我表现.
self - 自己
expression -表达。
*He sees his poems as an important way for self-expression.
*Fashion is a medium for self-expression.媒介
gesture -手势,姿势。
*The professor loves to use gestures to emphasize his points. 喜欢用手势来强调他的重点。
gesture -用动作示意
*My boss gestured me to close the door. 。。用动作示意我把门关上。
mime (n) -滑稽的动作戏,丑角,喜剧演员,默剧动作,哑剧默剧无声的动作表演。
over (time) - something is going on and being last a long time.
*over the years, over the months, over the weeks.
performance -演出。表现 do.
*The actor's brilliant performance won him several awards.
performer (n) - person who perform the work.表演者。
*He's a world-renowned classical music performer.
barrier -障碍,阻碍。a block, block for something, separate from..., put a barrier  between our house and our neighbor, so we build a fence.
language barrier - 语言障碍。
*The couple conquered their age barrier and finally got married.。。年纪差异的障碍。。。
barrier -栅栏,关卡。
*The officer checks the papers of everyone who passes the barrier.
prop (n)- 道具something that support your performance, make audience easy to understand. 道具。
*The play company does their own props.
*The props for this scene are a table, a chair and a vase.
*The props used in the movie were donated to a fund-raising auction.募款。拍卖。
out of thin air -无中生有。凭空的。
thin air - wind, nothing in the air.风,抓摸虚无。
*The fairly appeared out of thin air in Cinderella's room.
*I can't come up with such a large amount of money out of thin air.
mask - a cover that hide your face behind it.
act out (act something out ) (act thing s out )- acting it out with gestures. perform.
comedies - the play is very funny and make people laugh.
acted out comedies-perform comedies.
make fun of something or someone - a kind of jock about something or someone. Be careful, it may not a good idea to make fun of someone who not enjoy or not accept it.
shape - to form, to create, to build up. parents, teachers or books can shape your thinking.
facial - face show some expression we call facial expression- happy, mad, anger etc.

Language Tips:
actions speak louder than words - 行动胜于言辞,言语。。
action -行动
words -言辞,言语
Do as I say, not as I do. -照我说的做,别照我做的做。
monkey see monkey do.-猴子看什么学什么。小孩们也是,所以大人千万不要有不好的嗜好,举止在孩子们面前,不然你若是告诉他“Do as I say, not as I do”. 是无意义的。记住:“action speak louder than words ”。
澳洲的俚语No worries = (美国 )no problem.
澳洲的俚语good on you =(美国 )well done. 称赞的话。
澳洲的俚语 barbie = (美国 )barbecue
澳洲的俚语outback - (美国 )偏远,蛮荒的内陆地区。

Take notes of study "Studio Classroom"

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Plagiarism: A Common Crime

Are you an idea thief?
剽竊:常見的過犯 - 你會偷走別人的創意嗎?

An Important assignment is returned face-down on your desk, and you turn it over to see a big, red O on it! You did so much research and spent so many nights burning the midnight oil on this paper - how could this happen?

You plagiarized - that's what happened. Plagiarism is presenting another source's material as your own, which students often do, though it's considered to be both theft and fraud.

Obviously if you simply take an online article and call it your own, you are an unrepentant plagiarist. But you will be given the same label if you use just one quotation or concept from another's work without giving credit to the original author. People across the world have had degrees and positions revoked for such actions.

However, you can avoid all of these consequences by citing your sources in the correct format and by confirming you did your work through an online plagiarism checking service. For example, PlagTracker allows you to upload a document and receive a free plagiarism report based on material on all web pages and in its extensive database. PlagTracker is a foolproof way to make sure your writing is appropriately documented and to ensure that you won't be accused of plagiarism.

Grammar Gym:
".....Giving credit to the original author." 
"to give credit " - to acknowledge that somebody is responsible for something.
"to give credit to someone " - the person has done significant work, should let others to know.
Although the talented musician has won many awards, he always gives credit to his teacher.
Nobody likes to be on Harrison's team because he never gives credit to any of his teammates.

Vocabulary Tips:
fraud -欺骗,诈欺。
*He was sentenced for tax fraud.
*She was charged with credit card fraud.
fraud (n)-骗子,骗人的东西。
*All the paintings they sold are frauds.
unrepentant -not regret.  "un" -not, 有“否定”之意。没有悔意。
repentant - feel sorry for what did wrong.悔过,后悔,悔改。
*Eric is still unrepentant about his rude behavior toward his boss.
*These unrepentant teenagers stole from their classmates and teachers again and again.
cite (v)- use someone else's word or article. 引用,引证,引述。
cit your sources - say or state where you see or get information from. 引证来源。
*He cited several renowned writers in his article.
citation (n)- 引证,引用。
*All citations were listed at the end the thesis.
foolproof - you can not be fool, can not go wrong. 简单到愚笨的人都会的,极其简单,万无一失的。
fool -愚笨的。
proof - 能抵挡的。
*Rita developed a foolproof weight loss program.
*The security system is pretty well foolproof.
burning the midnight oil - stay awake all night. 开夜车熬夜。
crime - did something unlawful.
face down - face toward the bottom.
document - record, official record of something.
documented - passport that is your documented to tell where you came from and who you are.
accuse - say that you did it regardless whether you did it or not.
revoke - cancel, change, take back.

Language Tips:
plagiarism -抄袭,本文指“文字上的”
musical plagiarism -音乐上的抄袭。
sample -样品,样本。
sampling -取样。拿歌曲的一小段为歌曲的取样。在美国如果有人取用他人的歌曲取样而作成一首新歌是非法的。

Taking notes of study "Studio Classroom"

Friday, March 22, 2013

Amazing Bridges

 Bringing cultures and people closer together
令人歎為觀止的橋 - 拉近文化與民眾間的距離

Bridges come in many shapes and sizes, from simple spans to architectural wonders. People admire their beauty. The Sydney Harbor Bridge, Tower Bridge and the Golden Gate Bridge draw countless tourists each year.

Bridges area an important part of our transportation system,too. Imagine trying to get to work or school without any bridges! 

Amazing design
While all bridges rely on careful engineering, some attract attention because of their interesting examples of design. The Magdeburg Water Bridge in Germany is a wonderful example and looks a lot like an optical illusion. As strange as it sounds, the bridge connects two canals and allows their water to pass over the Elbe River. The bridge works like a "concrete bathtub" and helps boats avoid a long and difficult journey down the river.

Another showcase of bridge design is the Gateshead Millennium Bridge in England. The bridge is made of two steel arches that tip up to allow boats to pass underneath. Each time this self-cleaning bridge tips up trash rolls along the bridge and into traps at either end.

Different roles
Bridges do many things in additiong to spanning obstacles. The Khaju Bridge in Esfahan, Iran, illustrates some of the roles bridges play. Built around 1650, the bridge's graceful aches have provided people with a shady meeting place for hundreds of years. In the middle of the bridge sits an octagonal pavilion with an art gallery. It also acts as a dam. By blocking the flow of the Zayandeh River, the bridge provides water for gardens on its upstream side. Steps along its downstream side provide locals with a place for doing laundry.

Bridges in language and culture
Bridges also play a role in the English language. We warn people not to cross a bridge until they come to it and not to burn their bridges.

The past becomes water under the bridge. Culturally, bridges are a symbol of change. The feature in songs like "Bridge Over Troubled Water" and movies like the Bridge on the River Kwai. They also feature prominently in stories from around the world.

From transportation to culture, bridges play important roles in our daily lives.

Grammar Gym:
"While all bridges rely on careful engineering, some attract attention because of their interesting examples of design."
 sentence pattern "While all (situation A ), some (situation B )"
While all students have classes from Monday through Friday, some take special classes on Saturdays.
While all tourists visit the base of the waterfall, some take the extra time to hike to the top of the waterfall.

Vocabulary Tips:
transportation (n) - a tool that take people or things to get around. 运输,运送工具。
"trans" -“越过”之意, "port" -“运送”之意。
*Jason takes public transportation to save money. 公共交通(运输)工具。。。省钱。
*The transportation and lodging can be reimbursed afterward. 行住费用。。。
engineering - take math. science  and other knowledge to work together to come out something. 工程,工程学。
*Taipei 101's engineering is revolutionary. 。。工程创举。
genetic engineering-基因工程学。
engineer (n) - person study engineering and some day can become a specialist in the engineering field.工程师。
engineer (v) -设计制造。
*The hybrid car was engineered to save energy.。。。结合油电。。。设计制造出节省能源。
concrete - semen, hard and solid, not easy to break or damage.混凝土的,水泥的。
*The city is full of high-rise concrete buildings.高耸的水泥大楼建筑物。
concrete -solid and firm.具体的。
*The police don't have any concrete evidence to prove the suspect committed the crime.具体的证据。
underneath - something is under.在下面的,或是从地下的。
*I crawled underneath the truck to get my cat.
underneath -(介系词)指在。。。底下,在。。。下面。
*Howard always hides his keys underneath his doormat.
as strange as it sounds - use on something you talk to a person, make that person surprise,can't believe.
canal - men made water way.
The Magdeburg Water Bridge - (德国的)玛格德堡水桥。
obstacle - something is in the way. road obstacle to stop the car. 障碍,障碍物。
*The car hit an obstacle and rolled over.
obstacle + to +noun - 为达到某理想而遇到了障碍,用“to” 后面加“名词”
*The terrible weather is the biggest obstacle to rescuing the hikers.
illustrate - show, drawing to explain.说明,注明。
*The shift in his political position was neatly illustrated by his latest speech.。。。政治立场改变。。
*Let me illustrate my point with this chart.让我用图表来说明。。
illustration -说明,插图。
feature in -时成为主角。
feature (n) -特征,特点,特色,特色之处。
*The actress got famous by being featured in this popular sitcom.。。走红。。受欢迎的喜剧片
*The main feature of this town is this beautiful cathedral.-这城市的特色,特征。。
prominently - very important, stand out that people easy to notice. "pro" - 有“向前”之意。主要的显著的,明显的。
*All the doctor's certificates were prominently displayed on the walls of the clinic.明显的展示在。。
*Child abuse figures prominently in this report. 虐待儿童。。
spanning - to across from one place to another.
graceful - look very nice, it moves or flow very smooth. when people speak with kind word.
octagonal -八角形,把边形的。
pavilion (n)-大帐篷,临时建筑,楼阁,凉亭,阁,休息处。
cross a bridge when ..come to it - deal the situation later when it come up, don't waste time or useless to worry about now.
don't burn your bridges - don't ruin or kill the old relationship, keep a good relationship with people.
water under the bridge - the water pass the bridge will continue to flow, will not stay, it's gone. (your downfall has been forgiven. -you burned the bridge but someone forgive you.)

Language Tips:
optical illusion - 视力上的错觉
optical -视力
illusion -幻觉,错觉。
mirage - is a kind of optical illusion.海市層楼。
auditory illusion -听觉上的错觉
tactile illusion -触觉上的错觉
up / down - 上/下
upstream -上游
downstream -下游
uptown / downtown -上城/下城。
uptown -市区的北端,远离市中心的市郊或使高级住宅区。
downtown -下城,原本指区域的南端,地理上正好也在下方。现指市中心,商业区的或是闹区。
field -球场。
downfield -上场(要看谁进攻,谁防守而言)
upfield -下场(要看谁进攻,谁防守而言)
upwind -上风,上风的,逆风的。
downwind -下风,顺风的。

Taking notes of study "Studio Classroom"

Monday, March 18, 2013

Maya Moore - Reaching for the Heights

This amazing young basketball player is taking the game and her life to a new level
奧運籃球金牌選手之路 - 這位神奇的年輕籃球員,把籃球這項運動以及自己的 人生帶向新的境界.

Success seems to find Maya Moore everywhere she goes. But life hasn't been a bed of roses for Maya and her biggest supporter, her mother. The path to success required a lot of hard work and sacrifice.

More than teammates
Maya discovered her love of basketball in 1997 at the age of 8. That was the year the WNBA (Women's National Basketball Association) began holding games. The young girl watched WNBA star Cynthia Cooper play in the Olympics. Maya dreamed that she, too, could one day compete in the Olympics.

Three years later her mother, Kathryn, was offered a better job in North Carolina. Kathryn decided to make the move from Missouri because North Carolina provided greater basketball opportunities. Sadly, in under two months the company downsized, and Kathryn lost her job. She remembers, "It was a bad, bad time." Maya says the difficulties brought them closer, and she praises her mom. "She's more than a teammate. I know she's going to be on my side."

A winning partnership
About a year later, mother and daughter moved to Georgia, where Maya continued to play basketball. In high school she had the opportunity to play basketball against some of the nation's best players. The competition improved her skills. Maya led her team to 125 victories and three state championships. During this time, she was named the national player of the year twice.

Universities competed to recruit her for their women's basketball programs. Maya and her mother approached the college decision like they did everything, with careful consideration, Maya chose the University of Connecticut.

In her four years at the University of Connecticut, she led the school to a 150 and 4 record. After graduating in 2011, Maya was the first choice of the professional team the Minnesota Lynx. She rewarded them with the 2011 WNBA title and was named rookie of the year.

No wonder man call Maya one of the best to ever play the game! Maya was chosen to play on the 2012 U.S.A. Olympic basketball team. She and her teammates went on to win the gold medal

A giving nature
Though she found success in basketball, Maya cares about much more than just the game. Everyone agrees that she strives to show respect to her mother.

While in high school, Maya worked hard and was an honor student. She also spent much of her free time mentoring kids who needed help. She spent her days off taking children to amusement parks or feeding the hungry.

According to her high school coach Tracey Tipton Maya is motivated most by her belief in God. "She wants to make a difference in the lives of people around her." says Tipton. Maya offers young people the following suggestion. "Surround yourself with winners... Surround yourself with people who have good character.... And just work your hardest."

Those are wise words to live and win by!

Grammar Gym:
"Those are wise words to live and win by!"
"by" - how something is done. (依循)
Before the game begins, each player will be given the rules to play by.
All new employees must learn the work procedure that everyone has to go by.

Vocabulary Tips:
bed of roses - bed with full of roses, a very relax and ease life.用玫瑰铺出来的床,意即“称心如意的境况”。
*Marriage isn't always a bed of roses, it takes patience and perseverance.
*It is definitely no bed of roses to manage such a big staff.
association - associate with each other.协会。
*NBA - National Basketball Association.美国职篮联盟协会。
* Taiwan Visitors' Association.
associate -联盟。联合,使产生联系。
*People tend to associate entertainers with extravagant lifestyles.
opportunity / chance -机会
opportunity -(通常指好的)机会
chance -机会,指好的,也指坏的。不一定都是好事。
*This homestay program gives students opportunities to study abroad.
downsize -缩小范围,减缩,减小规模。
down -向下,往下。
size -大小,尺码。
*The company's stock price dropped 5% when the president announced the decision to downsize.
*Once their children leave home, many couples downsize from a big house to something smaller.
teammate - someone else in your team.
hold - carry things with your hand, but here is " you have a game or party going".
partnership -someone work with you and has same level and same burden and same responsibilities.合作关系,合伙关系。
*The partnership between these two companies brought in a great profit.
go into partnership with someone -和某个对象合伙。
*Lawrence went into partnership with his college pal.
championship - game for gaining the winning title.冠军的称号,冠军的头衔。
*The two teams will fight for the NFL championship tonight.
championship / champion :
championship -冠军的头衔
champion - the winner. 个到优胜冠军的人。
*The champion will take home a brand new car.
approach -对待或是着手处理的。
*We'd better approach this sensitive matter with great tact. 。最好是要很有技巧处理对待这敏感事件。
approach -接近。
*The police approached the stolen car carefully.
consideration -仔细考虑,斟酌
*We have to take into consideration the benefits for our kids when making the decision.仔细斟酌考量。
consideration - 体谅。
*Ted shows no consideration for others.
considerate person  - person who is very kind and care for others.
rookie - not having experience, usually refer to the first year of high school or college.
of the year / of the month / of the week - show appreciation to someone for that year/month/week.
lead something to - led something to..., or led people to, let the situation to ...
WNBA - 美职业女篮联盟协会。
honor student - outstanding student. 模范生。"honor"- 荣誉
*Simon not only is an honor student, he also plays in the band.
honor roll- 模范生的名单或行列。
*Peter's name always appears on the honor roll.
mentor (n)- a person who help you and give you advise.
*My coach is my mentor. He taught me how to be strong and confident.
mentor (v)- help and give advise.
*The professor has mentored many young doctors.
motivate (v)- cause you to do something or be one of them. try to do something.给与动机,激励。
*I am greatly motivated by Ang Lee's accomplishments.
motivation (n) -动机,动力。
*The kid lacks the motivation to excel. 追求卓越的动机(力)
surround -all around you, not just on your sides or front and back.包围,围绕。
*As soon as they appeared in the airport, the band was surrounded by fans.
surrounding - the area near by.周遭的,附近的。
*The surrounding area of the mansion is protected by a security system.
go on to something - to continue in something which has already being good. to fulfill the dream.
nature (n) - mountain, river, tree flower etc. here refer to "born with some kind of character. 大自然。天生本性,天然性格。
friendly nature, giving nature.
*It's not his nature to be late. (he always on time)
strive - not easy, work hard to..努力
amusement park -游乐园。 amusement (n) -娱乐,乐趣,快乐可笑滑稽好玩。

Language Tips:
be on my side -站在我这边,支持我的。
I'm in your corner -站在你的角落,支持你。(拳击比赛中,站在一起对付共同的敌人。)
I got your back -我会帮你注意你的背后,意即“我来,我会掩护你,支持你,做你的后盾。“
I've got you covered.-我已替你付了钱;我会罩着你;或是我已照应了,支持你。
vertical leap -从一个半蹲的姿势直接的向上弹跳。(要求球员有快速弹跳的爆发力)
quick muscle reflex -快速肌肉反射。
peripheral vision -周边视力。(眼睛所看到的中心视野之外的东西)
peripheral -周边,周围。
vision -视力
muscle memory -practice more and more until it become a part of your body muscle , without thinking your body and your muscle can perform the work. 经常练习,直到它成为你自身肌肉的一部分, 如骑脚踏车,弹琴,画画,投篮等,不需思考,自然就表现出来了。
perfect practice makes perfect.-一般说来是practice makes perfect. 但是若是没有正确合宜的练习,是无法达到完美的。,要注意正确合宜的练习,久了才能达到完美无误的表现。

Maya Moor suggestion: "Surround yourself with winners... Surround yourself with people who have good character.... And just work your hardest." 

Those are wise words to live and win by! 会让我们变得更好。

Taking  note of study "Studio Classroom"

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sitting Alone

How should you treat an unpopular student?
一個人坐 - 你該如何對待不受歡迎的學生?

Mary and Jane are eating lunch in their school cafeteria.

Mary: It looks like Sally is sitting by herself again today. Let's invite her to eat with us.
Jane: I think our table is full.
Mary: We could pull up a chair and make some room.
Jane: Yeah, but people might notice and think we're friends with her.
Mary: What's wrong with that?
Jane: She's so weird.
Mary: If we sit with her, people will think we're weird, too, and won't want to be friends with us.
Jane: I don't think everybody will quit being our friends just because we're nice to her. But if we invite her to join us, we may never get rid of her! But if we invite her to join us, we may never get rid of her! She'll tag along with us all the time.
Mary: What do you have against her?
Jane: Well, she's unpopular. She's not very pretty, she's painfully shy; she doesn't excel in any subjects, and she doesn't belong to any clubs.
Mary: Maybe she just feels nervous around people she doesn't know. She might be less shy and more willing to participate if someone reached out to her a little bit.
Jane: Maybe. But why does that someone have to be us?
Mary: Why not us? If I were Sally, I'd want someone to befriend me. Woulds't you?
Jane: I guess so, but I don't think we're doing anything wrong by not befriending her. We're not mean to her, and not going out of our way to talk to her is understandable. We can't be best friends with everyone.
Mary: Maybe not, but we can show compassion to one person. It's not that hard to have one more friend.
Jane: We're already pretty busy. Where will we find time?
Mary: We can invite her to join us when we're with our other friends - like to a party or something. And we have lots of time to chat between classes.  Besides, if we get to know Sally, we'd probably discover things about her. She might be really interesting and fun to be around.
Jane: Well, the bell rings, lunch is over anyway.
Mary: I guess it's too late for her to sit with us today. But maybe I'll invite her to hang out with us at the mall on Saturday.
Jane: Ah.... I don't think I'll join you, but have fun.

Grammar Gym:
"what do you have against her?
"To have against someone/something"
What do you have against foreign films?
She has something against sweets.
I have nothing against that person.

Vocabulary Tips:
unpopular -不受欢迎的。 "un" -有“否定”之意, “popular” -受欢迎的
*Increasing taxes is an unpopular proposal but it will solve the problem.
*The movie star used to be unpopular in high school.
weird - odd, strange, not normal. 奇怪的,怪异的。
*The homeless guy's weird behavior is kind of scary.
*Security followed this weird looking guy to see what he was up to.
get rid of - throw away. (事)丢掉,丢弃。。
*We have to get rid of the junk in the garage. It takes up too much space.
get rid of -(人)摆脱,甩掉某个人
*Irene finally got rid of the guy who was following her.
tag along - go with. Can I tag along? Do you mind I tag along? (when you go with them and you are not belong to their group, you can polite ask)
tag -跟从,随从。跟在后面。
tag along -跟从,紧跟。
*Pamela loves to shop, and she wants her husband to tag along.要她先生跟随。
tag along (with)- 紧跟
*Promise you'll let me tag along with you when you go out. 答应我一定要带我去。。。
make room - make a space for purpose. Always can make room for a snack. (or something)
painfully - not feel comfortable.
painfully obvious - very obviously, why can't you just get?
painfully slow that make me feel uncomfortable or don't understand it at all.
excel - very good at something. What do my  excel?
befriend - be friend with, be friend to. -to befriend .....和某人做朋友,像朋友般友善,和善。
*I was befriended by a lovely old lady on my flight home.
*I love to befriend people from different backgrounds, I can learn many things from them.
compassion - a kind of love.怜悯,同情。"com" -“一起”之意 , "passion" -热情
*The girl's heart was filled with compassion for the starving kids.
*The doctor shows great compassion to his patients.
besides - there is more than just mentioned, something more add to it. 除此之外。。还有。
*Besides, if we get to know Sally, we'll probably discover things about her."
discover - "dis"- separate 有“分开”之意, cover - 遮盖。拿去遮盖,即“发现”
*The scientists discovered that the plant's leaves can soothe muscle pain.发现
hang out - spend time with friend outside the school or work. 一起玩,一起做事情 (活动)
hung out - hang out 的过去式。
*Richard and his buddies love to hang out at his place.
*After school we usually hang out at the cafe' for a while.
going out of one's way - someone has a plan to go somewhere but he/she make extra effort or do extra thing  for you.
* I hope you didn't going out of your way to do this for me.
* If it is not going out of your way, would you take this with you to upstairs.
understandable - able to understand.

Language Tips:
Two types of people at the party:
wallflower -壁花,形容不会与人打交道,没有男朋友,被人拖来参加,只安静的坐在角落里的女孩。
social butterfly - 社交花蝴蝶,喜爱交际,与人聊天。(有正面的意思,也有负面的意思)
Latin is dead - 拉丁语也消失。不再被重视了或使用。但是在某些文章里,还是有人使用拉丁语,如:
status quo -现状,原来的状况。
maintain (keep) the status quo -保持,(维持)现状,原来的状况
maintain the status quo-
keep the status quo -
the status quo - 用"keep", " maintain" ,status quo现状,原来的状况时,要加“the”
persona non grata - 不受欢迎,通常在国际外交上,不受欢迎的意思。。

Taking  note of study "Studio Classroom"

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Difficulties in German

My successes – and failures – at studying German abroad
德語何其難 - 我在海外研習德語的成功與失敗經驗.

I will be the first to admit that my German skills are quite poor. As a university student I decided to minor in German. For some reason, I really liked the language, but I was not particularly good at learning it. 

The grammar and word order confused me. Prepositions made no sense. All the nouns had genders and I rarely remembered which noun was which. My only talent was spelling - I got an A+ on every vocabulary test I took.

After two years of studies, I resigned myself to communication in broken German, and signed up to study in Germany to complete my degree. It was the hardest semester I would ever have. Once in Germany, I felt like I was starting from scratch. 

The German I'd learned in university wasn't practical for everyday conversation. My book knowledge fell by the wayside as I figured out the basics of getting around reading menus and chatting with my classmates.

I was constantly on edge at school, worried about whether the professors would call on me in class and whether I'd understand their questions. I only relaxed a little around my eight roommates, who were willing to speak German slowly to me and didn't seem to mind my mistakes.

I had enrolled in four classes - literature, grammar, reading and writing, and history. All were in German and difficult, but the history lecture was the worst. The professor spoke fast almost everything he said flew right over my head. I sat in the front, took notes and even recorded the lectures, but nothing helped.  I had no idea what the class was about.

At the end of the semester, I summoned all of my courage and ask my history professor for a form saying I'd attended the class. He said yes and told all the foreign students who wanted this form to meet at his office at a certain time.

I'd like to say I got the form and took it back to my university for class credit... but I didn't. I was too afraid to be in his office and reveal how little I could really understand I was sure I was the only one in the class at such a low level. So I flaked and skipped the meeting. 

Years have passed, but I still remember how it felt to struggle so hard at learning another language. I think my failures that semester taught me just as much as my successes.

Grammar Gym:
"I will be the first to admit that my German skills are quite poor."
 to be the first to + verb. 
"to be the first to admit." -describe about something that you are not good at it.
Although Tom comes from a family of accountants he'll be the first to admit his math is very poor.
Dr. Nelson is a long-time expert in this field, but he'll be the first to admit he has no idea how we should handle this case.

Vocabulary Tip:
gender -male or female.男,女性别,言语中致词中的阴阳性。
* In French the word for "moon" takes a feminine gender.阴性。
* The book talks a bout the differences between genders。 。。。 .俩性的不同。
resign -give up a bit.  辞职,此为“屈从”,勉强接受,“只能如此的”。
resign oneself to something -只能如何如何。to+介系词+名词
*Because I have to work during the championship game. I resigned myself to watching the rerun.只能勉强自己。。
start from scratch -从零开始,从头开始,白手起家。very beginning, make something from scratch.
scratch -起跑点,归零状态。nothing, nothing is prepared.
*After the model for our science project was ruined, we had to start from scratch.
*After closing his restaurant, Dan decided to start from scratch and open a clothing store.
edge -边缘,
on edge -nervous, nerve breaking. imaging a feeling that you stand on the thin ice. or thin edge.很紧张,焦虑,
*Martha was on edge while waiting for the results of her interview.
*Sandra was feeling tense and on edge before the audition.
over one's head -fly over your head, not stay and don't get it.超过自己的头,意即:超过自己能理解的范围能力。
*What the science teacher taught today went over our heads.
*The philosophy lecture this morning was too hard it went right over my head.太难了,非我能理解的。
summon - an authority call you. gather up.唤起,鼓起。召唤。
*After hiking, I could't even summon up the strength to take a shower. I fell asleep on the couch.唤起
*George summed up all his courage and proposed to his girlfriend.鼓起
flake -(很口语的用法)临阵爽约,临阵脱逃。
*Wesley promised to host the banquet, but he flaked and didn't even show up.
flake (n)-碎片,箔片。
*corn flake -玉米箔片。
*flakes of paint-旧油漆脱落下来的碎片。
flake out - 黄牛。
flaky person -靠不住。。
skip -跳过,超过,越过,略过,没有做的事。
skipped/skipping -
*Charlie skipped school and went to a move today.
*Molly skipped breakfast because she got up too late.。。。没吃早餐。。。
book knowledge - knowledge received from book.  not "street smart".
enroll - sign up for something.
wayside - not important. Don't be wayside - take care the important thing. fall by the wayside.
get around - physically know the city and streets, not get lost or confuse, easy to get to all places.
*They get around a lot - they are able to go to many places.
I'd like to say..... -something you did not do which you should do, you regret it.
major -主修
minor -副修。
make sense - understand that.
make no sense - would not understand that.

Language Tips:
talent /gift -天分。
He has a gift for music.-音乐的天分。
He has a gift for languages.-语言的天分。
knack -技巧,窍门。
Steven has a knack for teaching English.
genius -天才。天资更好的,特别的天分。
He has a genius for music.音乐天才。
If you want to study English well, you need to practice, practice and practice.
reading English text or magazine or something 15 minute a day. Do it regularly and daily.

学英语,不止是勤于练习,还要懂得活用每一个字。 会应用你所学的字,那字才真正成为你的,不是只死记单子。

Taking notes of study "Studio Classroom".

Monday, March 11, 2013

Eat for Energy

What kinds of food can you eat to increase your energy?
能量食物解碼 - 你該吃什麼食物來增加活力能量?

It's the middle of the afternoon. You've been working hard all day. But now you can't keep your eyes open, and your mind starts to wander. Suddenly, a pain in your stomach brings you back to reality. You need a snack. You take a break and go to the nearest convenience store. You stare at the rows of chips, candy and soda. But before you grab just any snack, stop and think. What food will give you healthy, long-lasting energy? 

Yes, Water. Your body uses water to absorb the things it needs. Water also helps your cells get the things they need to keep them working. Each day, make sure you are drinking enough water, especially if you are exercising.

These little treats are full of protein, fiber and good fats. They help you stay full. Almonds can also reduce your risk of heart disease. And they contain lots of omega-3 fatty acids that can help keep you focused.

Fruit of all kinds contain healthy carbohydrates, which will raise your energy level quickly. They have fiber, which will fill you up, and lots of vitamins. Bananas make especially good snacks because they have lots of potassium. This important mineral keeps your nerves and muscles working well.

Whole grains
Whole wheat, oats and brown rice give you fiber, good carbohydrates and vitamins. They provide energy that will stay with you until your next meal. For snack, try a sandwich on whole-wheat bread or whole-grain cereal sprinkled over yogurt. And speaking of yogurt.....

Greek Yogurt
All yogurt is great for digestion. But thick Greek yogurt has extra protein for longer-lasting energy.

Dark chocolate
There's nothing wrong with enjoying an occasional treat - especially if it's chocolate. Chocolate provides minerals like iron that can increase your energy. But aim for chocolate that's at least 70 percent cacao. It provides more health benefits - and less sugar.

Grammar Tips:
"But before you grab just any snack...."
"just any snack" -does not what kind of snack - any snack is fine.\
I need to borrow a cup - just any cup is fine.
Not just anybody can come to this party; only personal friends of the boss are invited.

Vocabulary Tips:
wander - 漫游,(无目的的闲逛)walking around without direction, aim or purpose.
*The homeless people kept wandering around the streets.
wander -蜿蜒,(不及物v+介系词+受词)没目标,顺着而行。
*The river wanders down the valley.河流蜿蜒着山谷而下。
convenience store -便利商店。a store has everything you need,  is very convenience for you.
convenience (n) -便利,方便。
*I bought a latte at a convenience store this morning.
*This convenience store chain is making a great profit this year.
absorb -吸收。draw something in like sponge. absorb water, absorb information, absorb knowledge.
*The medicine can be absorbed completely in 20 minutes.
*These solar panels absorb heat from the sun and transform it into energy.
*Airbags can absorb the impact of car crashes.
protein -蛋白质。
*Athletes need to take in a lot of protein to have strong muscles.运动员需要吸取大量的蛋白质才有强壮的肌肉。
*Nuts and soybeans are rich in protein.坚果与大豆(黄豆)有丰富的蛋白质。
*White meat is a healthy source of protein. 白肉是健康的蛋白质来源。
keep - to hold.
keep something away from....
long lasting - last long, battery and light bulb we wish they have long lasting.
carbohydrate (可数n) -碳水化合物。简称: "carb"
*Henry's doctor suggested that he eat a diet high in carbs. (carbohydrates)
*Ray is diabetic, so he should control his intake of carbohydrates.
vitamin -维他命,维生素。
*Nancy bought a lot of vitamin supplements for her parents.补充品。
*Cherries are rich in Vitamin C.
*Vitamin A deficiency can affect one's sight. 不足会影响人的视力
yogurt -sour taste, a kind of diary product. frozen yogurt taste as ice cream.
plain yogurt -原味尤胳乳。(酸奶)
*This low-fat yogurt tastes as delicious as the regular kind.
*Because yogurt contains active cultures, it is especially good for digestion.
benefit - advantage, good things, good for ...益处,好处。或“福利”。
*One of the benefits of getting up early is having a little more time than others.
*The employees here enjoy great benefits including an annual bonus and free health insurance.
potassium - a kind of mineral. it's important to our body. 钾。。
mineral - 矿物质
"speaking of something " - talk about something and has more to do or need to do something else.
"There's nothing wrong with something..." - there is something you can do that may help you in other way.
occasional - once a while.

Language Tips:
literary narration -文学的叙述观点。
second-person narrative -第二人称的叙述方式。如本文,文章一开始就用“你”来开头。
third-person narrative -第三人称的叙述方式。一般的教科书或是百科全书都是用第三人称的叙述方式。
first-person narrative -第一人称的叙述方式。 以“我”作为叙述的方式,或以“我”为书中的主角,题材等, 大多出现在小说中.
fruit -(不可数 n)水果。
fruit of all kinds contain healthy carbohydrates.任何水果都含有健康的碳水化合物。
fruit is delicious in the summertime. 夏天的水果很好吃。
不说 fruits are delicious in the summertime (因为feel very odd)
fruits - 当复述用时,只用在下面一例,use “fruit”  as a "symbol" . like below:
The fruits of my labor.-辛苦努力的成果,(在此句子中,用复数fruits
fruits 是科学家用作专门术语作报告。通常我们只用单数"fruit"来说所有的水果。

Taking notes of study "Studio Classroom".

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Financing Your Business

Finding the money you need to keep your business running
企業籌措資金之道 - 籌措資金以維持事業的營運

As Ben and Sandy Johnson continue setting up their new company. Uncle Bob offers them some valuable advice about financing.

Uncle Bob: Hay, Ben, how's the business coming along?
Ben: Well, Uncle Bob, we followed your advice and signed up for a small business program though our local community development association. The crucial challenge now is financing. Obviously, we will fund the company with our savings, but I'm worried that we've underestimated costs and could run out of money.
Uncle Bob: That is a very important issue for small businesses to deal with. After all, under-capitalization is one of the major reasons that small businesses often fail.
Ben: I know. We're looking into small business loans, but the interest rates seem really high. How did you pay for your hardware stores when you first started?
Uncle Bob: To be honest, I didn't actually start the first store. Instead, your Aunt June and I used our savings to buy into an existing business. Later, we bought out our business partner and then expanded the business.
Ben: So you  didn't arrange outside financing?
Uncle Bob: Not at first. Like you said, lenders often charge a premium for small business loans because they are so risky. We were warned that the cost of servicing a loan would actually hurt the business.
Ben: I hadn't thought of that.
Uncle Bob: Instead of borrowing right away, we waited until the business was a little better established. Then we borrowed money and used it to expand the business
Ben: How did waiting help?
Uncle Bob: Well, by the time we look out the loan, we had an income stream and a healthy balance sheet to we were less of a risk for lenders.That meant we were able to borrow on better terms.
Ben: So you think we should wait before getting a loan?
Uncle Bob: Practically speaking, most small businesses inevitably go through several rounds of financing as they grow.  Like your company, most small businesses are started with seed money from their owner's  savings or family members. The businesses aren't usually started with money from a loan.
Ben: How will I know when the time is right to borrow?
Uncle Bob: Once companies are more established, the owners have a lot more choices. They might, for example, get a line of credit, take on a partner or get a loan. If borrowing money will make you money, than it's time to consider it.
Ben: So it's all a matter of timing?
Uncle Bob: That's right. And right now, it's time for lunch.
Ben: Sounds good. Where should we go?

Grammar Tips:
"We're looking into small business loans...."
"to look into " - to investigate.
The mayor promised the widow that he would personally look into the case of her missing child.
The boss is busy and has asked his secretary to look into this matter.

Vocabulary Tips:
buy out - bought out and take over whole shares. 买断,收购。
buy - purchase.
* We decided to buy out the store's whole inventory.
*I'v shares owned by the original owner were bought out by a competitor.
service (n)-服务。
service (v)-支付利息。
*David bought a convertible on impulse, and now 30% of his monthly income goes to service his car loan.
service (v)-维修。
*I had my car serviced last week.
crucial - the partial is very important.重要,(有)决定性的。
* A healthy and nutritious diet is crucial for children.
*Puberty is a crucial stage of life. Parents need to be wise and patient.
undercapitalization -资金不足。
under - below. not enough. lack of.不足,不及。
capitalization -资本额。
*The company suffered from undercapitaliziation from the beginning.
undercapitalize (adj)- lack of money for operating the business.投资不足的。
*The restaurant was severely undercapitalized, so it only stayed in business for three months.
premium - more money added to the loan you borrow, a fee that you need to pay.
"How's ....coming along?" - this idiom use on something is not finish, is still in the process, you would like to know the current status, finding out more or get more information. You may say: " how's ....coming along?"
look into - pay more attention, careful to get more information about something.
buy into - spend money to own partial interest or ownership of a business. or believe what people said it will have growing and benefit potential.

Language Tips:
advice / suggestion : 建议,提议。
advice (不可数 n) - 字尾不能加"s"
suggestion (可数n)-字尾 可加"s"
information (不可数n)-凡不可数n,字尾不加 "s",若要说几个要用“piece, pieces ” .
advice - use " piece" when you name of how many advice, but no "s" at the end of advice.
three pieces of advice.
three suggestions.
unaccountable noun - more about on concept of something.
accountable noun - show it's quantity of something.

Taking notes of study "Studio Classroom".

Thursday, March 7, 2013


“March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb”
來如雄獅去似羔羊的月份 - 「三月來如雄獅,去似羔羊」

Happy World Book Day! In the United Kingdom and Ireland, students again celebrate the first Thursday of March as World Book Day. On this day, students receive special coupons for free or discounted books from some bookstores. The United States celebrated the National Education Associations' Read Across America Day on March 1 this year - the day before Dr. Seuss'birthday.

March is not just a month that celebrates the joy of reading, however. In the U.S., March is celebrated as Women's History Month and American Red Cross Month. In addition, on the first Wednesday of March, mathematics - World Maths Day - is celebrated. For math enthusiasts, the mathematical constant Pi, 3.14159, also has a special day on March 14.

March's gemstone, aquamarine, reminds people to stay calm while its flower, the daffodil symbolizes friendship and happy homes. For those living in the northern hemisphere, March can have very dynamic weather changes. This is due to the shift between seasons. "Lion" weather often begins the month with cold temperatures and wind. By the end, "lamb" - or mild -spring weather has arrived. This is the time that animals begin to wake up from their winter slumber and look for food.

Grammar Tips:
For those living.......
=for the people who are living.......
For those + verb-ing.
For those waiting to get back on the plane, the delay seemed like an eternity.
For those choosing to walk instead of riding the cable car, the trail is a great way  to experience nature.

Vocabulary Tips:
coupon- a piece of paper that can save you some money when you buy specific thing. 减价卷,优惠卷,优待卷。折扣卷。
*I clipped a coupon from a magazine for  two dollars off on baby formula.
*The coupon expired last week.
*This coupon gives a three-dollar discount off the price of the lunch special.
enthusiast -I am very excited about something. 对某件事物很狂热的人。
*The convention is the most important event for sci-fi movie enthusiasts.
enthusiastic (adj) - 兴致勃勃的。
*We're all enthusiastic about the idea.
dynamic -这儿是指“不断变化的”
*The relationship between a couple is a dynamic process.夫妇之间的关系是不断变化的过程。
dynamic -动力的,充满活力的。
*The company needs new blood - people who are creative and dynamic.
slumber -napping, sleeping.睡觉,睡眠,停滞,制伏。
*We hope that the new policy will bring the economy out of its slumber.
*The boy fell into a deep slumber after the football game.
"due to ....." - because of....
shift (n)- change.
shift (v) - move around.
*I shift my desk to get more space.

Language Tips:
#1 position is first.
#2 position is second.
#3 position is third.
#4 and on position we use "th" after the number 4 or after on.
day/date -日子。 星期几或假日/ 更确切的日子或几月几号。
what day is it today? -今天是星期几?
What's the date today?-今天是几月几号?
ordinal numbers -几月几号(按)次序来报 如:the seventh of March -三月七号,
first, second, third, fourth......=1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th........
seventh - 第七(日)。

Taking notes of study "Studio Classroom".

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Adventures in Africa
慢活桑給巴爾 - 非洲探險記

Off the coast of Tanzania lies the exotic island of Zanzibar. This amazing place is home to beautiful old houses, leafy forests and white sandy beaches. Some friends and I had the adventure of a lifetime there last year.

We took a two-hour ferry ride from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, to Stone Town. After scouting around for a hotel, we chose a simple one with clean rooms and a rooftop restaurant. Then we hired a guide and headed to Zanzibar's famous spice farms. Cloves, peppers, cinnamon and ginger are just a few of the spices that grow there.

Tourism and spices are the island's biggest industries. Many spices are tropical and grow on trees and vines. It was like walking through a forest. At each new plant, our guide pulled off a small bit of the spice. We smelled it and guessed which one it was. Then he told us about the spice. I bought some saffron and vanilla. After the tour, we picked out some crab and fish at the seafood market for the cooks to prepare. Then we went to bed fat and happy.

The next day we went to a beach on a small island nearby. We snorkeled, played Frisbee and ate fresh seafood on the beach! The third day we decided to go and stay at a beach called Paje. Our hotel was right on the beach, and the floors in our rooms were the sand! We swam, read and danced to African music. The warm, shallow water makes kite surfing very popular there. 

Very early on the morning of the fifth day, we journeyed to the island's southern tip. There we met a fisherman, who, when he saw us, said, "Are you ready to swim with dolphins?" Dolphins! He told us the dolphins came every morning to eat and play. So we rode out and waited in the boat until we saw a dolphin fin. The fisherman drove the boat near the dolphins and urged us to jump in. So we did! The dolphins were shy, but we could hear them talking to each other. Eventually they swarm closer. One came so close I could have to touched it!

We returned to Stone Town, and  my friends left, I stayed longer to explore Stone Town's big old houses. Hundreds of years ago, the city had been a huge trading port for slaves and ivory. All shipments going east to the Indian Ocean stopped in Stone Town. At that time, the city was rich, and wealthy people built big houses with beautiful doors. But then it became illegal to trade slaves and ivory.

Stone Town is a magical place for picture taking. Old doors with ornate designs still mark the entryways to all of the houses. The narrow streets are filled with shops selling paintings, jewelry, spices, etc. I also visited a 
museum in Stone Town that used to be the royal palace, I learned how Zanzibar had been influenced by the Kingdom of Oman until the 1960s. That is why the people look like they are from North Africa.

Zanzibar - a magical place with friendly people, good food, and fun activities. I am very glad that I want!

Grammar Gym:
"Old doors with ornate designs still mark the entryways to all of the houses."
"mark" - make a mark, or mark a "x" on somewhere.
"mark" - here is " to characterize".
A huge painting marks the wall in the lobby of the museum.
An old fountain marks the center of the village square.

Vocabulary Tips:
scout (v) - looking for, seeking.搜寻,寻找。(n)侦查,侦查者。
*A team was sent to scout for a safer hiding site.搜寻较安全的躲藏地方。
* a talent scout -星探。
* a boy scout -男童子军。
* a girl scout -女童子军。
spice (n) - a special flavor that add to the food to make food taste better.香料,调味品。
*Ginger is one spice that is widely used in Asian cooking.
spice (v) - spice the food, add special flavor to the food.使活泼生动或添趣味。
*The comedian's acting really spiced up the movie.喜剧演员的演出,增色不少。
tourism - a business that depends on visitors coming over to visit and spend money.观光业,旅游业。
*The country's foreign earnings mostly come from tourism.
tourist (n)- people who make travel and visit.旅游客,观光客。
*The town is packed with tourists during the summer.挤满了。。
pick out (something)- choice things among something. pick out a dress or a pair of shoes from the store.挑选出,捡出。
*The editor picked out several photos for the magazine cover.
pick out -突出,凸出,辨识出。
*Phil's yellow cap makes it easy to pick him out in the crowd.
pick (person )- pick someone. 选出某人来"pick someone"。。不加“out”。
*I pick you to be my helper.
exotic - different, unusual.
home to .....- something you can find in there.
lifetime - all my life.
ferry - a boat, use as a transportation to travel between two places in a short amount time.
saffron - a orange color flower has its special flavor.(adj)橘黄色,(n)蕃红花,一种黄色染料,橘黄色.
snorkel -your body is on the surface of the water, stick your head into the water to see the things under the water.浮潜。
*We snorkeled in the famous tropical bay for hours.
snorkel (n) -浮潜用的水下通气管。
*William packed his mask fins and snorkel for his trip to the Bahamas.
shallow -not deep,浅,水浅的,不深。
* The river is very shallow, you can walk across.or a shallow conversation if you don't know someone very well. or a shallow breathing, not breath deep.
*The patient's breathing was fast and shallow.呼吸快而浅。
*The dish was displayed on a shallow plate.浅盘子
shallow -肤浅的。
*The model was often criticized as being arrogant and shallow.常常被批评为骄傲又很肤浅。
urged - strongly encourage or ask someone to do something.催促,极力主张。。。
*The congressman urged the Congress to pass the bill.催促国会通过这法案。
urge (n)-强烈的冲动或欲望。
* I fight the urge to fall asleep throughout the entire session.对抗强烈想睡觉的欲望。
eventually - something will happen sometimes in the future.终于,终究。
*After a long delay, the flight eventually took off.飞机 经过长时间的耽延,终于起飞了。
eventually / finally :终于。最后。。
eventually -几经波折, 最后终于发生了
finally -对某件事情有所期望,到后来终于发生了
*My mail order finally arrived.
" right on" - you are looking for something, it is right on your desk. or right on where you at.
"right + prep. " - the exact the location of something.
body boarding - body lay on the board and surf.
kite surfing = kite boarding.
swam - swim's past tense.
jump in - join in, get in.
slave - people who belong someone else, have no freedom, work hard for his master. 奴隶或苦工。
*The slaves were traded openly in the marketplace.公然,公开
slave -being controlled or mastered by someone or something。被控制或影响的。
*Tanya is a slave to fashion. She spends most of her income on clothing.
ivory - 象牙
*Trading ivory is illegal.
*These exquisite ivory carvings cost the collector a fortune.
ivory (adj) -象牙色,乳白色或使象牙做的。
*The ivory paint really made the kitchen brighter.
magical -神奇的,迷人的。
* The magical moment of love at first sight is the theme of many love stones.
magic -魔术,魔法。
*The ship disappeared in the fog like magic.
ornate -装饰华丽的,或是华美的。
*The hotel's ornate decorations attract many customers.
*The architect is famous for his ornate styles.

Language Tips:
cook/chef /cooker : 厨师/主厨/锅子
cook (n) -厨师。烧煮或烹调的人。
cook (v) -做烧煮,烹调这件事。
cooker - appliance.锅子
slow cooker -慢烧锅,炖锅。
Who's the cook (n) of this delicious meal? 这样好吃的佳肴是哪一位厨师做的?
picked out some crab and fish.......for the cooks to prepare. 厨师
chef - chief, chief in the kitchen, the leader in the kitchen./主厨,大厨。厨房里的领袖。


sand - (不可数n) 沙,砂
grain -用来数砂(沙)子的单位。
a grain of sand -一粒砂(沙)。
sand -sands 加“s“只有一个地方可用”,那就是用在古老文言用法。即如下:
the sands of time -时间,光阴,岁月。
the sands of time are running out -长日将近,时间剩下不多。
hourglass -沙漏。
seize the day - (seize the time) 把握时间,不要虚度光阴。
carpe diem - 拉丁语,意即“seize the day.”-抓住时间,把握时间,别虚度了时光。

jewel / jewelry -宝石/珠宝。
wear -穿,戴。
wear jewelry -珠宝是可以穿,戴在人身上的。
jewel - gem.宝石。
gem include emerald翡翠绿, amethyst紫水晶, ruby-红玛瑙, diamond钻石, opal蛋白石...etc.
setting -镶,嵌。
jewel is setting on jewelry, jewelry may have one or more jewels on it.

Taking notes of study "Studio Classroom".

Friday, March 1, 2013

Whose Name?

People give their names to all kinds of things
摩天輪為什麼叫 Ferris Wheel? -人們以自己的名字為各種事物命名

Some people can never be forgotten. That's because their names become common words. As many as 50,000 words in the English language get their meaning form people's names. Some are real people, others are characters in books or stories. Often a new dish is given the name of its inventor.

The sandwich gets its name from the 4th Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu (1718-1792). He spent long hours working or gambling and didn't wish to stop  for a meal. He had his servants put meat between two slices of bread to eat while he worked. His friends began to ask for similar snacks, and the name "sandwich" came into common use.

Granny Smith apples are named for Maria Ann Smith, a grandmother. Born into a farm family in  1799, Maria married Thomas Smith at 19. They were persuaded by the British government to move to Australia. On their farm near Sydney, they grew apple trees. Their special variety of tart apple became know as Granny Smith.

The 14th-century Dutch fisherman Willem Beukelz began to pickle fish. His method of preserving fish spread, but British traders didn't pronounce his name correctly. Soon "pickles" became popular in many countries. The Chinese dish kung pao chicken (宫保鸡丁  ) was created in Sichuan province by Ding Boazhen (丁保桢 ). He served the spicy dish when he was governor of the province from 1876 to 1866.
After Ding died, people named the dish for him.

More than just foods take people's names. Many enjoy riding on a Ferris wheel, named for engineer George W. G. Ferris. He designed the first one for Chicago's World Columbian Exposition in 1893. Many places measure temperature in Celsius. Anders Celsius was a Swedish scientist. He invented a thermometer where water's boiling point was o degrees and its freezing point 100 degrees. After his death in 1744, the scale was changed to its present form. Scientific laws, diseases, sports terms and places around the world use people's names.

You can't escape them; they're everywhere!

Grammar Tips:
"He spent long hours working or gambling and didn't wish to stop for a meal."
writing patent as below:
(Someone) spends long hours (doing something) and didn't wish to stop for a (something else).
The artist has spent hours working on his painting and doesn't wish to stop for a break.
*Tom spent long hours writing his paper and didn't wish to stop for a snack.

Vocabulary Tips:
slice - small piece of something, cut into small piece or potion. 食物切成的薄片。
*I put some slices of ham on my sub. 潜水艇三明治。
slice(v) -把食物切成薄片。
*You need a sharp knife to slice the roast beef.
persuade - push, talk into..let them believed, encourage. 说服,劝服,劝说。。使相信。(into
*It was the great benefits that persuaded Sean to accept the job offer.
*Jonathan was persuaded to join this club by his friend.
preserve (v)-腌制食物,保鲜。
*Mom preserved the cabbage with salt and red chili power.
preserve (adj) - 保留,保存。(erv)-有“保存”之意。
*The historical building is well preserved so it's very beautiful.
governor (n)- American political name. political leader of a state. 州长,省长,首府的督統。
*The governor made a commitment to cut taxes in his campaign pamphlet.
govern (v) - in charge of something.统治,管理。
*The election will decided who will govern the country in the coming four years.
governor -the leader of a state. 州长。
mayor - the leader of a city or local市长。
engineer (n)- who knows how to operate the things (machine) 工程师。
a software engineer.-软体工程师。
a civil engineer -土木工程师。
engineering (n)-工程学。工程。工程式。
*The design of the bridge is a breakthrough in structural engineering.
scientific (adj)- something to do with science.科学的
science -科学
*It seems that there's no scientific explanation for this phenomenon.现象
*The use of animals in scientific experiments is banned in many countries.
gambling - put money or valuable thing to risk, believe there is some luck can win more.
name for him - name after him.

Language Tips:
"in" - location, a place.
"into" -  into a rich family, came into, born into ...出生在什么样的家庭,
He was born into a musical family
born into a farm family.
born with a silver spoon in his mouth. 含着银汤匙出生的,家境富裕。(美国的典故,是银汤匙,不是金汤匙)
omnipresent /ubiquitous - everywhere.
omnipresent - existing everywhere in all places at the same time. like " air", or "God".
ubiquitous - you find find it at every place, such like "taxi", "cellphone".
you can't escape them - you are stacked, not avoidable. they are everywhere.

Taking notes of study "Studio Classroom".

Games to Improve Your Game

Improve your basketball skills while having fun.
能增進比賽表現的比賽 - 好玩之餘,又可增進你的籃球 技巧.

If you're serious about improving your basketball skills, you probably practice your shooting and ball handling daily. But improving your skills doesn't have to be all work and no play. You can also get some practice by simply playing these straightforward games.

An old classic, this game continues to help people improve their shooting accuracy and versatility. Players take  turns trying to make the first basket using a lay-up, bank shot or hook shot. When one player makes a basket, all other players must do so in exactly the same way, or they get penalized with a letter (first H, then O, etc.). When players have missed five shots (gaining an entire HORSE), they are eliminated - teh last man standing wins.

21 - The Game
The game of 21 is essentially a game of half-court basketball. But instead of  having teams, each player is competing against all the others. The first player to score 21 points wins. This game is a great way to practice aggressive offense because other players outnumber the player holding the ball. Whether on the court, in a park or in the street, these games are a lot of fun. But more than that, they'll help you improve your skills.

Grammar  Gym
"....all other plays must do so in exactly the same way or are penalized with a letter (first H, the O, etc.)
"etc." - etcetera. -"and the rest".

Vocabulary Tips:
versatility (n) - versatile, very useful, fit a lot of things, able to do a lot of things.
*Max stands out for his incredible versatility as an entertainer.
versatile (adj)-
*He's the most versatile actor I've ever seen.
penalize -penalty, punishment.  "pen" -
*The player was penalized and couldn't play the rest of the game.
*The company is being penalized for its environmental violations.
competing against -
competing - 竞争,对抗。
*The Red Sox are competing against the Yankees today.
compete for -为什么而竞争用“for ”
*The two teams will compete for the championship tonight.
outnumber - big disadvantage in team game. a team has less people to play.
outnumber -数量上胜过, "out" - 超过, "number" -数量。
*Our troops were greatly outnumbered by our enemies.
*Even though we were outnumbered, we still won the battle.
ball handling - in control of the ball, or a kind of skill you have.
all work and no play - you work so serious, so hard, so much, after all, you don't feel fun anymore, it supposed to be play and have fun.
straightforward - not complicate, very clear, frank.
lay-up : driven the ball, use hand to bring the ball up and push it into the basket.
take turns - wait for your turn.
essentially - important, basically. 最主要的。

Language Tips:
street ball -街球,街头篮球。
pick up game -即兴的(篮球)比赛。两队比赛的人,有时互相不认识。
make it / take it -是 “pick up game ” 的好处-头篮得分后,还能拥有球。不像一般正规篮球,投篮之后,球就归对方。
make it - make the basket.头篮得分
take it - take the ball.还能拥有球,拿球。

Taking notes of study "Studio Classroom".