Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How Not to Use a Smartphone

Technology should help you, not hurt you
智慧不在手機裡 -科技本應助人而非害人.

Today's smartphones can do almost anything instantly, but like all tools, they should be used wisely. So here is a list of problematic habits that smartphone users should avoid.

Ignoring your surroundings
Imagine you're rushing through a crowded subway station, late for an appointment. Suddenly someone is blocking your way, walking very slowly, drifting back and forth, fiddling with their smartphone. You probably feel annoyed, but do you ever do the same thing? For sake of others and for your own safety, put the phone away while walking.

Recording people without permission
It may be tempting to snap a picture or take a video when you see someone who looks different. But recording people's daily lives can be rude and hurtful. If you want a picture ask for permission.
Your friends may not mind you taking pictures of them. But make sure you ask before posting anything that could be embarrassing online. Displaying their mistakes for the world to see is sure to hurt your friendship. And once pictures are posted, they're impossible to remove.

Disconnecting from people
Smartphones are great tools for communication - except when they replace personal interaction. It's not uncommon to see people sitting together not speaking, but staring silently at their smartphones. Real friendships require face-to-face interaction. Facial expressions and body language express far more than words - or emoticons. What you focus on reflects your priorities. Interrupting a conversation to check your phone implies that the person you're with is less important than your messages.

Missing experiences
If you're at a special event, don't let your phone become a distraction. Turn it off, or use the silent mode so everyone can fully enjoy the experience.

Stifling your creativity
With your smartphone always available, you always have something to do. But that may not be a good thing. some say that unused time is necessary for creative thinking. So resist the impulse to spend every spare moment with your phone. Instead, see what great ideas you can think up.

By avoiding these habits, you can be sure your smartphone is helping - not hurting -you.

Vocabulary Tips:
disconnect - 切断,断开,中断。dis -没有。 connect -联结。连结。
*Peter's phone was disconnected because he forgot to pay his bill.
*Mark decided to disconnect from the chain and buy his own store.
imply (v)- not directly say what you intent to but whoever hears get the message.表明,意味,暗示。
*Susan's remoteness implies her resentment toward her parents.冷漠,疏远。。。。愤恨,怨恨。
*Are you implying that I am the one who stole the money?
*His affection toward the girl is not said, only implied.没明说,只用暗示。
stifle -something not make you free to develop or pursue.抑制,扼杀。
*Asking children always to color inside the lines can stifle their creativity.
*The policy is meant to stifle people's freedom of speech.
*Sherry tried to stifle her giggles but failed. 抑制住呵呵笑。
resist -against.忍耐,抵制,抵抗,抗拒。
*I can't resist the temptation to buy mouth-watering chocolates.
*Larry couldn't resist giving advice to his buddy.
problematic (adj) -having trouble, problem or issue is not able to resolve.有问题的,难以处理的。
problem (n) -trouble. 问题。
back and forth - continuing go forward then back up, and go forward.. or going from side to side. When we talk about decision is hard to make. Back and forth, unable to decide what to do. 前后或左右摇摆的。
drifting -漂流,漂积物,驱逐,意图,要旨,观望,倾向。盲目前进。
fiddle - (fiddling) -playing with something for fun, doing something looks very busy but nothing serious.拨弄,玩弄,摆弄。。(如手拿铅笔无意识的摆弄)
for sack of something - for a reason of something.
for sack of others, for sack of time, for sack of heavy rain...............
tempting - make you to think want to do something. temp -
embarrassing (adj) -丢脸的,难堪的。
embarrass -使丢脸的,使难堪的。
embarrassed -感到丢脸的,难堪的。感到尴尬的。
surrounding - anything is around you.
interaction - talk to people have face to face, get response from each other.互动。
impulse (n)- think of something want to do it right away.冲动,冲击,推动力,刺激,冲力,

Language Tips:
emoticon -表情符号。笑脸 :-), colon, hyphen, and right parenthesis.
caret (n)-脱字符号。以注符号加插其中。
text -文字。
texting -手机传简讯。

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