Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Coffee Houses

Coffee houses then and now
走進咖啡屋 - 咖啡店的今與昔.

Ah, the rich smell of fresh coffee! People who love the aromatic beverage flock to coffee houses to enjoy it. A coffee house may be as simple as a cozy room with big soft chairs, Wi-Fi and dozens of coffee thinks. Or it may be a place where baristas are coffee chefs and the roasting of beans a serious business. However one looks at it, coffee houses have drawn people for centuries like honey draws flies.

The first public coffee house dates back to 1475 in Constantinople. Turkey, today's Istanbul. Coffee was very important to the culture at the time. A woman was allowed to divorce her husband if he did not keep the coffeepot full! Coffee houses arrived in Europe about 1650 and spread to England by 1652. Some believe the word "tips" first entered the English language in an English coffee house. A jar on the counter had a sign that read "To Insure Prompt Service." Customers who put a coin in the jar were served more quickly.

Thanks to Starbucks, coffee houses can now be found all over the world, and the coffee house phenomenon continues to grow. As of July last year, Starbucks boasted 17,651 coffee hoses in countries around the world. While some folks head for the nearest Starbucks when desperate for coffee, other coffee aficionados want something more. They look for coffee places that offer extra special coffee. These shops offer specialty coffee blends or signature coffee drinks.

In Brazil, serious coffee drinkers visit Isabela Raposeirs. The owner of this coffee house named for her is familiar with coffee growing. She is also skilled in roasting and blending. She travels the world to learn every thing she can about coffee. Her shop boasts an amazing espresso blend.

Those in the Philippines head to the nearest Figaro Coffee shop. This shop serves delicious coffee of several different blends. Their flavored beans are made through a special process that puts the flavor right into the bean. This results in a delicious, long-lasting flavor.

Some of the world's coolest coffee houses offer more than just good coffee. At Brother Baba Budan in Melbourne Australia, customers are rewarded with a unique environment as well as great coffee. Wooden chairs hang from the ceiling. The door handle is a silver coffee shovel. Those who prefer to share their coffee with something furry can visit Usagi-to-Cafe in Japan. People there can sip their coffee and pet one of the 21 bunnies for about US $1 per minute.

At Wash & Coffee in Munich, Germany, patrons enjoy a coup of coffee and use the Internet as they do their laundry. This place aims to make people feel at home! At the Big Knit Cafe' in Bangkok, Thailand, customers are served yarn along with their coffee. The cafe' attracts all levels of knitters - experienced staff offer help to the novices. A coffee house may just serve great coffee, or it may offer something extra. Either way, there's nothing like the rich smell of coffee.

Grammar Gym:
"However one looks at it, coffee houses draw people like honey does flies."
like - attracted.
(subject 1 + verb + object 1) like (subject 2) does (object 2).
Samantha loves shoes like a child does candy.
The sheriff hunts down criminals like a cat does mice.

Vocabulary Tips:
aromatic (adj) - smell is really good.有香味的,很香的。。 aroma (n) -good smell.香味,香气。
*These aromatic herbs are good for your health.
*The aromatic beef not only smells good but also looks very tempting.
beverage (n) - drink.饮料
*All beverages served in the business class sector are free.商务舱
*Shirley is a minor so she can only drink non-alcoholic beverages.无酒精的饮料。
divorce - married people decided not to be together anymore. 与配偶离异,离婚。
*The couple divorced only two years after they got married.
*Al and his wife got divorced last winter.
*The nasty divorce not only hurt themselves, it also hurt their children.丑陋方式离婚
prompt - response very quickly, done it in an expecting time or in a very short amount time of waiting. 立即,马上。很快,不耽搁。
*Prompt replies are essential in customer service.
*A prompt reaction is necessary if you work in the ER.
*This tenant is always prompt with his payment. 交房租从不耽延。
cozy - small but very comfortable place, can be a warm chair with a blanket in the winter. cozy room, cozy chair.
dozens - many, a lot.
baristas - someone knows how to prepare or making coffee.
however looks at it - see it from different angles.
flood - a group of people, a group of animal. many , a lot of people.
phenomenon (n) -现象。you can see it grow or develop, something is observable.
*The phenomenon of bullying has already existed for a long time.
phenomena (复数n) -现象
*As a reporter, you should study various social phenomena.各种社会现象。
desperate -can't wait, must have, can't not do without it.渴望的,极度需要的。
*At the audition, you can see many young talents desperate to be on stage.
desperate -绝望的。
*While isolated, patients might feel desperate and lonely.
blend -salad mix with dressing, we call blend, but here means mix things together to come out a new thing, mix liquid together to come out a special liquid or  mix color together to make a unique color. 混合,调配。
*The chef blended the butter with some salt.
*The barista blended 4 different kinds of coffee beans for the coffee shop's house blend.
espresso (n) - a kind of coffee. a bit more just coffee, has very strong taste and flavor.意式咖啡的一种。。
*The customer ordered a double espresso.
cappuccino - blend espresso with a certain amount of milk. 意式咖啡的另一种。。
aficionados - people who know coffee very well, very picky about the making process, smell, brew, flavor and taste.
signature - something is someone's specialty that represents that person. 代表作。
familiar with something - have knowledge of something. Accountant is familiar with Accounting, ( Banker is familiar with Banking...)
reward -pay back,  gain. 奖励,奖赏 (回赠,回报)。。
*The hikers who reached the summit were rewarded with a magnificent view.以壮观的景色为奖赏。
*Nathan was given a great bonus as a reward for his hard work.
furry - hairy, things has fur or long hair. 有毛的, 毛茸茸的。毛的。
*These furry toys might causes allergies.
*Kids love to play with furry puppies.
fur (n) -hair skin.毛皮,软毛。
*The lady was wearing a fox fur around her neck.
patron (n) - customers, people who come often. 旅馆或是餐馆的主顾,顾客。
*Many patrons came for the chef's delicious beef stew.
*These parking spaces are for our patrons only.
patron (n) -赞助者。
*Jeffrey is an enthusiastic patron for local artists.
novice - the beginner, who just learn, not know too much.新手,初学者。 . 'nove" -有‘新’之意。
*I'm a novice driver. I get lost all the time.
novice at - 那方面的新手,初学者用“at”
*As a novice at directing, he still has a lot to learn. 在导演方面。
shovel (n)- scoop, spoon.
aim to do something - purpose for something. goal for something.
yarn - thread made of fur. knitting with yarn.
experience - knew, learn.
there's nothing like something - nothing can compare.

Language Tips:
tips - some believe is came from " To Insure Prompt Service".小费(它的由来)
acronym -字头语。20 世纪之后才流行被运用。
tips - acronym of T.I.P.S. of To Insure Prompt Service. 本文中提到是1950上下的年代,还没有acronym 的使用
some believe...- the most of times are not true. 看见.“some believe.就要注意,真是这样吗?(很多时候不是真的)。.
insure -promise.保险,买保险,投保。
ensure -make sure.确保。
Starbucks -辛巴克咖啡。
Moby Dick -美国早期的一本著名小说。
Pequod - 在Moby Dick的一艘船的名字。早期辛巴克咖啡的合伙人们要为它们的咖啡shop取名字,有人提议用Pequod 为名,但被其中一个合伙人否决了。
Starbuck -Pequod 船的大副的名字。后来巴克咖啡的合伙人们决定用大副的名字Starbuck 为名。
Starbucks -因为合伙人不是一个,所以在Starbuck 之后,加上“s”. Starbucks 由此而来。
do their laundry -清洗衣服
laundry (年)- 指未清洗的赃衣服。也指清洗后的干净衣服。
I have to do the laundry - 指未清洗的赃衣服
Can you hang up the laundry? 指清洗后的干净衣服
laundry = the wash (n)
come out in the wash -在洗涤的过程中被除去。即“真相大白,水落石出”。

Leaning notes of "StudioClassroom"

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