Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Skywriting 。

People began writing message in the sky many years ago.挥毫云霄间,多年前就有人开始在天空留言了

Ninety years ago, people attending the English Derby watched in awe as a message appeared in the sky. White smoke spelled out "Daily Mail." the name of a local newspaper. The smoke had come from a plane flown by pilot Cyril Turner. He was performing a complex series of maneuvers above the racetrack, releasing smoke to spell the words.

Years earlier, British air force officer John C. Savage had developed this technique, called skywriting. Savage's  intention had been to create a way of sending messages in an emergency. His idea came from his experience during World War I when low-flying planes released smoke to block the enemy's vision. Later in 1992, the same year as Turner's flight, American pilot Allen J. Cameron introduced skywriting to America. He wrote "Hello USA" in the sky above New York City.

Many companies including Pepsi recognized skywriting's potential. From the early 1930s until the 1950s, Pepsi used skywriting more than any other company as its primary means of advertising.  Today, some companies still advertise through skywriting from time to time, but skywriting has also acquired a more personal use. One New York Skywriting company puts more than 50 marriage proposals in the sky each year.

Grammar  Tips:
Today, some companies still advertise through skywriting from time to time.
"from time to time" - occasionally, not regularly.
Wendy's mother would let her go play in a local park from time to time.
I like to shop at that store from time to time.
"From time to time" -Something happen again and again in occasionally.
"period" - from what time to what time, we call "period" not "time to time".

Vocabulary Tips:
intention- want to...意图,用意。
*My intention was to help out, but it was misunderstood.
*I have no intention to change my career. I'm happy with my job. 没想要。。。
*It wasn't my intention to harm you.
potential -潜力,潜能。
*I think your business has a lot of potential.
*Nina has great dancing potential, but she needs formal training.
potential -潜在的可能。。
*potential customers.
acquire - get it, obtain. 获得,取得。
*He spent a lot of money remodeling his newly acquired apartment.
acquire -学到。
*Renee acquired French while she was living in Paris.
Derby- a professional horse race.
awe - it's awesome, so cool, wah! amazed.
maneuver - a serial of movements that require some skill and practice.  ab act or movement repeat.
technique - the way of deal or do.
proposal - man ask women to marry him. or idea, suggestion 提案, 求婚。.

Chat Room:
The smoke had come from a plane flown by pilot Cyril Turner.
flown - fly 的过去式
fly by- flown by.
fly by -由他驾驶,开飞机,(n): 飞机低空飞行,战机的空中分列式表演。
fly-by-night : 靠不住的,不能信赖的,不负责任的。原本指“夜间潜逃的负债人或是在金钱上不负责任的人。。make a lot of money over night, and suddenly disappeared. (fly away)
fly-by-night company.- 在金钱上不负责任公司,潜逃消失找不到了。

Where did those tasty treats come from?

The stories behind some of your favorite snacks may surprise you.美食探源。你最喜爱的点心背后的故事,可能会让你大感讶异

What is your favorite tasty treat? Is it a local delicacy or a food that originated in another country? Let's look at a few popular treats.

French Fries
Whenever people mention "french fries." McDonald's usually comes to mind. While the American corporation did not invent the potato creation, they did perfect it and popularize it around the world. The ubiquitous fry originated in France or Belgium. They both claim the invention. Only in the United States is this kind of fried potato associated with the French. In England, they're called "chips." And in France itself, they're called pommes frites meaning "fried apples."

An absent-minded 11-year-old boy is responsible for this favorite frozen treat. One cold night in 1905, Frank Epperson accidentally left a stick in a cup of flavored water outside on his back porch. The drink froze solid during the night. The next day Epperson found the water frozen onto the stick and called it the "Epsicle." His friends loved his frigid treat, and in later years, his kids did too. They asked for "pop's sicle." In 1923, Epperson applied for a patent and later sold the rights to the brand name "popsicle" to a New York company.

Potato Chips
This snack resulted from an irritated chef who wanted to teach a customer a lesson. In 1853, Chef George Crum worked at a resort in Saratoga Springs, New York. He made some French fries for a customer who decided they were too thick and returned them to the kitchen. Crum decided to irk the customer with very thinly sliced, crisply fried potatoes. His plan back fired; the guest loved the chips, and soon others were requesting Crum's "Saratoga Chips." Today "potato chips" come in a wide variety of flavors. Americans spend 6 billion dollars a year on potato chips.

Ice Cream Cones
While ice cream has a long history in both China and ancient Greece, the ice cream cone is a recent invention. The edible conical ice cream holder became popular at the St. Louis, Missouri, World's Fair in 1904. Syrian-American Ernest Hamwi had a waffle booth next to an ice cream stand. When the ice cream seller ran out of dishes, Hamwi shaped a waffle "cone" to hold ice cream. This version of the story is the official one, but four other men at the same fair also claim to have invented the ice cream cone.

This deep-fried treat was invented by people in Holland and Germany who were looking for something to do with leftover bread dough. The Germans just dropped theirs into boiling oil, but the Dutch wound theirs into knots (dough Knots), fried them, and rolled them in sugar. The most popular donut shap俄 is round with a hole in the center. Americans claim that a man from Maine invented the donut with a hole in 1847. He did this because he hated the uncooked center of the confection, so he simply removed the center before cooking the donut.

Candy Bars
Chocolate as a beverage was enjoyed in Sout和 America for years before Hernando Cortes took it back to Spain in 1529. It then took 300 years before people thought of eating it. In 1847, Joseph Fry discovered a way to mix melted cocoa butter and sugar into dry cocoa powder to create a paste that could be molded. The new chocolate bar was a hit. By the 1920s as many as 40,000 different candy bars had hit the market. While there are fewer today, the sweetness and smoothness of chocolate still delights the tongue and soothes the soul.

Grammar Tips:
Whenever people mention "french fries" McDonald's usually comes to mind.
Whenever people mention "subject" (Something) usually comes to mind.
Whenever people mention "Paris," the Eiffel tower usually comes to mind.
Whenever people mention "Japanese food," sushi usually comes to mind.

Vocabulary Tips:
popularize- 普及化,通俗地。普遍颇受欢迎的。popular -受欢迎。"ize" -使如何如何。
*Kung Fu was popularized in the West by Bruce Lee's movies.
*The video game was popularized by the blockbuster movie.
Ubiquitous -随处可见的,无处不在,普遍可见的,
*The ubiquitous wi-fi system made a lot of people's lies easier.
*There seems no way to get rid of these ubiquitous ants.
patent - 专利,专利权。
*The research team received a patent for the new drug they developed.
patent -专利证书
*The product's English patent was framed and posted on the wall.
irritate-something bothered him very much, or make him angry. 激怒,引起不快。
*Her constant nagging can easily irritated people around her.
*Mom was irritated when she saw my messy room.
irk - to bother or to irritate someone. 使恼怒,使心烦,使苦恼,使生气。
*The clerk's bad attitude really irked me.
*Freddie's inappropriate comments irked his colleagues.
*Pamela was irked by her husband's impatient looks.
edible - able to eat them.可食的。
*These wild mushrooms are not only edible, but also delicious.
*Only the stems of the vegetable are edible. 蔬菜的茎部
inedible - not able to eat.
teach lesson - correct them and show the what is wrong.
backfire - like very much. (回)反应热烈,
conical - 园椎 cone- 园椎形的东西。
popsicle -冰棒。
frigid - extremely cold.
deep fried - boil oil all around it.
dough -uncock part that really to put into the oven. 面团。
bread dough -作面包的面团
pastry dough- 作糕饼。。
knead dough -揉面。
*The baker is kneading dough in the kitchen.
dough- 口语的“钱”
*Jack is making a lot of dough.。。 日进斗金, 转很多钱。
*The beverages are included in the meal.
*Coffee, tea and hot chocolate are the hot beverages we serve.
*All beverages served on the flight are free.
soothe -安慰,抚慰。
*The mother's warm embrace soothed the crying baby.
*This painkiller should soothe your headache.
knot - tie together.结,打结
trout and salmon, deer or elk burger.
pop - dad, father.

Chat room:
treat - a little snack for dog. a food we don't usually eat. 1 -对待,2-请客,3-(n) 好吃的食物, 4- 非常的东西,尤其是少有的,料想不到的,感到幸福快乐的事。
I can't believe she treats her dog like that.
treat -请客
Let me treat you to ice cream.
He treated me to a movie.
treat (n)-好吃的食物
Where did those tasty treats come from?
dog treats.
a real treat-非常的东西,尤其是少有的,料想不到的,感到幸福快乐的事。
Spending the afternoon reading a novel has been a real treat.
Resort -a vacation place, or doing something when you out of other opportunity.
In 1853, Chef George Crum worked at a resort in Saratoga Springs, New York.
resort -度假胜地,度假村。
beach resort -
ski resort-
resort -采取某种手段。
The police had to resort to force. 采取武力手段。
resort to staying in a bus station. - 采取在公车站过夜的手段。
as a last resort -快要走头无路,别无其他办法,你仅有的最后选择或机会。
I slept in the bus station as a last resort. 没其他选择,只好在车站过夜。
wind (n)- 风 发‘i' 声
wind (adj)- 弯延,弯曲延绕。发’ai' 音
*The river winds through a valley.
wind up (idiom)- 结束
Let's wind up meeting.
wind up-结果,下场。
If you break the law, you may wind up in jail.
wound - wind (弯延)的过去式
The Dutch wound theirs into knots (dough Knots), fried them, and rolled them in sugar. 缠绕成结下锅油炸。
wound up -精神紧蹦,紧张。
The soldiers were wound up on the day before the battle.精神紧蹦

Monday, May 28, 2012

Taking a working holiday

Two people have very different experience during their working holidays.打工度假经验谈。

This month studio classroom talks to two different people, Claire Lee and Vincent Lee, about their working holiday experiences.

Vincent spent 2004-2005 on a working holiday in Australia. Claire is currently completing her working holiday in Canada.

SC: Why did you decided to take a working holiday?
CL: I wanted to experience a different culture, and a working holiday seemed like the best way to do that.
VL:I'd been keen to travel around the world since I was a teenager and kept the idea in my mind about 10 years. Then one day, I got some information about working holidays and knew it would be the beginning of a journey.

SC: Where did you go and why?
CL: I went to Canada because its working holiday program accepts people over the age of 30. I started in Vancouver because I had already established connections there. I'll probably stay in Vancouver throughout my working holiday for the sake of convenience.

VL: I was interested in a lot of different cities, so I made travel a priority on my working holiday. I intentionally spent time in lots of different Australian cities. I spent time in Sydney, Melbourne, Darwin and Perth, for example.

SC: What were you most worried about before you left?
CL: I was, and still am, a bit worried about finding a job when I return home to Taipei.
VL: I was most anxious that my English wouldn't be good enough to communicate.

SC: Where did you stay and work during your working holiday?
CL: I got a house in Vancouver, and I'm working as an assistant to a Chinese medicine doctor.
VL: I stayed wherever I could. Sometimes I stayed in hostels. Other times I shared a house or stayed in a cabin or camped. Sometimes I slept in my car -especially when I was moving between cities. I worked at different jobs as I traveled.

SC: What was the biggest challenge you faced?
CL: I wondered about a lot of things before I left. I got a lot of assistance from my friends at church, though, so since arriving in Canada,  I haven't really run into any huge obstacles.
VL: Talking to westerners in English was challenging. They speak English faster than I can comprehend it. I had to learn to pay close attention.

SC:What was the most important lesson you learned?
CL: I spend a lot of time alone here, so I'm learning to really appreciate who I am.
VL: My working holiday taught me that the world is a big place with limitless possibilities. I learned to love meeting new people.

SC: Would you do it again?
CL: For me, this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
VL: Definitely. Since my working holiday, I've never really stopped traveling.

Grammar Tips:
I'll probably stay in Vancouver throughout my working holiday for the sake of convenience.
"for the sake of "= for the purpose of .
Mr. Lee grew tired of his noisy neighborhood and finally moved to the mountains for the sake of peace and quiet.
For the sake off time, let's go through the meeting agenda first and have the comments and questions at the end.

Vocabulary Tips:
keen- you want to do something very much. 渴望的,热爱的, 非常有兴趣。对。。很有兴趣。
*Rose has been keen to visit, Paris since she was a teenager.
*We're keen to have more people to get involved in the charity campaign.
*Mr. Frasier is keen on photography.
established-build up or set up for long time. 创办,建立,创立
*Fred established his enterprise in China within years.
*this art college was established in 1952.
*We need to establish a good relationship with our neighbors.
intentionally -do things on purposely.有意地,故意地
*Sherry showed up late for the party intentionally so everyone would notice her.
*I didn't say those words intentionally.
assistance - assist-help.
*He established his business with the assistance of his wife.
*Andy's computer technology assistance is greatly appreciated.
comprehend -理解,了解
*I had a hard time comprehending what the clerk said because of his accent.
*No one seems to be able to comprehend my situation.
*The text is too difficult for elementary school kids to comprehend.
limitless - 广泛不受限制,无限。limit -受限制 less -没有
*You can enjoy a limitless supply of soft drinks at the buffet.
*This boy seems to have limitless potential in mathematics.
anxious -担心
hostel -a large house provide people sleep place with little price. it's a cheap way to stay.

Chat Room:
go on vacation (USA) , go on holiday 休假 (other English speaking country)-
I want to vacation (v) -
the Forth of July.独立记念日。
national holiday.国定假日。
Where did you stay and work during your working holiday?
live/stay -
stay -短暂停留。暂时的。
How long are you staying in Taipei?
I am here to stay - 留在此地定居。stay,  not going to move.
The new cellphone is here to stay.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Would you wear that?

A look at some of the strange things people make and wear.可以穿的牛奶,可以吃的鞋

Would you wear clothing made from food products or jewelry made of human hair? Some people would. Ask German fashion designer Anke Domaske, whose clothes made from milk are gaining popularity. Milk fabric has been around since the 1930s, but at that time, the milk was combined with chemicals. Domaske's fabric. QMilch, is the first man-made fiber made without chemicals. She developed it by removing a milk protein from dry milk.

She then heated it and spun it into yarn. It takes about six liters of milk to produce one dress. According to Domaske, the fabric feels like silk, doesn't smell and can be washed.

Next on the menu...
Would you prefer bedtime slippers made of bread? Twin brothers and designers R&E Prasaliauskas have created a unique slipper made completely of bread. The slippers can be ordered in white, gold, and black. They also have styles for both adults and kids. And yes, the bread slippers can be eaten if you get hungry for a late-night snack.

What do you do with your empty instant noodle packages? One young woman came up with a creative solution -she made a dress! With 196 packages and a few chopsticks, Karina from Virginia created a winning project called "wearable art."

Human hair jewelry
Jewelry made of human hair may sound strange to us today. But it was once a very popular item. During the 1600s, bracelets made with human hair were given as tokens of affection. Britain's Queen Victoria gave gifts of jewelry made of her own hair.

People also commonly wore jewelry containing hair from loved ones who had died. Hair jewelry remained popular until the early 1900s, when a short haircut called the "bob" became fashionable. Today, although only a few artists know how to make it, hair jewelry is appearing again. The unique jewelry can now be found in traditional and modern styles.

Without a doubt, these kinds of creative ideas promise to keep fashion interesting!

Grammar Tips:
One young woman came up with a creative solution -she made a dress!
"to come up with" -  think out something that may resolve the problem, created an idea.
" come up "- catch to the level. reach to.
The elevator is coming up.
"with" , to develop.
A local pastor came up with this after school program at the church to help kids stay away from gang activities.
The company hired an agency to help them come up with an advertisement campaign to promote their new product.
Who came up with this silly and impractical idea?

Vocabulary Tips:
jewelry - 手饰
*grandma loves to wear jewelry that matches her outfit.
jewel -珠宝
*The jewels on the crown are worth millions.
protein- 蛋白质。
*Eddie drinks protein fortified chocolate milk.
*Tofu is also a healthy source of protein.
*Athletes need to have high protein diets.
spin / spun /spinning - 旋转,转动,绕圈转/过去式,过去分词/ 现在进行式。
*These machines spin goat's hair into wool.
*The old lady was spinning from morning till dusk.
wear -穿戴 wearable-可穿戴的,适合穿戴,容易配搭的耐穿的。
*The designer's clothes are wearable to all kinds of occasions.
*These wearable evening shoes are both pretty and affordable.
token - 有象征意义的东西,信物。搭乘交通工具或是 游戏场用的代币。象征什么意义 的, 要用"as"来表示。
*Darren bought his mom a bouquet of flowers as a token of his gratitude.
a subway token -
without a doubt -无可 置疑的,毫无疑问的,无庸置疑的doubt -怀疑
*Tina is without a doubt our best hair designer.
*Without a doubt, Lawrence is the rightest student I've ever taught.

Chat Room:
slippers -托鞋

hair -头发(不可数名词)
Bryan's hair is brown.
two gray hairs.(可数名词)整个头上的头发有几根白发。
gray hair -中国人所谓的白头发。
get in someone's hair. 不甚其烦,不堪其烦,被搅扰的受不了。
That kid who plays the trumpet every night is really getting in my hair.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Is Airport Security Really Necessary?

A: Airport security is a part of travel these days. Whew! we're finally through airport security. Such scrutiny! I felt like a criminal!
B: Security is really necessary these days. I'm glad we have it. It makes me feel safe flying.
A: But we're not safe. That's why they keep adding new things to the security process. Did you see those full-body scanners?
B: They make the security check really thorough, so it's OK with me.
A: It's not OK with me! Airport security is way too strict now. No one but passengers can go to the gates.
B: So?
A: So, I miss the days when my parents or friends could just meet me right when I got off the plane.
In many airports, friends can meet us in baggage claim. That's just as good.
B: I still feel like all the security violates my rights.
A: Well, they have to keep everybody safe. If there weren't bad people out there, we wouldn't have security.
B: I know. But I'm not a bad person!
A; You think only bad people should go through security? You think you can tell a bad person just by looking at them. The authorities need to treat everyone the same. That's only fair.
B: Maybe you are right. But I still don't like it!
A: I don't think the authorities enjoy making people jump through all the security hoops.
B: They're just trying to improve the process.
A: How?
B: Well, in some airports, frequent travelers have a special line now that's faster. And soon people won't have to take off their shoes.
A: Well, that's an improvement. But why can't innocent people walk through the metal detector and be done with it? I mean. is a woman with a baby or an elderly couple really going to carry a gun or a bomb? Come on! They're not suspicious
B: If authorities didn't X-ray everyone's carry-ons, then terrorist would start to use people like that to harm plane and passengers.
A: I guess you're right. Thorough the securities is the best prevention.
B: And the authorities need a method of checking the contents of people's bags, if there wasn't one, people could take all kinds of danger things onto the plane.
A: I know, I know, but I still don't like strangers going through my stuff.
B: When you choose to travel by plane, you give up your right to privacy to keep everyone safe.
A: I guess the world isn't a safe place anymore, I can't change that, so I'll have to tolerate to security check.

Grammar Tips:
But why can't most-Innocent people walk through the metal detector and be done with it.
"be done with it " = "be finished with something."
I'll be done with it in an hour and I'll return it to you when I'm done.
I want you to be done with it by the end of this week.

Vocabulary Tips:
scrutiny-细查,详查,仔细检查。take time and careful to exam or check or read it.
*The presidential candidates' financial statuses are subject to public scrutiny.
*Every move celebrities take is under media scrutiny.
thorough -detail and carefully. 彻底的,完全的,详细的。
*A thorough mechanical check-up is important before a plane takes off.
*The doctor advised Irene to have a thorough physical exam.
*The figures will be checked thoroughly.
violate -违反, 侵犯。break the rule.
*The rights of these protesters were severely violated during the arrest.
*These attacks clearly violated the agreement between the two countries.
Jump through hoops (idiom) -go through so many things then come to the point what you want.
I had to jump through hoops to get my new passport.经过重重难关才。。
The salesman jumped through loops to get his customer to buy the product.
suspicious -可疑的,怀疑,疑心的。
*There was a suspicious man wandering around the victim's house before the theft.
*I am suspicious of her intentions
tolerate -容忍,包容,
*Dave cannot tolerate anyone not paying attention when he's speaking.

Chat Room:
way -太过于,远超出。太过。非常的
Slow down! You're going too fast.
You are going way too fast.
This is way too much.
Airport security is way too strict now.
cool -
This is way cool.
bag -袋子,行李。
How many bags?
luggage - not countable noun, only use "piece" to mention about the volume. 不可加“s"
a piece of luggage.
five pieces of luggage.
suitcase- countable and uncountable.
I have five suitcases.
I have five piece of suitcases.
carry-ons : the bag carry on board.