Friday, May 17, 2013

Running Right

Running is great exercise – if you do it right
正確跑步方式 - 跑步是很棒的運動,但要有正確 的做法.

The sun is out. The weather is pleasant. It's a great day for running. But before you start, here are some tips for avoiding injuries.

Be safe
Pay attention to what's happening around you while you run. If you are running along a road, wear light-colored clothes so drivers can see you.

Listen to your body
Running is tiring and can hurt. But consistent pain indicates that something is wrong. Maybe you need to change the way you move to put less pressure on certain muscles or joints. Or maybe you're overtired and need a day off. Resting when necessary will help you get back to running as soon as possible.

Choose good shoes
Pick comfortable shoes that fit the unique shape of your foot. This will prevent strain on your feet, ankles, legs and back.

Mix it up
Many experts recommend cross-training - doing other physical activities besides running. That could mean biking, swimming or playing a sport. By varying your exercises, you avoid injuries caused by repeated motion.

Following this simple advice will help you stay safe while you get healthy.

Grammar Gym:
Resting when necessary will help you get back to running as soon as possible.
"when necessary" - when it is necessary.
Don't take this medicine every day. Take it only when necessary.
Mr. Martin rarely uses his cell phone; he makes calls only when necessary.

Vocabulary Tips:
consistent - happen over and over, happen all the time. 持续的。
*You can see a consistent improvement in this student's performance.
consistently (adv.) -持续地。
*The defendant consistently denied all the changes.
pressure -压力。也指“心理上的压力".
press -压。push.
*Apply pressure to the wound to stoop the bleeding.
*Eddie has been under a lot of pressure. He needs a break.
strain -紧张,扭伤,拉伤。变形。曲解,拉紧。。
*Warming up before exercising can prevent muscle strain.
strain -负担,压力。
*The public hospital system is under considerable strain because of this infectious disease.
physical -身体的。refer to body.
*a physical exam. -体检。
*Billy's physical condition is worsening.
physical -外在的,有形的,具体的。
*You need physical evidence to prove your car was scratched intentionally.具体的证据。。
injury (n) - someone get hurt.
injure (v) - to injure something.
"to get back to something" - work for a long time, you stop and take a break, then back to what you were doing.
* get back to work, get back to the topic.....
cross-training - get training from different classes.
repeated motion - same gesture doing over and over, again and again.

Language Tips:
running /jogging :
run - fast speed, take less 9 minutes to finish a mile.跑步
jog -fast walking, speed less than run. take more than 9 minutes to finish a mile.慢跑
run and jog 在意义上虽不同,但在口语上可以通用,去慢跑,可以说去跑步。
I'm going running. 我去慢跑在口语上可以说我去跑步。

Taking notes of study "StudioClassroom"

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