Monday, December 3, 2012

The history of Keys

You can't get in unless you have the key!鑰匙的演變。

Locks help protect our homes - and the things inside them -from thieves. Keys that open those locks really are the key to home security! Some of the earliest keys, dating back to 700 B.C., were large and made of wood. They opened palace gates and looked like giant toothbrushes with pegs on them.

Hundreds of years later, the Romans made smaller, metal keys. In fact, rich Romans wore some of them as rings. They locked boxes that contained valuables with these keys. Key designs became more artistic in the 14th century. Some European locksmiths became famous for making beautiful keys. Kings invited them to design their castle keys. As European cities grew in the 18th century, so did the number of thieves. So locksmiths designed locks and keys that were better at preventing thieves from breaking in.

Today, office workers and hotel guests open doors using electronic keycards, cards that are used as keys:  There are even smartphone apps for gaining entry to one's home without a key. Although traditional metal keys may one day disappear, the need for security will remain.

Grammar Tips:
Although traditional metal keys may one day disappear, the need for security will remain.
Although...may disappear, the need for ...will remain.
Although many experts say that traditional books may disappear someday, the need to read will remain.
Although fossil fuels will someday disappear, the need for energy will remain.

Vocabulary Tips:
valuable (adj) -贵重的,有价值的。(n.)贵重的物品或财产。 (复数名词)
*All our valuables in the hotel room were stolen.
*We keep our valuables in a safely deposit box.
break in -非法进入,闯入。 break -打破。
*The burglars broke into the house through the bedroom window.
break-in (n) -非法进入,闯入
*The police are investigating the break-in at the office building that happened last week.
entry (n) - 进入。enter(v)-进入。
*The thief gained entry to the house by breaking the lock.
entrance (n) -入口,门, 通道。
*The singer arrived from the back entrance of the stadium.

Chat Room:
Some European locksmiths became famous for making beautiful keys.
famous - well known by the whole world. 有名气的,出名的。非常出名,远近驰名,全世界各地向往,中外人士想要前往的。
famous restaurant - 有名的餐厅,饭店。
popular - well known only in the local. 只在当地城市 很受欢迎的。很热门的。但不能说是很出名的。

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