Saturday, December 8, 2012

Can Your Desk Help You Lose Weight?

Sitting too much is bad for your health

黏在辦公桌前,瘦得下來嗎? 久坐有害健康.

James Levine has reviewed the statistics: One in three Minnesota adults is either diabetic or pre-diabetic, and one in four is obese. And he thinks he's found the underlying ailment: "the sitting disease."

 "Sitting is sort of the new smoking," the Mayo Clinic endocrinologist said on the eve of an experiment designed to tackle so-called "lifestyle" diseases. He and a team of researchers from Mayo and the University of Minnesota believe that even modest increases in daily activity could help people lose weight and improve their health - and help control the nation's staggering health care bills.

Levine, who walks on a treadmill while he works and believes in "walking staff meetings," said similar studies have suggested that employees can burn up to 350 additional calories per day, reduce their health care costs and perform better at work by replacing two hours of sitting with standing each day.

To test that theory, Levine and his team dropped in on the Minneapolis offices of Caldrea, a maker of environment-friendly cleaning supplies. The desks of 30 employees have been replaced with adjustable "work-fit" stations, developed by the St. Paul, Minnesota-based company Ergotron, that give the employees the option to sit or stand while working on their computers.

The researchers began health screenings for the study in Mayo's "Obesity Prevention Bus," a lab on wheels. The bus will return to Caldrea every 30 days for three months to measure changes in employees' behavior and fitness. James Greenwood, a senior sales analyst and account manager for Caldrea, said he jumped at the opportunity to participate in the study because for the last 14 years, he's spent about 35 hours per week sitting at a desk. He found out that his body mass index (BMI) is 19, well within the range considered healthy, but he would like to get it lower.

He said he's tried everything from sitting on an exercise ball at his desk to biking and walking on his lunch breaks to stay active and alert in the office. "I think any time you get a chance to do something to break up your day or do something at work, it's wonderful," he said.

Greenwood transferred to Caldrea five months ago, and he said he's already seen how working for a company that "invests in his health" - Caldrea offers catered organic lunches and group-fitness outings - can improve office life. "Employees are definitely engaged," he said.

Grammar Tips:
And he thinks he's found the underlying ailment...
"underlying " -lying under something. here means basic or important.
Doctors could not determine the underlying cause of Andrew's medical condition.
Although lawmakers gave several reasons for their new proposal, the underlying issue was never mentioned.

Vocabulary Tips:
obese - "e" 发“i”长音。(o-bi-s ), extremely over weight. 肥胖,过胖。
*Obese teenagers often lack self-confidence and are withdrawn.
obesity (n)-肥胖,过胖
*The patient suffers from obesity.
staggering - 摇摇晃晃,瞒姍而行。此处意思是“巨大,难以置信的。
stagger - 摇摇晃晃不倒的。
*The movie's staggering production budget is record-breaking. 破纪录的巨大制作预算。。
*The company announced bankruptcy because of its staggering debt. 巨大(数量惊人的)负债。。宣布倒闭。
option -选择,选择权。choice.
*Nick had no option but to accept his parents' arrangement.
option-可选择的选项,项目或事物。ways of choice.
*There are three options for you to pay: cash, credit cards or personal checks.
analyst - a person who's job is to test and exam something very closely. 分析师。发音时,重音在第一音节。
*a system analyst. - 系统分析师。
* a financial analyst - 财务分析师。
analysis -分析。发音时,重音在第二音节。
*The article is an analysis of current racial conflicts.
cater -提供餐点或承办筵席。 provide you that food and service from outside.
catered dinner -晚餐有叫外烩提供服务。
a catered banquet - 提供外烩的宴会。
a catered wedding - 提供外烩的婚宴。
*The restaurant that catered the wedding banquet is famous in our town.
engage - 投入。使投入的。participating and involve.
engaged  (adj) -从事某种事物,投入某种事物。something that you are interested and participated.
*Tina has been engaged in charity work for many years.
*Patrick is deeply engaged in the development of new computer games.

Chat Room:
Sitting is sort of the new smoking.
"the new black " - black color is main color for fashion, but now there is some other color became popular, take place of black, we may say " something color is the new black."
Brown is the new black. 咖啡色是时装的新趋势。
" the new black "  apply to other usage such as "40 is the new 30" or " 30 is the new 20 ". it means that person is in 40's but look and act like 30's. or 30 look and act like 20. 40岁看起来像是30岁的人。。。
Sitting is the new smoking - 久坐如同吸烟,对身体有害。
work (n) - (一般是不可数n)。
I have a lot of work to do. 我有许多的工作要做,工作不加“s ”
go to work, get off work or at work (work here is where the place you work at.)
go to work -去上班,去工作。
get off work-下班。
at work-在工作。。
the works of Shakespeare. ( work refer to a pieces of article,当文学作品,著作等,work 加“ s”
work (n)- (当项目,工程时,work 加“s”
public works - 政府的公共工程如建桥,铺路,造路,修桥,路灯,水利,航运建设等。work 用复数。

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