Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Holiday Movies

This season's holiday films aren't to be missed!

People will want to take plenty of breaks from their holiday preparations this year to enjoy some great movies. Hollywood is once again offering many films that are sure to entertain and excite. Several holiday films tell the stories of famous classic novels. Anna Karenina, based on Leo Tolstoy's epic novel, stars Keira Knightley. When Anna (Knightley) questions her happiness, change comes to her family, friends and community with tragic results.

Millions of people around the world enjoyed the musical stage play Les Miserables. The film version of the musical hits the big screen this month. Based on Victor Hugo's classic novel, the film tells the story of Prisoner 24601. He is newly released from prison but struggles to survive. The kind action of a bishop saves him from a return to prison. He then resolves to show kindness to others. The all-star cast includes Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway and Russell Crowe.

Leonardo Di Caprio stars in The Great Gatsby, the latest film based on the classic novel. Nick Carraway, played by Tobey Maguire, moves to New York's Long Island. There he meets Jay Gatsby (DiCaprio). For a while, Gatsby's luxurious lifestyle appeals to him. But problems soon begin to show up.

The latest film by Academy Award winning director Ang Lee is also based on a book. Life of Pi follows Pi Patel as he travels from a zoo in India across the Pacific. He survives a shipwreck and ends up in a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger for a companion. The film's special effects promise to be amazing. Those looking for an adventure should look no further than The hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.
This first of two films based on the book by JRR Tolkien tells the story of hobbit Bilbo Baggins. He and his companions travel to Lonely Mountain. They plan to get back a treasure stolen by the dragon Smoug.

In Rise of the Guardians, favorite children's characters Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and others work together. They must stop the evil bogeyman from bringing the world into darkness. James Bond fans have been waiting for his 23rd adventure. Skyfall has Agent 007's trust in M tested as events in her past become known. Two comedies will keep people laughing. In Parental Guidance, Billy Crystal and Bette Midler play Artie and Diane. Their daughter asks them to care for their three grandchildren. But their old-school parenting methods clash with the grandchildren's over-schedules way of life. Wreck-it Ralph is Disney's 52nd animated feature. Ralph is the bad guy in a video game. For 30 years he has destroyed things. Now he wants to prove he can be a good guy. So he escapes his game and finds another where he can be the good guy.

Whatever film you choose to see this holiday season, it's sure to be a good one.

Vocabulary Tips:
preparation- prepare.(单数)准备,预备。
*Kate bought a lot of food in preparation for the hurricane.
preparations -(复数)指“准备的工作。
prepare (adj)- 准备,预备
*The preparations for the wedding took the couple almost six months.
release -释放,解放。电影或专集的发行。
*The hostages were released at 1 a.m. this morning. 人质被释放。。。
*The wounded parrot was released into the wild once it healed. 受伤的鹦鹉一旦痊愈被方生野外。
*The band's next record will be released in the spring of 2013. 乐团的专集明春发行或出版。
resolve -决定,决心 determine
resolve to - 决定(心)要做的事determine to do something.
*Sean resolved to practice guitar at least one hour per day.
resolve to that -决定(心)要做的事是。。
*Samuel resolved that he would exercise at least three times a week.

Grammar Tips:
Those looking for an adventure should look no further than The Hobbit....
looking for -
I'm looking for my keys, I don't know where they are.
looking for = expecting.
to look for -someone wants to experience something.
Sophie doesn't care if the party is fancy or casual; she is just looking for a good time.
You must be looking for trouble if you think you could just walk into a neighborhood full of gangsters.

Vocabulary Tips:
companion - friend who stay with you a lot, or a person travel with you.在一起的同伴,朋友。
*Laura has been her aunt's traveling companion since she was 16.
companionship - 友谊。
*Josh is a successful businessman now, but he still cherishes the companionship of his childhood friends.
special effect - 特殊效果。(多用复数)
*The special effects in the movie "The Matrix" were highly praised by audiences.
sound effects -特殊音效。
*The sound effects in the film were so real that I thought I was actually in a jungle.
amaze -使惊奇。
amazing - (当adj)惊人的,了不起的。 amaze 的现在分词。
*The amazing scenery of the solar eclipse was unforgettable. 日蚀惊人景象感到忘怀。
amazed - 感到吃惊的,讶异的。
*We were absolutely amazed by the actress's talent.
guardian - guard -保护,守护。 "dian" - 有“人”之意。
*This candidate sees himself as the guardian of democracy.
*The hospital needs the consent of the child's guardian before operating.
old-school :旧式的派风。 (is a casual word, don't use in formal writing.) means out of date, old fashion, not updated, very old way. school here is not mean 学校。此处是指“派风”
*Some old-school traditions still exist at this college. 旧式的传统。
*The CEO's old-school management style was strongly criticized by his staff.
clash-发生冲突,抵触 (with)。撞期 (with)
*Bob clashed with his colleague over the marketing strategies for the new product.
*The company banquet clashed with my sister's wedding.撞期
base on - come from..
appeal to him - he enjoys very much, he has a great joy..
luxurious- very expensive and comfortable living.
Academy award- the highest honor in film industry and recognition good performance.
promise - going to be.
journey - ongl travel. travel a long way.
comedy- make people laugh. very funny.
animated - 动画。

Chat Room:
matinee / Martini -
martini -马丁尼,鸡尾酒。
matinee -(法文)Ma-ti-nee, 早晨的意思。指早场电影,特点是比晚场电影票价要便宜许多。
picture- 指“电影”。
motion picture- 一旧称“电影”
big screen - refer to "movie"
the big screen (n)- 大银幕,电影
What's playing on the big screen?
big-screen (adj) - 大银幕
He is a big-screen star.
parental guidance - 家长辅导PG
PG (parental guidance) -
G (general audiences )-
R (restricted ) -
PG -13 : not suitable for age under 13.
What is the movie rated? 是什么等级的电影?
rate - 估价,此为“等级”。

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