Monday, November 5, 2012

Surprising Uses for Salt

Salt can be used in some interesting ways .意想不到的鹽巴妙用 , 鹽巴有一些有趣的用途.

Pass the salt, please
How many times have you heard that? Salt is such a common part of our lives that we take it for granted. But in ancient times, it was hard to get and had great value. Some people believe it was one of they very first seasonings ever used. We still use it today to make our food taste better. But salt has many other uses that you may have never tried before.

Bug problems 
If you have trouble with ants, put a little salt on the ants' path. This should prevent them from going any farther. If you have been stung by a bee or other insect, wet the area. Then cover it with salt. This will relieve the pain.

Always keep a box of salt near your stove. If a grease fire starts in a pan, pour salt over it to put out the fire. For easier cleaning, put a little salt into a greasy pan, and wipe it before you wash it.

Food problems
Before you throw away that wrinkled-looking apple, try some salt. Put the apple in water with a little salt, and watch the wrinkles disappear! Milk and salad both stay fresher longer when you sprinkle in just a bit of salt.

Sprinkle a little salt in your shoes to take care of bad smells. You can also use salt to remove the smell of onions from your hands. Just rub your fingers with salt and a little vinegar.

Ugly marks
Someone left a glass on your wooden table, and now there's a mark. Mix a few drops of water together with one teaspoon of salt. Then rub the paste into the mark until it disappears.

Bad breath 
Take care of bad breath with a mixture of salt and baking soda. Add the mix to half a cup of water, and rinse your mouth. To solve many of life's problems, look no further than the salt in your kitchen.

Grammar Tips:
Sprinkle a little salt in your shoes to take care of bad smells.
"to take care of "- our responsibility to be care with it.
"to take care of " -here is meaning of "to get rid of" or "to deal with"
*Dory took an aspirin and that took care of her headache.
*I'll be late because I have a few problems I have to take care of right now.

Vocabulary Tips:
take something for granted.- you are not easy to appreciate something easy to get. 理所当然的。把某人或某样东西视为理所当然的。
grant - 同意,给于。
* Sometimes teenage kids tend to take their parents' love for granted.
*Marian got angry because her husband always took her for granted.
sting (v) - (sting/stung/stung) 刺,扎,叮咬。
*Nathan was stung by a scorpion and had a serious allergic reaction.
*A bee stung me while I was taking a walk in the woods.
sting (n)- 刺,扎,叮咬
*She had several jellyfish stings after her dive.
wipe -擦拭或抹。
*Lillian wiped the table with a washcloth.
*You can wipe your hands with wet-towels.
*Helen wiped her tears, stood up and left.
wrinkle (v)-(及物)使起皱纹的。
*Jenet wrinkled her nose when she smelled vinegar.
a wrinkled shirt -有皱纹的。 (被动式当形容词用)。
*The shirt is made of silk, it wrinkles easily.
wrinkle (v)-(不及物)起皱纹的
wrinkle-free pants -免皱长裤。
sprinkle - 洒,洒水。
*Frank sprinkled some pepper on his fried eggs.
*Brenda sprinkled some olive oil on her pasta.
sprinkle (adj)-小雨,毛毛雨
*The afternoon sprinkle was quite refreshing.
breath  (n)-呼吸,气息。air came out of mouth.
bad breath - 口臭。
breathe (v)- (ea ' i" )呼吸。吸气。
*He took a long breath before diving into the pool.
rain drops keep falling on my head.
a drop of something - very small amount  of something.
salt shaker - salt in a small container, use for sprinkle the salt.
worth his salt - hard workers deserved their pay.

Chat Room:
Pass the salt, please.
Can you pass the salt, please?
Can you pass the pasta, please?
Can you pass the cream, please?
Can you pass the potato, please?
Can you pass the sugar, please?
** Don't worry to ask people for help on the table, people are used to and willing to help you. Just remember, never reach out your hand pass through someone to get them, it not polite way on the table manner.
Personal space - Western people in a formal dinning, very care for its own privacy, every one should have their own room or space that others should respect each other's personal space, it's very rude behave if you go over or pass through someone to get something. 人与人之间的距离。
drop (n) -水滴,雨滴。
a few drops of something - very small amount of measurement. 几滴。。
Mix a few drops of water together with one teaspoon of salt.几滴水。。
a drop in the bucket - very small amount, tons of drops to fill up a bucket, means lack of ability or power to change something. 微乎其微。沧海一勺。

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