Saturday, December 22, 2012

Polishing Your Manners Can Improve Relationships

It never hurts to be polite at home and in public
有「禮」走遍天下 - 無論在家或在公共場合,禮多人不怪.

 Did you know that most tension in any relationship is caused by someone using a negative tone of voice? And in most instances, a tense conversation can cause friction with your in-laws or coworkers indefinitely. Good manners work magic in a different way.

Behaving nicely includes speaking thoughtfully and using a pleasing voice tone that denotes respect. Married people, especially, know how hurtful behavior erodes a relationship. For example, can you identify with the following conversation?

 "Honey, I need you to pick up the kids from school today." says Mom. "No way, I told you I'm staying late at work all week," Dad retorts. "The boss is breathing down my neck. What do you expect me to do - clone myself?" Using manners would ratchet up this conversation to a different level of respect if it went something along these lines: "Honey, I need you to pick up the kids from school today," says Mom. "I would like to," Dad assures her. "But, don't you remember that I have to stay late at work all this week?"

Good manners make you more desirable in circles that include people of power. If you have poor manners that include judging others harshly, you may get passed over for promotions at work. It's likely, also, that you'll be excluded at times from social events for those who are movers and shakers in your community. No one is going to invite you along to an event whereby your behavior becomes an embarrassment to the one who invited you.

 "I have a friend visiting me from the Southwest," says an attorney we'll call James. "He puts his foot in his mouth 10 times a day." James told us he ignored the facts and invited Mr. Big Mouth along to a wedding a couple of days ago. "I was mortified when he asked the second-time bride if her last wedding was as lavish as this one!" James told us. "People with poor manners are becoming more prevalent in our society," says James, "and they'll pay the price by getting ostracized from polite circles."

It pays to practice excellent manners within your own family on a daily basis. Otherwise, you'll swing back and forth between smooth manners and your casual self. You'll get tripped up at the worst possible time. "I'm absolutely giving up swear words and bad manners, "laughs a friend of ours we'll call Jason. "I was crabbing at my wife during a parent-teacher function a couple of weeks ago. I didn't know the microphone near me was on.

 "There I was, like a fool, using foul language to tell my wife to hurry up and get her fill-in-the-blank laptop turned off so the program could begin. Almost everyone in the room heard me." Jason told us he assigned himself to the doghouse. His wife, Jill, didn't have to do it. "Honey, if I'm crazy or profane, I want you to slap my dumb head off." Jason told Jill. "I've learned my lesson, and I will clean up my act from now on."

Grammar Tips:
Good manners work magic in a different way.
"to work magic" - is not as a magician to play a magic trick.
"to work magic " - here mean " to make a situation improve."
The housekeeper is so good at cleaning things up; she can work magic on any messy room.
The stain remover works magic; it can remove all kinds of stain!

Vocabulary Tips:
denote - represent something. 表示,代表。。。
*The knight's bow denoted his submission to the king.骑士礼表示对。。。服从。
*The boy's frown denoted that he didn't understand my explanation.
denote - a symbol for something.作为谋事物的符号,记号或象征。
*The letter T denoted time required in my report.
erode - slowly disappear, gradually reduced.侵蚀,磨损。此为“耗损,,降低”
*Larry's passion for football was slowly eroded because of his injuries. 对。。兴趣。。降低,减少了。
*People's support for the president is gradually eroding.对。。支持。。。渐渐下降。
*The paint on the car was eroded.磨损剥落。
retort -response back in a rush with unpleasant, unfriendly, impolite tone.顶嘴,反驳。态度恶劣又没耐性的回答。
*Eileen retorted her mother in public.当大庭广众。。顶嘴。。
*The thief retorted that he was completely innocent.
polishing - make it clean, clear, shinning to look good.
friction - disagree with each other, causes unfriendly feeling between two, don't like to be around it.冲突。与某人有过节。
tension - a feel of angry, frustration or fear among certain people.紧张气氛,气氛或关系的紧绷。
breathing down someone's neck - something is urgent, need to finish right away, someone was behind you and waiting for you to finish right at that moment.
assure - certainty.
ratchet something up -take to the next level. make it better. 转圜委婉,加以润饰。。
ratchet - is a construction tool that can tighten it, make better or higher.
mortify - extremely feel embarrassed. 使羞辱或羞耻。
*William was mortified because he was the only one in his class who couldn't ride a bike.感到羞耻(辱)的。
*Ray was mortified by his inability to win the game. 。。因无能力赢这比赛。。而感到羞耻
prevalent - very often, happen a lot, very common.普遍存在的。普遍发生的。
*A rebellious attitude is prevalent among the students in this class.
prevalent -very common, popular.流行的。
*The disease is still prevalent in some African countries.疾病仍在。。。。流行。
ostracized - kept away from people, people push you aside out of their group. They are not welcomed you.
*Nathan was ostracized by his classmates because of his arrogance. 排斥,排除。(常用被动式)
*Jack was ostracized by the team because he refused to follow the coach's instructions.
promotion - get better job. 
excluded - not included, you are not been included.
more and shaker - people who are in power and in control, can influence many others.
embarrassment - make people feel bad.
attorney  - who works in law field.
second-time bride - the bride had married before.
lavish- extremely fancy, usually very expensive, spend money generously.
trip somebody up -make someone fail. make big mistake. fail, mix up. 让某人失误。(难倒人的。)
trip -使跌倒,使失误。
*Some questions in the game show were designed to trip up the contestants.
foul -bad, rude and dirty.无礼的,下流的。
foul language - 脏话。dirty word. bad words cause people not comfortable.
*There's too much foul language used in this movie.
foul -糟糕的,令人不快的。
*Lillian had a foul day. We'd better leave her alone.
slap - very quickly hit someone with hand. 掴,拍,击掌。
slapped / slapping
*The boy slapped his friend on the back. 拍他朋友的背。
*The furious wife slapped her husband across the face. 气疯了的妻子掴了她丈夫一格巴掌。
smooth manner - here means someone try to let people like him, so he act very nice, inside of him is different person. not having good behave and polite.
casual way - relax, just being yourselves.
fill-in-the-blank : there is a space for fill in. here skip "bad word", "fill-in-the-blank" to take place of that "bad word".
doghouse - a small building for dog to stay. When dog make mistake, kept dog in the doghouse as punishment. In the old days, husband and wife arguing or  fighting, the wife will ask husband to leave the room, go outside, sleep with dog. here is "get punishment by staying outside."
profane -  absolutely rude with no respect.

Chat Room:
tone of voice -声音的音调。语气,口气。
voice -声音。
Did you know that most tension in any relationship is caused by someone using a negative tone of voice?
a negative tone of voice - No respect speak in rudeness,  unfriendly and impolite way. 不好或是很负面的说话语气。
sarcasm -sarcastic.挖苦,讽刺。
" Oh, that was smart!" is sarcasm, you know it means another way.
He puts his foot in his mouth 10 times a day. 常说错话,常说不当说的话。
"Put one's foot in ones mouth" -say something that he shouldn't say or something later you regret what you said. 说错话而伤到别人。或是说了叫自己很不好意思,很后悔的话。
faux pas (French word,sound as "fou pa") -是说“社交上的失礼或过失”。如果要不“faux pas”就要“tact”,机智老练圆滑的
tact - 机智,老练的手法。机智老练圆滑。
tactful -机智老练圆滑的,不会失礼,失态或做错。
tactless -不机智老练圆滑的。
It was tactless of you to tell him in front of others. 他。。。实在太不圆滑了。。。
clean up -清理,打扫。
clean up your language - 把语言打扫干净,即是“注意言语,别再说脏话”
clean up one's act -改变某人的行为,由不好变好,理清自己的坏行为。即“改头换面,洗心革面。把不好的行为改好。
"I've learned my lesson, and I will clean up my act from now on."
squeaky-clean : 非常的干净,特别的干净。也抽象的指精神和道德方面的纯洁,清新,洁净。
a squeaky-clean politician -光明正大,廉节,干净的政客。
clean slate- 清洁的石板,如白纸一张。引申为:尽弃前嫌,重新开始,以前种种不再被提及或纪念。

More Information:
*Behave nicely.
*Speak thoughtfully.
* Use pleasing tone and voice with respect.
* Basic polite manner: such as :
  1, Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze.
  2. Remember "please, thank you" those magic words
  3. Holding the door for people behind you.
  4. Don't talk when your mouth full.
  5. Speak gently,avoid loud voice, shutting or yelling in the public.
  6. When you need something on the table, avoid stand up and reach it with your hand.
  7. Don't push other people who are on your way with your hands or with something because you are in a hurry.
  8. Yielding your seat to old people.
  9. Talk nicely to people who serve you in the restaurant or on the plain.
 10. Say "sorry" when you hit someone.
  and many more:

*** A person very smart, very talented  and well educated, if don't have social tact, social skill, good manner and polite, he can't reach to the full potential.
Share an experience:
One good shopping day, Costco was packed of people,  I have checked out and was in the line to followed  people gradually moved toward the exist through the door inspection. Suddenly, my both back heels were hurt badly by a pushed cart behind me, I turned to see who did it. I was expecting to see an apologetic face. Instead,  an old lady who is behind me kept pushing her cart against me, ignore her cart hit my both heels. She said to me " you are on my way!" I can't believe what I heard, she said again, "get out my way!". she was try to ragging a fight I guess. The first thought came to my mind was to get hold of the door keeper to report this lady, but I changed my mind. I felt sad for her, she must have a bitter life in her all years.  With her rude attitude she must get ostracizing all the time from people around her.... I felt very sorry for her, I would like to help her but I know this is not a good time because obviously she was in a bad mood. I endured my painful heels and smiled to her, also tried my best to moved my cart to the left as possible to let her go first. I wish what I did can make her feel a bit better, at least I will better feeling when I out of there.

I am really appreciated the Lord - my savior,he reminds me through this lady that when I get old I need to keep act right and have self-control, not having any rude behavior that embarrassed myself or my family members and my Lord.

Never ever believe that because of the old age, have a reason or excuse to be rude, and everyone should yielding you.:)

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