Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Hazards of Wearing Headphones Outside

Study Suggests Hazards of Wearing Headphones Outside
Using electronic gadgets outdoors may endanger users’ lives
在戶外戴頭戴式耳機的危險 在戶外使用電子用品可能會危害到使用者的生命

People who wear headphones might want to ditch them while walking outside. A study finds that accidents involving pedestrians wearing the devices have tripled in recent years. Researchers combed serveral sources to find incidents in the U.S. of crashes involving pedestrians and vehicles from 2004 to 2011.

Searching the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Google News archives and Westlaw Campus Research, they found 116 cases of death or injury involving pedestrians wearing headphones.

Cases in which people were using mobile phones (including hands-free devices) were excluded. Over they years the number of cases in creased from 16 in 2004 and 2005 to 47 in 2010 and 2011. The victims' average age was 21, and most (68 percent) were male. The majority (67 percent ) were under the age of 30. Most (55 percent ) were hit by trains, and 70 percent of the crashes, most of which were in urban areas, were fatal.

In 74 percent of the cases, police or eyewitness reports said the pedestrian had headphones on when hit. And 29 percent of reports made mention of horns or sirens going off before the crash. The study authors pointed to two likely culprits that may be a factor in what they call "the possible association between pedestrian injury": sensory deprivation and distraction. The latter is more specifically called " inattentional blindness,"  referring to the use of electronic gadgets and how they decrease attention to things going on around us.

Hearing what's going on in the environment, they point out, could be more important than visual cues for pedestrians. But the authors add that this study doesn't show causation or correlation of headphone use and pedestrian risk, and other factors could have been involved in the accidents factors could have been involved in the accidents, such as pedestrians being intoxicated or drivers being at fault.

More comprehensive information on such accidents is needed, the researchers said, to see which groups of people may be at risk.

Grammar Tips:
The latter is more specifically called "inattentional blindness," referring to the use of electronic gadgets and how they decrease attention to things going on around us.
" Something is called... referring to....."
Duanwu Festival is also called "Dragon Boat Festival," referring to the dragon boat races that are held on that day.

Vocabulary Tips:
ditch -leave behind or get rid of it. 抛弃,丢掉,丢弃。
*Jason ditched his old cell-phone when he got this new android phone.
ditch - to get rid of someone or something. 甩掉,抛弃人或东西。
*Larry ditched his long-time girlfriend as soon as he found a rich girl. 把女朋友给甩了。
exclude - not included. 不包括。
*After taking the X-rays, the possibility of pneumonia was excluded.
exclude from - "from" -从什么。。不包括
*The tax is excluded from the price.
*Unqualified contestants were excluded from the game on the first run. 比赛的第一回合。
fatal -致命的,严重的
*This fatal disease took many people's lives in England.
*A fatal shot from the assassin killed the president. 刺客致命的一墼。。
*That fatal mistake caused the company to loose this important case.严重的错误。。失去了重要的案子。
urban -refer to city. urban area=city area.
archive - (sound "ar - kai -f " ) great place to store data. a place keep information. (n) -文件,记录,档案。 (vt.)- 放入保管箱中:(电脑)备用。
deprivation -剥夺,损失,贫乏,不足。 deprive
*deprivation of civil rights.-递夺公权。
*Losing such a talented employee is great a deprivation.
*Patrick suffers from sleep deprivation.
correlation - connect between two things.关联性,相关性。相连性。"co" -有“一起”之意。  "relation" -关系。
*The results of the experiments proved the correlations between smoking and lung cancer.
*There's a strong correlation between social status and health condition.
intoxicated -(adj) 喝醉酒,陶醉,入迷的。being use substance.喝醉酒。 "in " - 有“使如何”之意, "toxic" -有毒的。
*Henry was intoxicated by his sudden fame.陶醉,入迷。一下子成名。
*The driver was intoxicated when the accident happened.
culprit - person or thing is doing something wrong.
sensory -感官方面的。
comprehensive - complete, more detail, look in more aspect.完全,很彻底的。

Chat Room:
comb (n) -梳子。
to comb (v) -梳理。
comb your hair -把。。头发梳好,理弃。
comb (v) -彻底的搜查,地毯式的搜寻。
Researchers combed several sources to find incidents in the U.S. of crashes involving pedestrians and vehicles  from 2004 to 2011.
comb = comb through -彻底的搜查,地毯式的搜寻。
combed -彻底的搜查了,地毯式的搜寻过。
The police combed the area.
The police combed through the area.
fine-tooth comb -齿缝很密的梳子。
go over something with a fine-tooth comb.彻底的查看,地毯式的检视。
cue /queue - (发音相同"kyu")
cue - giving a signal to do something.
cue - actor need to see cue to enter or exit the theme.演员要掌握他出入场及发言的时间。或是要留意另一演员的台词的结尾。
miss his cue - 错过了他出场的时间。
cue (v)- 指示,暗示。
The director will cue you.导演会给你暗示。
visual cues - 视觉信号。
queue - 队伍。
queue up (英 ) = line up ( 美)

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