Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Amazing Teen Entrepreneurs

Why wait to finish school to start a business?
少年企業家 要創業,何必等到畢業後?

Entrepreneurs come in all sizes and ages. A good, profitable idea can strike anyone at any time. He or she just has to know how to grow that idea. There is no age limit for success!

Farrhad Acidwalla
Farrhad Acidwalla, now 18,  got a US$10 loan from his parents when he was in eighth grade. He used it to buy his first domain name. He then built a web community for people interested in flying and airplane models. The site became quite successful, and Farrhad sold it for much more than his original $10.

Other ventures followed, and then in 2009 he started Rockstah Media, a company devoted to web development, marketing and advertising. The site has a complete team of developers, designers and marketing people spread out around the world. While Farrhad  continues his work as CEO of the successful company, he attends university. His incredible success didn't stop him from going to college. In an interview he said, "Education never goes to waste. I know I can put the things I learn in college to use in my business."

Savannah Britt
New Jersey, U.S., native Savannah Britt was publishing poems at age 8. She was writing newspaper reviews for children's books at 9, and at 14, she started her own magazine, Girl Pez. She became the youngest magazine publisher in the world. The magazine covers events like concerts and fashion shows and includes interviews with famous people. Now 17, Savannah guides her magazine in its online-only format -

She has to balance her magazine work with her schoolwork and basketball practice, but she wouldn't have it any other way. "There is no reason to be hesitant...becoming an entrepreneur is a learning experience," she says.

Philip Hartman
Seventeen-year-old Philip Hartman won the 2008 Young Inventor of the Year Award in the U.S.. The award was for Fiberlight, a new system of fusing fiber optics. He's also invented a system for taking the ice off car windshields - which is important since he lives in northern Colorado. In addition to working on his business ventures, he enjoys sports and music.

Mark Bao
mark started as an entrepreneur in fifth grade. He used a computer program to write a simple application to help him manage his homework and school papers. He then copied the program onto discs and sold them to his friends.

At 14, Mark developed for debate organizations to manage their events, and later he sold the company. By the time Mark was 17, he had launched a number of web-based companies and three nonprofit organizations. Now 19, Mark works as CTO at Onswipe in New York City, a tablet publishing company, managing the technical team.

Adora Svitak
Washington State resident and young social entrepreneur Adora Svitak was reading books by age 3. She started writing soon after, and the year she was 7, she wrtoe 250,000 words. That same year she also published her first book, Flying Fingers. The book contains short stories as well as tips for would-be writers. At 11, she was earning up to $10,000 for each appearance speaking to teachers and educators about technology and creativity. Now 14, Adora continues to write and travels around the world promoting literacy through writing.

Grammar Tips:
"......she wouldn't have it any other way." - being perfect happy and satisfy with the way she has, even though other think not.
"would not have it any other way."
Even though many people think Dillon has a crazy work schedule, he actually enjoys it and wouldn't have it any other way.
Betty is very pleased with how things turned out at her wedding and wouldn't have it any other way.

Vocabulary Tips:
venture- an activity or a business that involve some risk.具有风险性的,有风险性的投资事业,冒险。
*The record company is a new venture for Josh.
*The joint venture between these two companies proved to be a wise decision.
devote-extremely royal or loving. 投身,奉献。致力于。于某个对象用“ to ”。
*Brandon has devoted his life to saving whales.
*Vince devotes most of his time to helping disadvantaged children. 贫困的孩子
incredible -hard to believe.绝妙,惊人的。
*The child's incredible mathematical talent impressed everyone.
*It's incredible that she recovered from the accident in such a short time.
format - is something the way you can use, most refer to computer internet. 设计, 形式。
*The format of the contest was changed recently. 形式
*The large-print format of the brochure is easy for the seniors to read.形式
*Samuel took hours to format the hard disk. (V.)将电脑硬体内容格式化。
hesitant -犹豫不前的。裸足不前的。
*Teresa is hesitant to accept this job abroad.
hesitate (v) - be bothered。 犹豫。不好意思。
*If you need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to call me.
fuse - join together, put together into a piece. 融合,融接, 接合。焊接。保险丝。
*The mechanic is fusing the wires together.
*The heat of the explosion fused the parts of the aircraft.
fuse (v) - 保险丝烧断了。保险丝烧坏了。
*All the lights in the apartment fused during a lightening storm.保险丝烧坏了而断电。
fiber light - fiber- very thin and tiny thread (fabric or plastic).光籤。
optics - refer to "light" - a light through whole bunch of  fiber threads.
windshield - a whole piece of glass at the front of your car, you can see through the glass and drive.挡风板。
marketing- people  buy and sale or exchanging.
publish -printed, people can read it or buy it.
publisher - refer to person or organization that edit, review, print out to reach to the public.
CTO - Chief Technology Officer.
application - (= app, App) -应用程式
*The engineer wrote an application for all the workers to sort their e-mails more efficiently. 分类
*You can download this application from the Internet totally free.
launch (v) -发起,使开始。
*Frank and his friends have recently launched a project to help illiterate people. (发起,创立,开创。)
*The company will launch their on-line customer service next month. (开始)
launch (v) -起航,发射。(太空梭,火箭等) beginning of something. begin something new.
*The spacecraft will launch this afternoon.
resident (n)- 居民。reside (v)-居住 live in a place.
*The local residents are against the city hall renovation plan.
*All the residents in the nursing home were evacuated. 撤出
debate - discussion, argument.
creativity - ability to produce some new ideas.
promotion - to encourage people to do something.
literacy - ability to read and write.

Chat Room:
college/ university-大学。
college -Associate degree.
university - advanced degrees: master's degree, doctoral degree.高级学府,有研究所(硕士,博士学位)。
I go to college. (通常“大学”口语化)
college student. 大学生
college degree. 大学文凭
attends university.
His incredible success didn't stop him from going to college.
Savannah Britt publish poems at age 8.
publish/ publisher - 出版,发表/ 可以指一个发行人或是一个出版社(商)
publish -出版,发行。发表论文/研究报告。
perish -毁灭。
publish or perish - (研究学者不发表(论文或研究报告)就完蛋(过气了)
would be / would-be  (adj) - intend to 计划要。。, 有潜力成为。。/ has-been -(现在完成式)之前有持续的动作,现不再持续。
a would-be author - 有潜力成为作家
a would-be actor -有潜力成为演员
tips for would-be writers -
a would-be assassin -(计划要,但未达成的)
has-been : (现在完成式)之前有持续的动作,现不再持续。
The former movie star is now an aging has-been.曾经红极一时的人物,已过气的,衰老过时了。

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