Saturday, August 4, 2012

Renaissance Fairs

Traveling back in time is more popular than ever 文藝復興嘉年華

回到過去變得前所未有地更流 行了。

Imagine that while walking through a park one day, you begin to notice strange things all around you. People in colorful costumes from centuries ago stroll the paths. A juggler is doing amazing tricks. Musicians play odd melodies on weird instruments. Knights on horseback show their skills in riding competitions. The smell of roasting meat begins to make your mouth water. A pleasant voice shouts, "Good morrow!"

What is going on? Have you traveled back in time?   In a way, yes. You have found yourself in the midst of a Renaissance fair! Since the 1960s, Renaissance fairs have grown in popularity in the U.S. and Canada. Communities in at least  44 states and two Canadian provinces now hold annual Renaissance fairs. Over 200 fairs are held every year, with 40 in California alone. The first Renaissance fair was started in the 1960s by a school teacher in southern California named Phyllis Patterson. She wanted to give her students a real-life history experience, so she created the "Renaissance Faire" in her backyard. The rest, as they say, is history.

Since Renaissance fairs are "living history," you might think they are designed to be primarily educational. It's true that some people try to make the fairs as genuine as possible. However, for many others, the key word is entertainment. With all the jugglers, musicians and magicians meandering about, you will definitely be entertained. A renaissance fair will be a feast for your eyes and your ears, not to mention your stomach.

You can enjoy sampling the food and drink while watching parades and live animal displays. Browse through the booths and admire the artwork and handicrafts. You are sure to be both educated and entertained. If you're wondering how to dress to attend a Renaissance fair, that's up to you. Some people go all out and dress up in costumes. Others just go in their normal, everyday clothes. However you dress, you're sure to be overwhelmed by the sights and sounds and smells of a Renaissance fair. And if you have ever wanted to travel back in time, here's your chance.

Grammar Tips:
As they say in Destin, "You'll come for the beach, but you'll be back for the fishing!"
"As they say in Destin." - "they" -means " people".
As they say, "History repeats itself," so don't be surprised if you see the same mistake happening again.
Old Mr. Richardson still goes to the post office to mail letters and refuses to learn how to use email, as they say, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."

stroll (n)- slowly walk, walk slow.慢步,散步,闲逛,逛逛。
*We strolled along the beach and watched the sunset.
*Jasmine strolled up the hill to pick some wild berries.
*Grandma took a stroll to the market after breakfast.
Good morrow!- hello, or have a good day.
realize - found one'self actually in that..
backyard - a space behind the house, usually has fence surround it.
Make one's mouth water -令人流口水的,垂涎三尺。 "water" -流口水
*The smell of freshly baked muffins makes my mouth water.
*Mom's famous roasted chicken made our mouth water.
in a way - 就某种程度上或某方面而言。
*Even though Erin's remark was kind of harsh, in a way, she was right.
*Joining the football team was, in a way, a good chance for the boy to learn discipline.
expansion (n) - "ex" - 向外之意。扩充。
*Our Company's goal next year is the expansion to offshore markets.
*The school building's expansion will be completed in summer.
expand (v)-扩展。
*Naomi is thinking about expanding her bakery chain.
original - first start. very beginning.
*The artist's original painting is displayed in the Louvre.
*The original home owner took good care of the house.
decrease - "de"-减少之意
*Our sales decreased by eight percent last year.
*The unemployment rate decreased last quarter.
decrease opposite is increase.
The company increased their investment in Korea.
meander -walk slowly without set a direction. 漫无目标的漫步,
*The couple meandered through the garden.
*Visitors like to meander about the streets of this beautiful town.
meander -迂回前进,弯延的。
*We took a path that meandered along the river.
go all out -put all your strength, energy, time and afford to it.竭尽所能的。
*Our team went all out to win the game.
*The actress went all out to portray this well-known character.
*The government is going all out to stop the spread of the disease.
overwhelm -extremely of something that effect to you. can be in positive and negative way..使之受不了,或不知所措。
*When I moved to New York, the pace and lifestyle of the big city overwhelmed me.
*Kelly was overwhelmed by the kindness of her boss. 感动的不知所措。
career- profession, position in specialties.职业。
genuine- very real, real. very honest, true (person) and not being fake.真品。真的。
key word - the most important part of something.
juggler - a person who juggle balls in the air.
browse - take look, look around it. store window browsing.
up to you - depend on you what you decided to do.

Word/idiom Tips:
the traffic is light -
the traffic is heavy -
traffic jam -不能说traffic is jam, the correct way to say: the traffic is heavy
bumper -汽车前头的保险杆。
"bumper- to- bumper "- 形容交通拥挤的车头杆前后几乎碰在一块。
rush hour - usually, the rush hour last for more than an hour, but we don't say "rush hours".尖锋时间。交通格外拥挤的时段,用单数。
history - 历史,过去的事。
He is history - 他玩完了,犯了重大错误,他已成历史。
career is history -事业已成历史。不用再混了的意思。
The rest, as they say, is history. 人人皆知就不用再多言
a feast for the eyes.饱享眼福
feast -盛宴,酒席。满足口腹之欲。也可形容“看”“听”“感官”上的享受。
A Renaissance fair will be a feast for your eyes and your ears, not to mention your stomach. 视听的享受, 。。
feast your eyes on the Grand Canyon.
food for thought -思想上的粮食。值得深思的材料,对思想有启发性的作用。

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