Monday, June 24, 2013

The Ups and Downs of Diets

What should you do when you want to lose weight?
節食的起起伏伏 - 如果想減重,應該做什麼?

Ellie and Danielle meet at a coffee shop, place their orders and take a seat.
Danielle: Ellie, why are you just having coffee? I thought we were meeting for coffee and dessert.

Ellie: I'm not eating dessert these days, I'm going to Florida on vacation and I need to lose about 15 pounds, otherwise I won't be able to fit into any of my summer clothes.
Danielle: When do you leave?
Ellie: In less than a month, in order to lose one pound of fat,you have to eat 3,500 fewer calories a week than you usually eat. So I'm on a diet.
Danielle: What diet are you on?
Ellie: I'm skipping at least one meal a day, and I'm not eating any snacks.
Danielle: That is not a good idea. And it won't help you to lose weight.
Ellie: Why not? I'm consuming fewer calories.
True, And you may think you're losing weight, but you are not, you are just losing water.
Ellie: Who cares? I'll still weight less and be able to fit into my clothes.
Danielle: Yes, but as soon as you start to eat normally, the weight will come right back. Your body will replenish the water, and you'll be right back where you started.
Ellie: But not right away, skipping meals will help me accomplish my goal. If I'm not eating, I'm not gaining!
Danielle:I'm appreciated the fact that you want to lose weight quickly. But isn't there a better diet you can try?
Ellie: Lots of them. One guaranteed that if I would just eat cabbage soup for a week, I'd lose around 10 pound. But I don't like cabbage.
Danielle: Good things, That's a fad diet and it's really unhealthy.
Ellie: Well, if it works, I don't care, I need a short-term fix. But as I said, I don't like cabbage.
Danielle: Don't you get hungry skipping meals?
Ellie: Yes, I'm ravenous right now. I didn't have breakfast.
Danielle: Why don't you still eat meals, but just eat smaller ones?
Ellie: I'd lose weight too slowly that way. I don't have a lot of time. To reduce my hunger, I'm going to take diet pills.
Danielle: Those aren't good for you in the long term.
Ellie: I don't intend to take them forever! I just need something to help me for a few weeks.
Danielle: OK, whatever. But when you do eat, be sure to eat food that's good for you!

Grammar Gym:
"Those aren't good for you in the long term."
'long-term' (adj) - use before a noun. - a long period of time.
'long term' - usually with 'the'.- a long period of time.
long term:
Unlike his past business trips that last for a few days, Mr. Lee's current assignment is a move for the long term.
The farmer stored a lot of grain and is prepared for the long term.
long- term:
The long-term effects of this drug are unknown.

Vocabulary Tips:
place an order -下订单,或订货。
order -订购,订单。
*I just placed an online order for a pair of boots.
*We placed the order to buy this sofa a month ago, but we still haven't received it.
otherwise -否则
* You'd better get up early, otherwise you'll be late for school.
otherwise -likewise. place this word the beginning of the sentence or at the middle of the sentence.不同地,相反地。
*Becky trusted in her husband's loyalty 100%. She had actually never thought otherwise.
normally - 正常地,通常地,一般地。
*Charlie normally reached home by 7 p.m.
*Normally it takes an hour to reach the airport from downtown.
normal (adj) -正常的。usually, regularly.
*A person's normal blood pressure is between 120 and 90.
replenish - refill, return.补充,重新装满。在填满。 're' - 再一次。
*The waiter kept replenishing our glasses with water.
*We replenished our food stock when we went to the supermarket.
diet - what you eat.
on diet - careful on what you are eating.
on - on diet, on vacation, on going, on tight schedule, on budget.
"if I'm not .......I'm not ................" - If I'm not working, I'm not having money.
guarantee - for sure something will happen.保证,担保。
*The company guarantees a full refund if their customers are not satisfied with their products.
guarantee -保证,担保。
*There's no guarantee that this policy will work.
fad - not last a long, something is popular in a short time only.一时的流行, 一时的风行。
*Mancy's zeal for tennis proved to be just a passing fad.
*Miniskirts were a fad back in the 60s.
as I said ..- you said it before, you just mentioned again.
ravenous -  extremely hungry. 很饥饿。
*The boys were ravenous after the soccer game.
*Theo is in his teens and has a ravenous appetite.
ravenously (adv)-非常饥饿地。
*Lawrence looked ravenously hungry when he was eating.
intend - plan to, desire to, want to.想要,计划要。。
intend to + verb. :想要做什么事。
*Ray intended to buy a new car, but he bought a secondhand one instead.
*Pamela is intending to go back to college this fall.

Language Tips:
"Why cares? I'm consuming fewer calories" Ellie's thinking and doing is fitting the saying:  "The end justifies the means".
 "The end justifies the means"- 为达目的而不择手段。看重最后的结果而不在乎用任何手段是否伤害别人,违反道义,恶毒或不合法。
the end -目的
the means -手段
justifies -使它合理化。
The end justifies the means-使不合宜的手段合理化的做法或态度行为。
ravenous - very hungry, extremely hungry.很饥饿。
starving - extremely hungry but in a lack of food situation. try not use this word when you feel hungry, specially when you on diet and feel hungry. The world has many people in poverty without food, people are starving.
When you hungry, try to use 'ravenous' instead of 'staving'.
whatever -美国社会调查报告:最令人受不了的字之一是:
whatever - 很不礼貌,惹人生气,不友善,不诚恳,不负责任,轻视对方,或气脑对方的一钟说辞。意思是“随便,我才不在乎。”
I don't care -我才不在乎,随便。


你是否认同这种"The end justifies the means"人?
我的答案是,这种人会自食其果,他的路走不远。这种人的成功也是一时的。人在做,天在看。 主耶稣喜欢人行义,脚踏实地做人,做事,圣经上有话说:“义人虽七次跌倒,也必站立起来。主耶稣作义人后裔的保障。”

Note taking of StudioClassroom

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