Friday, June 7, 2013


Watch out for poisonous snakes!
小心有蛇 - 要提防毒蛇!

Adults, children and pets around the world experience them. They can result in swelling, bleeding or even death. In India they kill many more people than tiger attacks. Snakebites affect between 1.2 million and five million people each year around the world. Luckily, out of the 3,000 species of snakes that exist worldwide, only 600 have venom according to the World Health Organization. However, any bite can be dangerous if infection sets in. Some types of venom make the bite area swollen or painful. Others cause bleeding or damage the heart's nerves. Here are some especially dangerous snakes.

King cobra
The largest of all poisonous snakes, king cobras can reach 5.5 meters in length. Each king cobra bite contains enough poison to kill an elephant - or 20 people. But these massive snakes usually avoid people. They live throughout India, southern China and Southeast Asia.

Inland taipan
A bite from Australia's inland taipan, the world's most poisonous snake, releases enough venom to kill 100. The good news is that people rarely come in contact with this snake, and a treatment for its venom exist.

Russell's viper
This snake lives throughout Asia, including India, southern China, and on the island of Taiwan. It prefers grassy fields but can be found in forests and urban areas. It bits more people and causes more deaths than any other poisonous snake.

What to do
Snakes may be terrifying, but most are more afraid of you than you are of them. So if you see a snake, stand back and let it slither away. Wear shoes, or better yet boots, when walking outside where snakes might be concealed. Never put your hand somewhere you cannot see. 

If a snake bites you, try to get back so it doesn't bite again. And try to identify it if you can do so safely. Remove any jewelry that could constrict the bitten area. And avoid moving the affected limb to slow the venom's spread. Most importantly, go to an emergency medical center immediately to get antivenin, a medicine that will stop the venom's effects. Even the most dangerous bites can be cured with quick medical treatment.

Grammar Tips:
"...try to identify it if you can do so safely."
"do so" - "do this"
The subject is the same, and the thing has mentioned before, you can use "do so".
Julia's boss has asked her to send out the letters, and she has already done so.
Thomas waited too long to quit his job; he should have done so sooner.

Vocabulary Tips:
venom (n) - a liquid out of animal's  body, contains poison, is very dangerous for venom gets into human body or blood.毒液,毒汁。经过叮咬而输入毒汁入内。
venomous (adj) - 有毒的。愤恨恶毒的,有害的。 有毒的,含有恶意的.
*Just a tiny bit of the snake's venom can kill's a person in hours.
venom -恶毒,愤恨。恶意,怨恨。
*You can feel venom in his expression. (看到)感觉到在他的脸上有愤恨之气。
poison - toxic,something can kill you or cause you serious harm, 败坏道德之事。有害的主义,弊害。含有毒物质并存在固体,液体里。有毒,毒。
poisonous (adj) -有毒的,含有毒素的。
* poisonous mushrooms. 有毒的蘑菇。
*The water contains poison.有毒的水。
set in-某件不好的事产生,开始或到来。(不好的事)蜂涌而至,接踵而来。
*When the love between the couple faded away disappointment set in.
*Despair began to set in as the disease got worse.
massive -big in numbers, or shape, huge. a bib amount of something.大量,大批,大笔。。。
'mass' -big, many.很多很大,大量,数目多的。
*Massive air atrackes almost ruined the city.
*Many lotto winners didn't know how to deal with such a massive amount of money.
around the world - worldwide.
infection -感染,传染contiguous, contiguous infection.,。传染病,情绪。
the good news is....-不好的先说了,接下来就提到好的事。提说好的事。
enough something for someone. -有足够。。对于。。
terrify- something make you fear.使惊吓,使害怕,使感到恐怖的。
terrified -feared. 受到惊吓。
* An outbreak of the highly contagious disease terrified the country.
terrifying (adj) -可怕的。
*The terrifying experience of being bullied still lingers Jr. Vance's mind.
slither -the action that snake does. snake not walk, snake slither. 滑动,滑行。
*We saw a snake slither across the path in front of us.
*We tripped and slithered down the bank.滑倒。
conceal -hidden, let no one find it.隐藏,遮住,
*The girl put on very thick foundation to conceal her scar.
conceal -隐匿,隐藏,掩饰。
*The secret agent concealed his true identify for years. 隐藏,掩饰他真实的身份。
constrict -挤压,拉紧。
*Mark doesn't like wearing any kind of tie because he hates the feeling of being constricted.挤压,拉紧的感觉。
constrict -约束,限制。
*Even though Helen was constricted by her disabilities, her story impacted many people's lives.受残障约束,限制。。。。。影响很多人的生命。
in - (place) in L.A., in U.S.A.
on - (island) Taiwan is a place, actually is an island. island is on the water or seas. here specify Taiwan is is Island.
better yet - you suggested some idea first, while you are saying, the second idea come out even better than the first one. you can use " better yet " to give out the second suggestion.

Language Tips:
suspense - 悬疑,这文使开始先不提是什么,前三句话只提“对象”有多可怕,多危险。第四句话才告读者,是什么。增加阅读者的兴趣。建议写文章时,不妨加一点悬疑,不直接就把答案说出来,而引读者入胜。人的好奇心使然。
poisonous -有毒的,经由皮肤,吞食或呼吸,吸入人体的伤害物质。有毒的长春藤,使皮肤过敏。吞食有毒的青蛙,青蛙的身上的毒会杀死吞吃它的动物。
venom -毒汁,毒液。有毒的汁液,经由虫咬,蜇伤而侵入或注入人体,使人中毒。如蛇,蜘蛛,蝎子,蜜蜂等体内的毒汁,毒液入侵人体。
venomous -有毒的,有毒的汁液,汁液有毒。
venom/poison -毒汁,毒液/ 有毒的物质。

Notes taking from "StudioClassroom"

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