Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Blood Types: A Life-saving Discovery

How one scientist changed the way the world saw blood – and won a Nobel Prize
血型:救命的發現 - 來看看一位科學家如何改變這個 世界看待血液的方式,而且還贏 得了諾貝爾獎.

For centuries, scientists experimented with transferring blood between people - usually with fatal results. In their experiments, they noticed that sometimes during blood transfusions the red blood cells clumped together causing a toxic reaction. In the early 20th century, Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner discovered this was caused by a reaction to the donor's blood.

He categorized people into four blood groups - A, B, AB and O - based on the proteins in their blood. Receiving blood from a donor whose blood type was not compatible would hurt or kill a patient. For this discovery, Landsteiner received the 1930 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Many Asian people believe that one's blood type relates to one's personality. People with blood type A are seen as loyal and having high standards but as too anxious. Type B people are considered creative and optimistic but selfish. Those with type AB are considered rational, calm and controlled. Type O people tend to be friendly, passionate and ambitious but stubborn. Movies, comics and dramas draw on this idea. In Japan, some people even make dating and hiring decisions based on blood types!

One book proposed that blood types reveal people's ideal diets and lifestyles. However, little scientific evidence supports blood-type diets or personality tests. maybe more study of this will lead to another Nobel Prize!

Grammar Gym:
"Movies, comics and dramas draw on this idea."
'to draw on something' - 'to get or take idea from.'
Jackie drew on her school counselor's advice and decided to major in business.
For our new writing assignment, the professor wants us to draw on the concept of time travel.

Vocabulary Tips:
clump -stick together in a amount. 凝结,结成一团。
*Cement mixture clumps together too fast unless you keep stirring it.
clump - stick together.聚集一块。
*The students clumped together in front of the bulletin board trying to find their ranks.
compatible -able to work together.可相容的。 'com' -“一起” 'pati'-“感受”
*The new software is not compatible with our system.
compatible - work together perfectly.合的来得,很有默契,很契合的。
* Sam and his wife are very compatible. They bother love music and computer games.
rational -think clear, very logical for what you say or do..理性的,合理的。
*You need to calm down in order to make a rational decision.
*There seems to be no rational explanation for his odd behavior.。无法作任何理性解释。
rationality (n) -logical.理性。
*you can't find any rationality in his words. 无理性可言的
draw on - 'draw'-make a line or picture.
draw on something -to get or take idea from.凭借或利用某些事情。
*The playwright drew on his friend's story to write this comedy.借由,凭借他朋友的故事来钻写。。。
the way .... sees ..- the way ... the (world, people) sees. - people used to a certain thinking or believing.
donor - people who is giving.

Language Tips:
the Nobel Prize -诺贝尔奖。包刮:物理学,化学,医学,文学,经济学以及和平奖。
Alfred Nobel -诺贝尔奖。 是由Alfred Nobel而来。Alfred Nobel 在早期发明了dynamite 而获得了很大的一笔奖金。但他是位爱好和平者,他为自己的发明被人用来做为战争的武器而难过,所以当他临终时,他把他巨大的遗产设立了基金,用基金的利息,每年颁奖给对世界人类有卓越贡献的人,奖励有才智的人对人类社会的益处所做出的努力。1991年,国际性的诺贝尔奖正式成立。
dynamite -黄色炸药。

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