Saturday, February 16, 2013


The shortest month of the year has a lot to offer
二月的節日 - 一年當中最短的月份有許多節日活動.

In the West, February brings Valentine's Day to mind. Indeed, Americans alone exchange over 150 million Valentine's cards annually. In addition, over 58 million pounds of chocolate candy are sold around this celebration of love. Maybe that is why February is National Chocolate Lover's Month in the U.S.! In the East, people think of lunar New Year, which often occurs in February. Most return home to celebrate this important holiday with their families.

While Groundhog Day, February 2, would not count as an important holiday, people enjoy the fun. A groundhog or other furry creature predicts the coming of spring on this day. If it sees its shadow, people can expect six more weeks of winter! If it doesn't see its shadow, an early spring will come. 

February's flower is the violet, which represents faithfulness and humility. The amethyst, February's birthstone, represents sincerity. Every four years there is a February 29, but February still remains the shortest month. School children learn this through an English rhyme. 

30 days hath September, April, June and November. (hath=has)
All the rest have 31 excepting February alone,
which has 28 days clear and 29 in each Leap Year.

Grammar Tips:
".....February brings Valentine's Day to mind."
brings to mind - " makes people think of "
The mentioning of Paris brings the Eiffel Tower to mind.
To many Americans talking about Chinese food brings fortune cookies to mind.

Vocabulary Tips:
annually (adv.)- once a year, every year.每年一次的,每年的。
*Job performance is evaluated annually in this company.
annual- year. "annu" 年的。
annual budget -年度预算。
annual income -年薪。
in addition - add something more upon something just mentioned before.出。。之外,况且,前面有一个叙述,后面再加上一些补充。
*Peter is the head of three companies. In addition, he's also the chairman of many charity organizations.
predict - 预测,预料。"pre" -,“提早,事先” 之意。
* I'ts hard to predict which team will win the game.
prediction (n)-预言。
*The woman made a prediction about the date of the end of the world.
humility -humble.谦虚,谦逊。 She is very humble, she has a lot of humility.  If you said yourself is a humble person, you have no humility at all.
*The movie star's humility made his fans love him even more.
humiliate -侮辱,丢脸。
*The boy was beaten and humiliated by the bully for years. 。。。被恶霸殴打侮辱多年。
home - where you live or where you originally came from.
shadow / shade :
shadow - dark spot around you under the bright light.
shade - the shadow place of something from the sun, where is cooler. for example:a tree shade.
remain - still this way.
remainder - left over.
faithfulness - sincere, honor, you do what you say, do what you think is important.
amethyst - purple precious stone.

Language Tips:
chocolate lover -巧克力热爱者。
-aholic : 字尾出现“aholic”是指对某种事物的热爱, 某种癖好,沉溺于某种事物。
chocoholic -巧克力热爱者
alcoholic -(爱)好酒之徒,酒鬼,。
workaholic -工作狂热者,工作狂。
shopaholic -沉溺于购物,购物狂。

Taking notes of study "Studio Classroom".

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