Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Strong Foundation

Successful businesses are built to grow
事業的穩健基礎 - 成功的事業,成長蒸蒸日上.

Ben: Hi, uncle Bob!
Uncle Bob: Hi, Ben. How's the new business coming along?
Ben: Well, we've finished the business plan, but honestly I have no idea how we're going to make it a reality. There are so many things to do. I don't know how I'll ever get them all done.
Uncle BobYou don't have to do it all yourself, Ben.
Ben: But I don't, who will?
Uncle Bob: It is your company and your responsibility to ensure all the work gets done, but that doesn't mean you have to accomplish everything yourself. The reality is that you want your business to grow, you must hand over responsibility to other people at some point.
Ben: Are you saying I should hire employees?
Uncle Bob: Not exactly. I'm saying that as you build your business you need to build an organization and is processes of operation.
Ben: How do I do that?
Uncle Bob: Well, there are many different aspects to a business, like supply, production, sales and accounting.
Ben:That's exactly my problem!
Uncle Bob: If you were just self-employed, it would be your job to do all those things. As the head of an organization, your business, your job is ultimately to find ways to get those things done - but not do all the work yourself.
Ben: So I don't need to do everything myself; I just need to make sure everything gets done?
Uncle Bob: Exactly. That could mean hiring employees, but it might also mean getting an accountant to help keep the books. Then again, it could mean finding partner companies to outsource certain tasks to.
Ben: How do I do that?
Uncle Bob: I would start by checking out government programs that help small businesses. You should also look at any business incubators in your areas.
Ben: What a business incubator?
Uncle Bob: It's a business or non-profit organization that fosters the development of new companies.
Generally, a business incubator provides things like consulting, office space, administrative assistance and financing to help new companies until they can operate on their own.
Ben: That sounds fantastic!
Uncle Bob: For many companies it is.Be careful though. Some programs charge fees, and incubator firms often seek equity in the companies they help.
Ben: So if I take a firm's help, it will own part of my company?
Uncle Bob: That's the idea. It invests in your company in hopes that your success will turn a profit for them as well.
Ben: I guess there is no free lunch.
Uncle Ben: Except  at my house. let's get something to eat.
Ben: That sounds great.

Grammar Gym:
"That's the idea." - you get the point.
A: So if we follow the plan, we'll first hike up the mountain and then eat lunch there.
B: Yes, that's the idea.
A: By participating in the charitable event, sponsors could also get free publicity, right?
B: That's the idea.

Vocabulary Tips:
ensure - make it for sure.保证,确保。 "en" - “有使如何之意” 。
*This mattress can ensure a good night's sleep. (+字句)
*No systems can ensure that every customer's personal information is completely secure. (ensure+ that +字句)
hand over - give it over. 移交,交付。
hand over something to someone. hand over to someone. 给谁用“to ”。
*The boss handed over part of his responsibilities to his younger brother.
hand over -交给某人。
*Ray took out the file and handed it over to his colleague.同事
accounting - (不可数n)会计,会计学。
*There's a job vacancy in our accounting department.
*All the accounting records are filed under ACCT.
accountant -会计师
ultimate - 最后,最终。基本的,根本的。来源,基础。终极。
*Ultimate Reality (n)- 上帝。
ultimately -最后地,终极地,终结地。
*No matter what our conclusions are, the boss ultimately is the one who decides.老板是最后拍板决定的人。
*Ultimately, the new version of this smart phone is not that different from the previous one. 基本上。。。
reality - become true.
aspect - ankle, side, direction.方位,角度。。
delegate- give task to others. n.代理人。 v.分派,派遣,指派,分配工作给某人。。
delegacy (n) -代表派遣制,派遣代表,代表团。
outsource -外包,委外生产。signing,giving out to outside the companies.
out -有‘向外“之意。
source -资源。
*The company outsourced their customer service department to a company in India.
*Outsourcing the designs can lower our production cost.
administrative (adj) / administration (n) - in control, making all decisions.行政的,管理的/行政,管理。(重音在mi)
*Frank is not good at administrative jobs.
administer -管理或执行。
*It's not an easy task to administer such a corporation. 管理这样一个公司不是一件容易的事情。
equity -公正,公平。
equity -stock, share, portion of property.股票,股份。
*When George retired, he sold his equity in the company.
*Sam's portfolio includes equities and bonds.投资组合中有股票和债卷。
free lunch -免费的午餐。nothing is free, someone eventually will pay for it.
*There's no such thing as a free lunch in show business. I get to go to Japan for 5 days, but I also have to do a presentation in our branch office.
* Well, there's no such thing as a free lunch.天下无白吃的午餐。
keep the books - accounting and bookkeeping to keep all transactions in record.
consulting - providing help, or giving advice
firm - company, organization.
in hopes that - hoping something will happen.
turn profit - make money.
publicity - 闻名,公布,宣传,广告,当众公开的场面。
incubator - (重音在第一节)孵卵器,细菌培养器,早产婴儿保育器。(投资,培育小企业而对小企业提供各种帮助的公司企业组织团体或人。)

Language Tips:
employee - 雇员。
verb + "ee" = whoever take in or received.
employ -雇用。
verb + "er, or " = whoever give out or provide.
train /trainee/ trainer -训练/接受受训的人/教导训练的人。
exam / examinee / examiner -考试/接受考试的人/监考官。
Watch: Not very verb work this way, for example:
murder -谋杀。
murderer -杀人犯。
but we don't use murder+"ee" for someone has been murdered. We call "victim".
non-profit organization - 非营利组织,非营利机构。
profit -利润。
non-profit :非营利,无利润。
charities -charitable organization. 慈善机构。
charity (不可数n)-慈善行为,周济,布施。救济。
charity begins at home -(谚语)慈善从自家开始,要先照顾好家人,再慈善别人。即“修身齐家,博爱天下。”

Taking notes of study "Studio Classroom".

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