Tuesday, January 29, 2013

U-KISS: Conquering the World Music Scene

These K-pop stars have a global audience in mind
U-KISS:征服世界樂壇 - 這些韓流巨星想要贏得全球聽眾的喜愛.

Amidst the many successful Korean boy bands, U-KISS is rising to the top - at home and abroad. U-KISS stands for "Ubiquitous Korean International idol Super Star." a fitting name for this world-famous group. They were created by NH Media and got their start in 2008. A little bit pop, dance and R & B, U-KISS sound is modern and catchy. Their first single was "Not Young." an unusual title for a group in their late-teens, and early 20s. But age wasn't a problem for the members of U-KISS; in 2009 their single "Man Man Ha Ni" spurred them on to success. They've been famous ever since.

An international star
From the beginning, U-KISS was created for an international audience. Although the seven members are all Korean. U-KISS was a joint project between Korean and Japanese media groups. And the members have a skill most other K-Pop  bands don't possess: They're multilingual. Several of them have lived and studied overseas. Among them, they can speak Korean, English, Japanese and Mandarin, thus winning them a wide audience in Asia.

Going global
International fans are important to U-KISS as the group has demonstrated throughout its career. In 2011 the members spent three months in Japan preparing for the release of their album Neverland to Japanese audiences. They worked on choreography that Japanese fans could identify with. They also learned Japanese so they could sing and rap in their audience's native language. In 2012 their Japan tour attracted 25,000 fans. The group has also toured in the Philippines, and two members were featured in a TV drama in Thailand.

In 2012 U-KISS became the first K-pop group to hold a fan meeting in Cambodia. They began the day by making a surprise visit to a school on the outskirts of Phnom Penh. There they played with the kids and passed out baseball equipment. Then they held a meeting for their Cambodian fans. Five thousand people showed up, including the prim minister of Cambodia and his family!

U-KISS will continue to tour and perform internationally as their fame grows. Korea may be their home, but they sing for a worldwide audience.

Grammar Gym
.....the members have a skill most other K-pop bands don't possess: they're multilingual.
": " - after ":" have more information wants to give out or there are some reasons given.
There is a reason why John doesn't want to go into the pool : He can't swim.
Trent and Ashley make the announcement yesterday : they're finally getting married!

Vocabulary Tips:
amidst -in the middle of something, among.在什么什么之中。
*My missing mobile phone was finally found amidst piles of books.
*Amdst many contestants, Renee stands out as the most talented.在许多参赛者中。。。
*A deer admist the flower bed. 在花田中。
spur on - press on, push from behind. 激励,鞭策。刺激。
*spurred / spurring -
*The rise of the stock market spurred on the real estate market.。。。刺激房市。
*Spurred on by the success of their previous album, the band will release another album next month.
join (adj)- 联合的,共同的。
*U-KISS was a joint project between Korean and Japanese media groups.
*The joint project of the two companies was a great success.
join (n)-关节,结合点。
*The joint of his left knee got hurt when he went hiking.
possess - to have.拥有。具有。
*Annie possesses a keen sense of fashion.
possession (n)- what you have. 财产,东西。
*The man was charged with illegal possession of weapons.被控非法持有武器。
conquer - overcome, win the challenge.
Love conquers all.
rise to the top - oil came out of water to the top. or rise above it.
Good students raise to the top.
abroad - not home, oversee.
ubiquitous - see it anywhere.
fitting - just right. is appropriate.
catchy - very easy to catch, easy to pick up and sing.
multilingual - many languages.
multi - many.
lingual -language.
going global - to reach to the whole world, all nations. 迈向全球化。
go - 朝向某方向,或方位进行。或是变为,成为。
*The company has decided to go international next year.
*Frank started going gray when he was only in his mid-30s.
choreography -编舞。(重音在'o')many dancers dancing together.
*The choreography of the dance was very unique.
choreograph (v) -重音在第一音节。编舞
choreographer (n) -编舞者。
*The dance was choreographed by an award winning choreographer.
outskirts - not the center, is outside. the outside surrounding area of the city.城市外围,郊区,市郊。
*The factory was built on the outskirts of Chicago.
fame - became famous.(不可数名词) 名声。享誉。
famous - well known.有名的。
*a famous violinist.
show up - be there, be the place you said you will be. 出席。
identify with someone - understand, something in common. 认同,体会。
hold meeting - have meeting.
hold - hold something with your hand. or to have something.

Language Tips:
New Kids on the Block -街头玩童合唱团。(60年代熟知的)
boy band -男孩乐团。80 代才开始流行的称呼。
Jackson Five -早期的男孩乐团。
Backstreet Boys -早期的男孩乐团。
the British invasion -英国入侵。早期,美人对英国的乐团由喜爱十分着迷。
hallyu - the Korean wave. 韩流,刮起韩流,美人对韩国的电视剧或乐团十分着迷。

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