Friday, January 4, 2013


Making education fun
寓教於樂的BrainPOP - 讓教育充滿樂趣.

Pediatrician Avraham Kadar faced the challenge of explaining complex medical concepts to children he was treating. But, in 1999, he found a solution, and teachers have been reaping the benefits ever since.

Kadar created BrainPOP, an educational program consisting of brief animated videos in which a man named Tim and his robot friend Moby discuss various subjects. The videos fall into seven categories, engineering and technology, science, social studies, English, math, health, and arts and music. They cover over 500 topics, from historical figures to recent inventions, fostering interest in the subjects through humor and illustrations. BrainPOP's materials also include quizzes, activities, answers to questions and extra information about each topic.

BrainPOP can be used in the classroom or at home through the Internet, and it is now accessible everywhere through its apps for mobile devices. BrainPOP also provides resources for different groups: BrainPOP Jr. for younger students. BrainPOP Espanol for Spanish speakers and BrainPOP ESL for those learning English. Almost 20 percent of American schools have embraced BrainPOP, and its popularity is growing worldwide. Its website, apps and products have won multiple awards from magazines, websites and other organizations.

Why BrainPOP?
The reason for BrainPOP's popularity among teachers is simple: It works. A 2009 study conducted by SEG Research compared students who used BrainPOP to those who didn't. The BrainPOP users experienced more improvement in vocabulary, reading comprehension, language skills and science that the other students.

And the benefits of BrainPOP are not limited to native English speakers. One award-winning Canadian school with students from many linguistic backgrounds make BrainPOP available to all its teachers. They find it helpful because it integrates pictures into its presentations instead of relying solely on language.

Similarly, a school in the U.S for students with learning disabilities has found BrainPOP very effective at keeping students engaged and encouraging them to participate. Teachers said that BrainPOP's quick pace and humor helps students ignore distractions and continue to focus. The kids love the character Moby, a robot that cannot speak but communicates with facial expressions and beeps. Teachers think this may be because the students can relate to the robot's limitations. For more than 10 years, BrainPOP's fun, clear and educational materials have helped students learn -and enjoy it.

Grammar Gym:
They cover over 500 topics, from historical figures to recent inventions, fostering interest in the subjects through humor and illustrations.
@There is two part, part 1 leads to part II situation. - have a situation that make another situation happen,  add "ing" to verb after the first sentence ending.
Part 1: They cover over 500 topics, from historical figures to recent inventions.
Part 2: ...fostering interest in the subjects through humor and illustrations.
The bus had a flat tire. This made everyone late to work.
- The bus had a flat tire, making everyone lat to work. 
There was a big accident downtown. This created a traffic jam.
-There was a big accident downtown, creating a traffic jam. 

Vocabulary Tips:
reap -harvest from field. obtain.收割农作物。此指“收获,获得”。
* After many years research and developing his idea, Henry is ready to reap the benefit of his new products.
foster -take care of something in a short period of time. 培养,促进。
* A good parent-child relationship fosters the child's self-esteem. 培养
* High temperatures fostered the spread of the disease.高温促进细菌扩散。
accessible -you can get it easily.可利用的,可取得的,可使用的,可进入的。
*The mobile library make books more easily accessible for children living in remote areas.
embrace - hug. happy to accepted.拥抱。或“欣然接受”。
*The couple embraced each other before they parted.分别前.拥抱
*Tom embraced a golden opportunity to work abroad.“欣然接受
pediatrician(n)- children doctor.
face a challenge - something very difficult happen, you would like to try it. 面对挑战。
consist of ....- 组成,构成。。
*My room is consist of a bed, a table and chairs.
fall into (types, categories...) - come into。。。 分类成。。。
APP - application.
conduct -to organize and leading ...执行。
*This housing project will be conducted by the only government next year. 执行
conduct -behave.动作举止。
*He's old enough to be responsible for his own conduct.
comprehension - thoroughly understand. 完全理解,完全了解。
comprehensive - more than just one area, a lot of things or all the things of an area or in certain topic.
** comprehension and comprehensive are totally different meaning.
*There are three parts of this English test: listening comprehension, reading comprehension and composition.
find - discover, looking for something and you found.原本是“寻找”的意思,此指“发现”
*Irene found her new job fun and challenging at the same time. 。发现。。。有挑战性的同时又很有趣。
distraction -take attention away... opposite of focus. 使分心的事或物。
distract (v)- not concentrated, not focus. 使分心。使分神。
*Tina studies in the library to avoid any distraction. 避免被其他事物分心。
that works - that looks okay, or that look pretty good.
*That outfit works for party.
linguistic - something to do with language. relate to language or language background.
linguistics -talking about or refer about many languages or language backgrounds

Language Tips:
historic/ historical -
historic -What is important in history. 历史上有名的,有历史性的。
historic house - call white house is historic house.白宫
historical -有关历史的或是根据历史的。。Something is relate to history or recorded in history.
historical novel -历史书。
historical figures -历史人物(有历史记载的,不一定很有名)
historical/historic - sometime exchangeable,
historical times or historic times. 古老的时期-此处historical and historic 通用
phrase: You reap for what you sow. ( So be careful for what you sow.)
native English speaker -母语是英文的人。
English speaker - 讲英文的人。
native -本地的,本土的。
native to America - 土生土长的美国人。
Native American - 美国的原住民是指我们俗称的“印地安人”。(少数民族被保护的)
mother tongue -母语。
mother country - 母国
mother land - 原居住土地,。
mother language is first language and is native language. -anything from your parents.


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