Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolutions Worth Keeping

What New Year's resolutions do doctors suggest you make?
值得持續的新年新計畫 - 醫師建議你訂定什麼樣的新年新計划。

The start of a new year brings hope - hope for better health, more happiness and greater success. New Year's resolutions are a great way to pursue those things by eliminating bad habits and creating good ones. But which resolutions should you choose? According to a survey of doctors, here are some good ideas:

Get moving 
Exercise is one of the most popular New Year's resolutions - and one of the healthiest. Exercise helps prevent disease, improves memory, relieves stress and helps you live longer. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week. Plan regular times for activities like walking, swimming, biking or playing sports. And don't hesitate to make small changes - even taking the stairs instead of the elevator makes a huge difference.

Sleep at least seven hours each night
Sleep isn't a waste of time; it lowers blood pressure, reduces stress and strengthens your immune system. And lack of sleep increases your risk of memory problems, headaches, heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

Watch your numbers
According to the World Health Organization's 2008 report, 29.5 percent of men and 25.6 percent of women in mainland China had high blood pressure. However, most of them didn't know it. Not knowing your blood pressure and cholesterol levels can be destructive to your health. That's because both of these numbers have been linked to dangerous medical conditions. Visit your doctor regularly to check on them, and ask whether you should monitor them at home as well.

Eat more whole grams
Replace refined carbohydrates like white rice and pasta with whole grains like wholewheat pasta, brown rice and whole-grain bread. This will lessen your risk of disease, improve your digestion and help control your weight.

Spend time with family and friends
Having close relationships with your loved ones isn't just an enjoyable experience. It also means you'll be less likely to suffer from colds, depression and problems related to aging. Work quality time with your family into your schedule, like any other appointment. Eat dinner together, play games and have real, sincere conversations. Healthy relationships will make you healthier- body and soul.

Grammar Gym:
Work quality time with your family into your schedule...
"do something A to make into B."
The doctor is busy in the morning but he can work you into his afternoon schedules.
The magician's performance was worked into the program at the last minute.

Vocabulary Tips:
resolution -set a goal and make some changes to have better self. 决定,决心。
*One of my New Year's resolutions is to study English at least an hour per day.
resolve- decided to do something。决定,决心
*Patrick resolved to quit his job and moved to L.A.
eliminate - to throw away, to get rid of. 消除,戒除。
*The infectious disease has not been totally eliminated yet!
*The ten teams ranked the last will be eliminated from the game.
moderate - not too much and not too less. not go over, not go less, just right.不过分的,适中的,适度的。
*Moderate pressure sometimes can help one progress rapidly.
moderate - mild, not too strong, not too week.温和的
*moderate economic growth.-温和的经济成长。
strength - power 力量。
strengthen - make it more powerful.强化,加强。字尾 加 'en' -有“使如何如何”之意。
*Their relationship was strengthened after working together.
*Sufficient intake of calcium can strengthen your bones.
hesitate- stop and think, afraid of.
make a difference - not the same.
reduce vs. relieve -reduce is make less, relieve is take away.
*Reduce amount what we eat. / Relieve stress what I have.
destructive - destroy. not good for you, 破坏性的,摧毁性的,毁坏性的,
*The scandal is destructive to the governor's political career.
destroy (v)-破坏,毁坏。
*The Bombing destroyed the whole city.
less -少,少于某一个分量或程度。
add "en" : 有“使如何如何”的意思。
lessen - reduce the amount of time or something.减轻,或变少。
*The new treatment successfully lessened the patient's symptoms.
weaken -变弱。
worsen -恶化。
It also means you'll be less likely to suffer from colds.
likely -可能的。
less likely - unlikely 比较不可能的。
*Compared to other candidates, George is less likely to get promoted.
depression -忧郁症。
depress -使沮丧。
*Fanny has suffered from depression for years.
depression - 意志消沉,沮丧。
*A trip to the beach brought Susan out of her depression. 脱离沮丧。
WHO - World Health Organization.
monitor - keep eyes on it and check on them. watch carefully. see it and check on.

Language Tips:
elevator / escalator -电梯/手扶梯 ( one is in the case / one is open air)
elevate / escalate -都有上升的意思。
moving sidewalk - 电动走道,是水平的,不是往上或往下的。
moving walkway -电动走道.
moving sidewalk = moving walkway. - often can be seen at airport.
control our weight - 控制体重。
control -控制
control his ship and crew - 指挥并控制他的船和他船上工作的人。
control your temper.-控制你的脾气,即注意不要乱发脾气。
control your tongue -控制你的舌头,是注意你的言语,说话不要伤到别人。
self-control - 自我控制。
under control - 全在掌握控制之中。

Encouraging and Reminding:

***A bad attitude or bad word can destructive your relationship.
***Our word come out of our mouth and our attitude should constructive.
***Think first before you speak.
***Control your tongue.

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