Sunday, December 19, 2010

Employee Wellness

守護員工健康Keeping employees healthy is a priority for my company. 維護員工健康是公司的第一要務。by Joan Yu.

People are the most important asset of my company, so we are well taken care of. Many wellness events held throughout the year help employees maintain a healthy lifestyle because prevention is the best medicine. On campus, many services are available for a reasonable price. These include heart screening, flu shot clinic, on-site dietitian, weight management center, and a massage and fitness center. These on-site services make it convenient for employees to attend to these things instead of postponing or ignoring them.

I personally like the one-site flu shot clinic as it saves me a trip to the hospital. I always prompt my coworkers to get their flu shots on time. I don't want them to get sick because I spend a lot of hours working with them every day.

Other interesting yearly events such as "Bike to Work Day" and "Walk During Lunch Day" invite employees to get a taste of a healthier lifestyle. These events also include prizes as an incentive to encourage everyone to get out of their chairs and participate.

I participated in "walk During Lunch Day" and was astonished to see that hundreds of people showed up at the event. It turned out to be not only an exercise event but also a social event where I encountered many others from different departments. We walked and chatted and had a lot of fun during that lunch hour.

Although I didn't win a prize in the drawing, I was glad I had made the effort to participate. Now I know where to go for a walk around campus during lunch hour and I'm in the habit of doing it.

Joan and her coworker Sara discuss their office's wellness events.
Joan: I wish they'd organize a "Walk During Lunch Day" more often.
Sara: Why? You can walk on your own at lunchtime.
Joan: I do walk on and off, but I need something to motivate me.
Sara: And someone to accompany you?
Joan: Right, Exercise is more fun with friends.
Sara: So find a friend to walk with. There must be someone in your department. Or organize a lunchtime walking group.
Joan: That's a good idea. I'll send an e-mail around this afternoon.

I personally like the on-site flu shot clinic as it saves me a trip to the hospital.
"to save someone a trip" = "to keep from having to make a trip"
"to save someone a trip"-
If you help me turn in this report, it would save me a trip to the teacher's office.
I could have asked you to get something for me from the supermarket and save myself a trip.

Vocabulary Tips:
prevention-預防 pre-預先
*The research is aimed at cancer prevention. 目標在。。預防
*The government spent a lot of its budget on a new crime prevention program, unfortunately, the program didn't have the effect they desired.
on-site=現場,在場,住場,住校 site-地點
*Our school has an on-site nurse in our health center.
*The army set up an on-site medical treatment center right outside the collapsed buildings.
*Tim's boss promised him a big bonus as an incentive to win the case.
*The supervisor offered cash incentives to encourage their staff to work overtime.
*Little kids love incentives like stickers or stamps. 貼紙或印章。
astonish-使大爲吃驚,使驚訝. amaze, surprise.
* It astonished me that many students don't read much outside of the classroom anymore.
*I was astonished that Cathy refused my help to babysit for her.
draw(n)-抽獎 (v)-抽獎,畫畫.
*At the end of the party, there was a big drawing for a free trip to Hawaii.
*The winners of the drawing need to fill out a form before collecting their prizes.領獎
on and off- 斷斷續續,不時地,不持續地. "on"-打開,啓動,開啓 "off"-関上,停止.
*Pam works out on and off so she never loses much weight.
*Bobby and Kate wrote email to each other on and off after graduation.
habit-嗜好 create a routine doing work, and enjoy it very much.

Chat Room:
get a taste of a healthier lifestyle.
get a taste= try it out,嘗試
get a taste of something-嘗試去做某件事。
taste= refer to someone's judgement,品味,鑑賞力 such as: expensive taste, great taste.
a man of taste-很有品味的人。
have a bad taste in your mouth-留下不好的囘憶,如同吃了苦的葯,感覺很不好。
bad taste-having a bad experience. or taste badly.不好的經驗或回憶。
Walk During Lunch Day-
take a walk-散步, 如用命令口氣,則是"出去!, 滾開!”不客氣,不歡迎的叫人“離去,走開”。
walk on eggshells-走在蛋殼上,即“如履薄冰,要非常的小心,謹慎”
walk one's feet off-把腳走斷了,意即“走了很多的路”

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