Sunday, December 5, 2010

Top 10 Ways To Stick To Your Workout

讓你運動持之以恆的十個訣竅 Keep exercising- you'll be glad you did by Michele Promaulayko

1. Show up and book it
Plan your workout in advance. Lack of planning continues to be the biggest reason people fail to work out. Ninety percent of people finish their workout if they just show up.

2. Make a date with a friend
Making a commitment to someone helps you actually keep it. Be sure to find someone on your same fitness level so you both will work toward similar goals.

3. Invest in a trainer
If you don't know what you're doing when you get to the gym, it pays to hire someone who does. A personal trainer will correct your form to make sure you produce results avoid injuries.

4. Find a happy place but watch the rut
The "perfect" exercise is the one you're happiest doing. so make sure you find yourself wanting to work out. With that being said, don't let your routine become as familiar as "Friends" reruns. Vary your routine day to day and completely change it every three weeks.

5. Cut a soundtrack
Leave the slow songs for the sappy. High-tempo music is a better distracter.

6. Write it down
Record your fitness goals in a journal and track your workouts. Note the exercises that make you feel good and produce results.

7. Work with him
Sharing activities with your partner is a surefire way to stick together. Exercise releases neurohormones that make people feel happier, more motivated and less anxious.

8. Take a chance and streak
Adrenaline-spiked adventures like rock climbing will help you better manage stress in everyday life, according to a study from Texas A & M University. By streak we mean for you to see how long you can go without missing a workout. Then try to beat that record.

9. Reward yourself
Celebrate reaching your goals by treating yourself to whatever you want. Book that appointment for a massage, or take a long, hot bubble bath. Reward yourself now because sometimes that short-term reward might be the only evidence of your long-term success.

10. Show off
A brand new haircut or fresh-out-of-the-box running shoes can be just the appearance boost you need for a great lift in the gym. And when you feel better about yourself, you're going to function better.

Grammar on the go:
With that being said, don't let your routine become as familiar as "Friends" reruns.
"considering what was just mention"
"with that being said"=considering what was just mentioned.
..... make sure you find yourself wanting to work out.
You should find yourself wanting to work out, but be sure that you don't let your routine become as familiar as "Friends" reruns.
"with that being said"
The human body's defense system is amazing when it comes to fighting germs. With that being said, we still need to wash our hands regularly in order to stay healthy.
I can tell everyone has worked very hard on the project. With that being said, I still need to point out a few things that we can improve.

Vocabulary Tips:
workout (n)-訓練,健身,練習
*Regular workouts can help reduce weight.
work out (v)-健身,鍛煉身體
*Paul works out twice a week at the gym.
*I'm trying to improve my fitness by running every morning before work.
*The exercise program is designed according to your fitness level. 健康程度,狀況
be + stuck in a rut-刻版的模式。rut-定規,慣例,老生常談。
*George felt that he was stuck in a rut for too long, so he decided to change his job.
get out of a rut- 脫離老套,離開刻板的模式。
*It's time for us to get out of this rut and find more effective ways to run our business. surefire-一定會成功,必定會發生,不會失敗的。
*The popular band's new album is a surefire hit.
*Sharing your snacks is a surefire way to make friends at school.
*Charles is anxious about his test result.
*The farmers started to feel anxious about their harvest when they heard about the developing typhoon.
show off-賣弄,展現,炫耀
*Eric tried to impress the girl he likes by showing off his sports skills.
* David loves to show off his muscles at the gym.
*Patrick is showing off his wealth again.
neurohormone-"neuro" is related to "brain" , hormone-賀爾蒙
adrenaline spiked- adrenaline is a kind of hormone in your body, spike-add something to make it stronger; get excited.
streak- a period of time continue to do something, not miss any day.
distract- take attention off. distracter- something that can take attention off.

Chat Room:
sappy=Excessively sentimental 過多的感情,情緒的。
Leave the slow songs for the sappy. 緩慢的歌曲留給多愁善感的人
sappy love songs-感傷的情歌
soap operas often have sappy plot.肥皂劇的劇情常常加入"sappy"賺人眼淚
track (n)-動物的足跡 , 縱跡(v)-追蹤。
track an animal-(獵人)追蹤動物
track your workouts-追蹤你的鍛練狀況。
keep track of something-掌握某事物,某様東西的行蹤
keep track of the books you check out. 記錄,追蹤。。借的書。
track (n)-跑道,操場上的跑道,
track and field-跑道和操場,指“田徑賽”
on the right track.-在正確的跑道上,指“做對的事”

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