Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Speak Up With Confidence!

帶著自信暢所欲言!Giving a speech doesn't have to be scary.發表演說不見得會那麼可怕 by Chelsea Ewald

You've prepared for this moment for months. You've written, memorized and practiced your speech. All that's left now is delivering it. But as you walk to the front of the room, you suddenly become very nervous. The audience is staring at you in silence. Your hands begin to sweat. Your eyes start to twitch. Your breathing becomes more rapid. And worst of all, your mind goes blank. Sound familiar?

Giving a speech can be scary. But it doesn't have to be a miserable experience. You can give a speech with confidence by following a few easy tips:

Step one: Focus on your content
The content of your speech is important because it expresses your ideas and opinions. Begin by creating a memorable introduction. Do this by asking a question, telling a brief story, stating a fact or repeating a famous quote. This will grab your audience's attention right at the beginning. Next, focus on writing the body of the speech.

The body of your speech consists of your main points. It is the longest part of your speech and often contains three points. Support your points and ideas in this section with facts. Finally, complete the content of your speech with a conclusion. Briefly repeat your main points in the conclusion.

Step two: Focus on your delivery.
Now, prepare your delivery. Ninety percent of communication is nonverbal. Therefore, how you look and behave in front of your audience is critical.

* Pay attention to your body language. Stand straight with your legs shoulder-width apart. Move your hands in a natural manner as you speak.

* Pay attention to your facial expressions. Make eye contact and smile at your audience.

*Pay attention to your voice. Control the pitch of your voice as well as the pace of your words. Speak clearly and naturally.

You're ready to go! Now take a deep breath, and speak with confidence!

More information:
Who's Afraid of Speaking?
-If you'll be using visual aids in your speech, be sure to practice with them first. Remember-- these are just aids. They are not supposed to be the main part of your speech.
_ Never end your speech with "That's all," or "I'm finished" Conclude with a clear ending that is directly related to your topic.

Grammar on the go:
And worst of all, your mind goes blank.
"to go blank" = "to become unable to think"
"to go blank"-
Sabrina's mind went blank when the man of her dreams asked her to go out with him.
Brian prepared for his job interview, but his mind went blank when he sat down in front of his interviewer.

Vocabulary Tips:
*His face twitched when he got nervous.
*The corner of Jay's mouth started to twitch because he smiled too long.
*The actor twitched his nose like a mouse sniffing a piece of cheese.
*In the introduction, the author talks about what motivates him to write continuously.
*The speaker loves to tell jokes in the introduction of his speech.
body-is content. important part. 文章,演説的主體, 著作的主要部分.
*He finished the body of his thesis in 6 months, but the collection of data took him over a year.
*The main body of the auto biography talks about the author's childhood memories.
speak up-說大聲些, 說出口.
grab-take, get, catch.
*The content of his speech is very solid, but his poor delivery made it really dull.
delivery-運送,此指"表達,傳遞," 演講,講課,表演的表達. 方式的表達.
*The actor's delivery isn't believable enough in this role.
expression- 表情,臉色.臉部表情. express-表達
*Nick is a serious person; you can't really tell what he thinks by just observing his facial expressions.
*His expression shows great disapproval of my suggestion. 不贊成我的建議.
pace-速度,精進,爭競, 步調
*Hanks slowed his walking pace down so his daughter could keep up with him.
*The pace of life in big cities doesn't suit everybody.

Chat Room:
blank (v) out something-使一些事情成爲空白.即刻意不去想它,逃避現實(但終究還是要面對)
blank out the memory-purposely try not remember something. 從記憶中忘記,故意不去記得. go blank-腦筋一片空白,完全想不起任何事情.
content (adj)-滿足的
content (n)-内容,
He is content with his life. 他很滿足他的人生.
the content of the speech.-一篇演講的内容。
the makeup of the speech.- 一篇演講的内容的結構(makeup)
the table of contents.- 一本書,由它的内容。書的目錄。書的目錄content要用複數 (s)contents

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