Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Undersea Robots Go Green

水下滑翔機變環保了Undersea robots no longer depend on batteries for power新型自動機械裝置一趟就可以進行長達數年的海中研究. by Ryan Batdorf

What can stay at sea for possibly years at a time, run on natural energy and will do what you tell it with no questions asked? It's certainly not a human or a sea creature. Is it an alien from another planet? No! It's an undersea robotic glider now being used for the exploration of our oceans' abysses.

The first green undersea robot
Scientists have been experimenting with this torpedo-shaped, undersea robotic glider since December 2007. This green glider, powered by heat energy harvested from the ocean, is the first self-propelled undersea vehicle to journey great distances for long periods of time. However, since this glider depends on battery power to operate the on board instruments and rudder, it is technically a hybrid.

Its potential
Unlike most battery-powered undersea robotic gliders, this one's energy source is virtually unlimited. Consequently, study of the ocean's depths around the clock for multiple years at a time is no longer out of the question. Gliders in this category are designed for long-term, long-distance journeys that are impossible or impractical for humans to make. Thanks to this glider and other inventions of this nature, exploring our blue oceans is becoming more efficient and greener all the time.

More Information
Sending humans down to explore the ocean depths can be very dangerous. However, with the development of undersea robots, the danger factor has been removed making the impossible possible. Here are three once Impossible things undersea robots have helped humans do:
* Discover Titanic's grave.
* Recover gold and other treasures from ships that sunk centuries ago.
*Extract oil from the Gulf of Mexico.

Consequently, study of the ocean depths around the clock for multiple years at a time is no longer out of the question.
out of the question=impossible
*The study of the ocean depths around the clock for multiple years at a time is possible.
out of the question-
*For Sarah, taking a vacation this summer is out of the question.
*Try to use my cellphone to make a phone call is completely out of the question.

exploration-探測,探索,勘測 ex-向外的 explore-探測,探索
*Human exploration of space never seems to cease.
*The research team started an in-depth exploration of the South Pole last year.
propelled-推進。 是“ propel ”的過去分詞,
a self-propelled vacuum cleaner-自行推進的吸塵器。
a self-propelled boat-機器自力推進的船。
around the clock-繞著時間轉,不眠之休的,日以繼夜的。
*Three shifts of workers worked together around the clock to meet the deadline. 三班制。。。不眠不休的。。。在期限内(完工)
*The witness was guarded by the police around the clock. 被警察24 小時保護著。

Chat Room
alien-外星人,外國的,不同性質的,也指外國人,外國來的人, 外僑。
an alien from another planet-從別的星球來的人
illegal alien-非法居留者
resident alien-合法居留者。

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