Friday, June 4, 2010

The Perfect Cup of Coffee

咖啡達人教你煮出完美咖啡Making one of the world’s most popular drinks. For this coffee store owner, coffee is a science and an experience 對這位咖啡連鎖店主來說,咖啡是一種科學,也是一種體驗by Simon Stopps

This month Studio Classroom talks to Vivian Tenefrancia about making the perfect cup of coffee. Since 1991, Tenefrancia and her husband have been importing beans, developing drinks and educating people about coffee. They currently own and operate Taipei's Italian Coffee Company.

SC: How do you make great coffee?
VT: There are many ways to make coffee-espressos, drip coffees and siphon-made coffees. Different combinations of beans and equipment will produce very different beverages. Most importantly, you need to have clean, high-quality water and good-quality coffee. Water temperature is also fundamental. For example, espresso machines need to keep water at a very consistent temperature.

SC: How does coffee go from the plant to the pot?

VT: It's a long and complicated process. Basically, coffee beans are the seeds of coffee trees. There are both hand-picked and mechanically harvested beans. Hand picking means the beans that are taken are all ripe. In contrast, mechanical harvesting takes ripe and unripe beans, leaves- everything.

The seeds, or beans, are removed from the fruit. Then they are washed, dried and roasted.

SC: How do you keep your coffee beans fresh?

VT: Some people say to put them in the refrigerator, but don't do that. Just put them in a vacuum-sealed glass jar and use them up within seven to 14 days.

SC: Does it matter how beans are ground?

VT: It doesn't matter if beans are ground by hand or machine, but the coarseness does matter. Coarse granules are usually for French presses or drip coffees; finer ones are good for espresso machines.

When you grind the beans is also important. Our shop grinds beans only when an order is placed. If you store ground beans, they won't stay fresh very long.

SC: What do you need to make your own great coffee at home?

VT: You need to have a good espresso machine and coffee grinder. You also need a stainless steel milk pitcher and a tamper to press down the coffee. I would also recommend getting a brush to clean the machine. Maintaining your machine will help it last a long time.

SC: Do you have anything you'd like to add?

VT: I drink coffee every day and I feel very passionate about it. There are so many thins you can do with coffee and coffee flavors. It's not just coffee. It's an experience.


When you grind the beans is also important.

when you grind the beans=The time when you grind the beans...

* using "wh" to form a questing sentence, or using it at the beginning as a noun clause.

why-- Why he made such a decision was beyond everyone's understanding.

where- Where we're going to spend the night will be arranged by the travel agent.

what- What we're going to do with the property will be discussed at the meeting.

who-Who Brent's going to marry is none of our business.

what- What we're going to do with the property will be discussed at the meeting.

how- How the prisoner was able to escape remains a mystery.



*The cookbook has a combination of Thai and Italian recipes.食譜

*The combination of tiredness and boredom caused the kids to feel frustrated.疲倦加上無聊。。。覺得很挫折。


*Hot beverages such as coffee, tea and hot chocolate are complimentary. 免費

*Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the students' cafeteria.禁止

beverage/drink- 飲料。beverage-指含酒精或不含酒精的飲料 很廣義。 drink- 專指含酒精的飲料,酒類。

vacuum sealed-真空包裝 vacuum (v)-使呈現真空的狀態, sealed-密封的.

vacuum sealed = vacuum packed-真空包裝 no air can get in. vacuum

*These vacuum-packed dried bananas can be stored for 6 months.

*The vacuum-packed beef jerky tastes really well.

grind-碾碎,東西磨成粉。ground (n)-地面 (v)-grind的過去式切碎的,磨碎的

*Coffee beans need to be roasted before they are ground.

ground pepper-胡椒粉

ground beef-絞牛肉


*The coarseness of the fabric makes it really uncomfortable. to wear.布料很粗糙

*The boy was rejected by his peers due to his coarseness. 同儕。。。他粗魯的言行。

recommend-建議,勸告 或是推薦。

*The doctor recommended that George take a vacation to help ease his stress.建議

*William's former supervisor recommended him for a new position.推薦

Chat Room



addicted- 上癮,

addicted to-對什麽上癮,用“to"

He is addicted to coffee-他喝咖啡成(上)癮。

He is addicted to alcohol-他喝酒成(上)癮


How do you take your coffee? 不是指用什麽方式把咖啡帶走,而是指咖啡要加些什麽料?


with cream only-只加奶精

with cream and sugar-加奶精及糖

caffeine coffee-有咖啡因的咖啡。

decaf=decaffeinated coffee. 無咖啡因的(無因)咖啡。

decaffeinated- 無咖啡因的咖啡。de-有去除或拿掉的意思, caffeine-咖啡因。

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