Thursday, June 17, 2010

Internet Addiction

你對網路上癮了嗎?Spending too much time online? You might be addicted. 花太多時間上網了嗎?你可能已經對網路上癮了喔by Bryan Hagerla

For most people these days, going online requires little effort. But leaving the Internet can be another story. For some, the act of going online is addicting, and they find it hard to log off and return to everyday life.

Ben Alexander realized he had a problem after he found himself playing the online game World of Warcraft more than 16 hours a day. Not long after flunking out of college, Alexander decided to check himself into reSTART, the first rehab center in America devoted to treating Internet addicts. During his 45-day fast from the Internet, Alexander spent most of his time exercising and learning real-world skills such as cooking and camping.

Online gamers, however, aren't the only people who can develop an Internet addiction. People who spend time gambling online, visiting social websites or even using online retail sites can all develop addictions. The reason is because each of these online activities stimulates a part of the brain that releases dopamine. This chemical, which produces pleasant feelings, is linked not only to Internet addiction but also to other types of non-Internet addictions. So what distinguishes an Internet addict from a casual surfer?

One of several distinctions is that a person who has an Internet addiction usually becomes angry or depressed when denied access to the Internet. In contrast, a casual surfer can usually switch to offline activities without such angst. Although Internet addiction still isn't labeled as a disorder by the American Psychiatric Association, many therapists are pressing the organization to do so. They hope that more addicts can receive professional treatment. Several Asian countries, on the other hand, have already labeled Internet addiction a serious health problem and have taken steps to address it.

China has required local gaming companies to penalize gamers who play online for more than three hours a day by cutting their points in half. And both China and Korea have created boot camps where addicts are denied Internet access for extended periods. In order to prevent an addiction from forming, all Internet users should take steps to limit their online activity and instead invest in real-world activities and relationships. Any time that Internet activity begins to threaten grades, jobs or relationships, it's time to log off and pull the plug.

More Information
Here are a few sighs that your computer is taking control of your life:
*You neglect friends and family.
*You feel restless when you're not engaged in some online activity.
*You're computer use is interfering with your job or school performance.
*You feel guilty, ashamed, anxious or depressed as a result of your behavior.
*Your sleep patterns are changing.

But leaving the Internet can be another story.
another story= a different subject = a different matter.
another story=different story.
Sarah and Sally are identical twin sisters. Sarah is very organized and efficient in her work. Sally i s another story.
Going up the mountain in the late afternoon wasn't hard for me, coming down in the dark was a different story.

Vocabulary Tips
addiction-上癮,成癮 addict-使上癮,使着迷,使沉迷。
*The once-famous singer was admitted to the hospital for her drug addiction. 曾經走紅的。。住進,進了。。。
*His addiction to alcohol ruined his life.
fast (adj)-快。 fast (n)-禁戒時期,禁戒。
*The immigrants began a week-long fast (n) to protest racial discrimination at their work places. 一個星期的禁食。
* Mark fasted (v) for a whole week and eventually collapsed from hunger. 禁食。。昏倒。
*The company owns over 15 retail outlets on the West coast.零售商店。
*The retail price of this camera is around $400.零售價格
wholesale price.-批發價格
rehab (rehabilitation) center-修復,復建中心
*The angst of waiting for the test results was so great that she left the hospital to walk off her worry. 焦慮太大。。。以走路來消除憂慮(擔心)
*She tried to temper her angst by thinking positively.
penalize- 処以懲治,懲罰。pen-由處罰的意思。
*The new law will penalize businesses that treat minorities unfairly.少數族裔。
*The basketball player was penalized for pushing another player.
pull the plug (idiom)-把插銷(頭)拔出來(掉)。延伸意思是“終止某件事的進行”。終止什麽事的進行用"on"
*Due to low ratings, the TV station pulled the plug on the program. 停止了。。
*The professor decided to pull the plug on his research project because of insufficient funds.

Chat Room
going online requires little effort.
little effort / a little effort (有一些,positive and happy/ 幾乎一點也沒有(很負面,negative, and unhappy)
I have little money- 我沒什麽錢,我的錢根本不夠有等於無。(負面的思維)。
I have a little money.-我有一些(點)錢。(正面思維)
few/ a few- (很少幾個 / 雖很少但是還是有幾個)。
Few friends cam to see him. 很少幾個。。來看我。(他很失望,負面的思維)
A few friends came to see him.- 有幾個。。。(很高興,正面思維)
substance addiction -addict to drug, alcohol or cigarette.
process addiction- addict to shopping, eating or gambling.
30 years ago, "surfing" 衝浪is simply means a person stand on a board, the board jumping up and down on the wave of the sea. .
1980's- the TV remote control 遙控器was created, "surfing" word is using on "change channels " from one channel to another channel.
1990's- the Internet came out, "surfing" word is applying to change and searching the web pages.
"channel surfing" or "web surfing" -
90 年代,在電腦網路上,隨意搜尋資料,迅速的瀏覽不同網站。
"channel surfing" and " web surfing" -雖都是正當的行爲。"surfing" 是無目的的搜尋,轉換頻道, 讓人覺得是一种懶惰,無所事事,消磨時間的負面印象。

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