Friday, April 2, 2010

The Story of Easter

復活節的由來The real reason people celebrate Easter.人們慶祝復活節的真正理由What is the real reason that people celebrate Easter? by Pamela Osment

More than 2,000 years ago, a special baby named Jesus was born in Israel. Around age 30, Jesus began teaching people about God’s love, claiming that he was God’s son. People were amazed. They were also surprised by his ability to heal, and some traveled long distances to be healed. Jealous of Jesus’ popularity, the Jewish religious leaders began plotting to capture him.

The arrest and crucifixion
One night while Jesus was praying in a garden, soldiers arrested him. They took him to the local religious leaders for questioning. The leaders wanted to put him to death but could find no evidence. Then they took him to Pilate, the region's Roman governor, and he couldn't find Jesus guilty of anything either. However, the people, swayed by the local leaders, demanded his death. And so, Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified. After beating him, the soldiers hammered Jesus' hands and feet to a cross. With people mocking him as he suffered, Jesus displayed his love by asking God to forgive them. After about six hours, he breathed his final breath.

The resurrection
Jesus' friends took his body wrapped it in cloth, and placed it in a tomb. Jewish leaders, though, feared someone would steal it because Jesus had promised to come back to life on the third day. So Pilate ordered the massive stone at the tomb's opening be sealed and guarded.
Three days later, a violent earthquake occurred when an angel appeared and rolled the stone away, terrifying the guards. Later that morning as several women rushed to the place, the angel met them. He greeted them with the news that Jesus wasn't there he was alive! The women raced back to Jesus' disciples with the news.

When his followers met together that night, Jesus appeared in the midst of them. Naturally, they were frightened. But he ate with them and let them touch the wounds in his feet and hands, proving he was alive. Over the next 40 days, Jesus appeared to over 500 people. After that, his disciples confidently spread the word about Jesus' victory over death and that he truly was the Son of God!

More Information
What if you got caught doing something wrong like stealing? Then, just as you were about to be punished your friend stepped in and took the punishment for you. That's exactly what Jesus did for us. Jesus died so we wouldn't have to face the punishment for those bad things we've done. Because of Jesus' death we've all been given the chance to be forgiven!

Jealous of Jesus' popularity, the Jewish religious leaders began plotting to capture him.
We may says" The Jewish religious leaders were Jealous of Jesus' popularity, so they began plotting to capture him." But it is just too wordy, and not simple. So we use following pattern:
Talk about the feeling of something
Adjective phrase + Subject +verb + follow action

"Jealous of Jesus' popularity" - Adjective phrase as Subject
"began" -verb
"Plotting to capture him" -follow action
*Confused about her test scores (a.d.), Teresa (s)called (v) her teacher for an explanation.
*Angry at his parents' decision(a.d.), Tom (s) stomped (v) back to his room.

plot-计谋或小说或电影的情节,此指密谋,策划 plotting/plotted
*The prisoners plotted an escape but got caught
*The robbers were plotting to rob the bank on the corner.
crucify (v)-钉十字架, crucifixion(n)-把人钉死在十字架上hang people up and nailed them to die.
*The criminal was crucified.
*Sandra knew she would be crucified if her boss found out that she lost the important document. 也用于很严厉的对待,虐待,(有教人吃不完兜着走的意味)
*Kids at school mocked the boy because of his height.
*The naughty students mocked the way the teacher spoke and acted.调皮捣蛋的学生摹仿
*A massive monument was erected to honor the hero.巨大的纪念碑。。
*Massive clouds covered the sky as it started to rain.厚重的雲
*A massive crowd gathered in front of city hall to protest. 大批的群众
*This painter considered himself a disciple of Andy Warhol.自认是..追随者
in the midst of-在。。之中, 或处于某种状况中
*I saw my son in the midst of the kids who just came out of school.
*Can you call me later? I'm in the midst of an important meeting.

Chat Room
cross- 十字架
a heavy cross to bear-背负重担,背负重的十字架,忍受痛苦,担负沉重的担子
cross one's fingers-交叉食指与中指,求主保守的意思,平安求福的意思
I am crossing my fingers that nothing bad will happen to him.
Keep your fingers crossed
cross- 越过,出现,浮现。。
cross your mind.浮现脑海

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