Monday, April 5, 2010

A Mother's Choice

Many new moms face a big decision: return to the workplace or stay at home with her child.新手媽媽的抉擇 Should a mom return to work or stay at home after having a baby?媽媽生完孩子後,究竟該回到職場,還是該留在家裡呢?by Ryan Batdorf and Lisa Holl Chang

Anita and Roger Blackwell had a baby girl, Denise, two months ago. Before Denise arrived, Anita had planned to return to her office job, but now she’s having second thoughts.

Anita: Roger, I’ve really enjoyed being home with Denise. Now that my maternity leave is almost over, I'm actually rethinking returning to my job.
Roger: Really? When we talked about this before Denise arrived, you always insisted you would keep your job.
Anita: But that was before I experienced the joys of being a full-time mom.

Roger: You know I will support whatever decision you have made, but losing your income will definitely affect to our financial situation...
Anita: I know, we may have make some sacrifices, and some changes in our life style.
Roger: Maybe we even have to put off buying a house.
Anita: But we wouldn't have to worry about child care expenses.
Roger: Money is one thing (to think about), but how about your career?
Anita: Well, I would miss (going to work), but I just can't stand the thought that let someone else raising Denise. I feel as I was neglecting her.
Roger: No one can take the place of the parents in a child's life that's for sure. But quiting your job is a big decision, that will hurt your career.
Anita: That's possible, I know my supervisor really depends on me.
Roger: Of course, you are talented and good at what you do.
Anita: Thank you, but as important as my career is, I'm beginning to have different priority.
Roger: What do you mean?
Anita: Since Denise's birth, I've been thinking, baby is growing so fast I don't want to miss that. When Denise is in school, then I can back to work again.
Roger: But I know you enjoy interaction with people. Are you sure you want to spent all day take care of Denise and house?
Anita: To be honest. I'm afraid I might get bore, but may be I can get to know some of mothers
from the playgroup that we meet at the park.
Roger: Okay, I guess, I just thought we will work together to juggle responsibilities of raising the family and having career.
Anita: Me too, but now I'm afraid that I would just get burn out.
Roger: You are probably right. It's been stress out isn't really fun.
Anita: It won't be forever. I just think it's what the best for right now.
Roger: Well, the most important thing is you are happy with this decision.

If you are in their situation, what would you do?

Now that my maternity leave is almost over. I'm actually rethinking returning to my job.
now that= because, since
Since my maternity leave is almost over, I'm actually rethinking returning to my job.
now that- is informal way to use in the sentence.
*Now that the club's usual meeting place will be torn down, the club members have to find a new location.
*Now that Paul and his wife have a baby to take care of Paul needs to find a second job.

having second thoughts-又有了另外的想法,意即“改变主意”
having second thoughts=rethinking
*I intended to accept the job offer, but now I'm having second thoughts-because of the long commute.
sacrifice (n)-牺牲, (v)-原意为。。牺牲
*In order to give their children the best education, the couple made a lot of sacrifices.
*Becoming successful doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice your principles.牺牲原则
*Parents are willing to sacrifice (v) for their children. 願意为。。牺牲
put off-拖延,延后,延迟。
*The school decided to put off remodeling the cafeteria until more funding became available.
*She had to put off her dentist appointment because she had to go on a business trip.
as important as something is-既使是如何。。如何,即使是。。还是。。
*As costly as the treatment is, we still decided to take a chance with it.
*As hard as the training is, Dave is determined to stay on the team.
*Getting a loan from the bank is now our first priority.
*To have better time management, you need to first get your priorities straight.
*As a CEO, it's not easy to juggle so many responsibilities.
*Victor is having trouble juggling school and baseball.

Chat Room
maternal- refer to "mother, Ma, mama"母亲 /paternal-refer to "father, Pa, Papa" 父亲
maternity leave-产假
paternity leave-父亲陪产的假期
housewife/homemaker/domestic engineer. 家庭主妇
housewife 给人有黄脸婆的感觉。/homemaker -不分男女在家主厨清理家务。
domestic engineer-家庭主妇名称,因家庭主妇每日要设计如何布置整理家,把家弄得干净,清洁,舒适 好看,把饭菜做得好吃,如何量入为出。把日常琐事设计得有趣,使家人感到温馨,愉快,是一件需要智慧,知识,动脑筋设计的。
full-time mom/stay-at-home mom
housekeeper/maid/domestic worker 女管家,做打扫清洁家事的人。
domestic worker can be male or female.

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