Friday, April 23, 2010

Let's Talk Baseball

不可不知的棒球密語Many English idioms come from this popular sport有很多英語慣用語都出自棒球這種受歡迎的運動Baseball has contributed more words to American English than any other sport by Ruth Devlin.

"Take me out to the ball game, take me out with the crowd ...” goes the most popular song about baseball. And while enjoying a game, I wonder if I will be able to understand it. The sport of baseball uses a bewildering number of terms. The preeminent baseball dictionary, the Dickson Baseball Dictionary includes more than 10,000 entries. The word “hit” alone has more than 100 synonyms. With such a dizzying array of terms, baseball could indeed be its own language. Take this sentence, for example:

The jellybean corked the avocado, but instead of the expected dinger, it turned into a can of corn. For the uninitiated the sentence simply means: "The rookie (jellybean) hit (corked) the pitch that looked like it could be a home run (avocado). But instead of expected home run (dinger), it turned into an easily caught fly ball (a can of corn)" Some baseball jargon can be more easily understood. When it's "top of the seventh," the inning is just beginning. The "bottom of the seventh “ would mean the second half of the inning. And when the " bases are loaded," there is a runner on each one.

Baseball doesn't just stay in the ballpark. Many terms derived from baseball have come into everyday use by people who have never seen a pitcher throw a pitch. "Right off the bat," I'd say there are hundreds of terms -but that's just a "ballpark figure." When things are going right and you're successful , you're "batting a thousand," But at too often, you "strike out" at something no matter how "on the ball" you are. When you want to be successful, it is imperative that you "keep your eye on the ball" and make sure you're not "out in left field."

With any project, you need to "step up to the plate" before you commence. But you also need to be sure that you're not "out of your league" and that you know the "ground rules." When you want to support a friend, you "go to bat " for them when they need help. When you can't meet with a friend, you "take a rain check" and promise to "touch base" at a later time. So when learning English, it's inevitable that you'll learn a few baseball idioms. You just have to "play ball"!

More information
American English is loaded with baseball idioms: Here are just a few: Right off the bat means at the very beginning. Ballpark figure is a great way to talk about a general number rather than an exact one. Keeping your eye on the ball means to pay careful attention to what you are doing. And To touch base means to talk to someone about something.

When you can't meet with a friend, you " take a rain check" and promise to "touch base" at a later time.
touch base-
to touch Base=to make contact
*The manager has scheduled a project meeting so we can all touch base.
*Let's touch base when I'm in town next time.

*The bewildering road signs got us lost so it took us a long time to get to the hotel.
pre-eminent-再再最杰出的,更卓越的,出类拔萃的。pre- 在什么之前 eminent-杰出的
*Harry feels so honored to be one of the pre-eminent scholar's students.
*He's a pre-eminent authority in the field of bio-chemistry.
uninitiated-缺乏经验的,The uninitiated -指缺乏经验的门外汉(人)。
*This booklet is designed for the uninitiated.
*His lecture is way too difficult for the uninitiated to understand.
derive from - come from
derive from something- 原自于某个对象。
*The custom derived from the natives of this area.
*Many English words are derived from Greek or Latin.
imperative-必要的,紧急的,有强制性的 totally important, essential, you must have to do.
*It is imperative to get food supplies for those who were trapped by the flood.当急之需,当急之务
*It's imperative to take action before the situation gets worse.
commence-start or begin. 开始
*The press conference will commence in 15 minutes.
*The seminar commenced with an excellent speech by the famous professor.

Chat Room
Take me out to the ball game- a famous song in the U.S.A.
seventh-inning stretch-七局后休息时间,人们习惯在第七局休息时间伸伸懒腰。
proverb- 谚语old saying, advice people. easy to understand it。
saying : "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" or
saying from a famous person:
saying: "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."
" It's raining cats and dogs"- heavy rain, 雨下得很大

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