Monday, December 23, 2013

Planning for the Future

Plan for all the possibilities
到夏威夷長住 - 為所有可能的狀況預作計畫.

Ben: Hey, Uncle Bob. how are you today?
Uncle Bob: I'm doing well, Ben. Actually, I have some big news to share with you.
Ben: What is it?
Uncle Bob: Well, your Aunt June and I are moving to Hawaii.
Ben: Hawaii? Why Hawaii?
Uncle Bob: We've always loved Hawaii, and now that we're retire, there's nothing to stop us from spending more time there. We've been contemplating a change of scenery for some time.
Ben: Wow, That is big news. Are you planning to keep your place here?
Uncle Bob: Sure. We've purchased a condo in Hawaii, but we're only planning to live there during the winter.
Ben: That's great, Uncle Bob. I can see Hawaii is beckoning, but I don't know what I'll do if you aren't around.
Uncle Bob: Thanks, Ben, but I doubt you'll need me that badly.
Ben: Seriously, Uncle Bob, I'm pretty sure my business will go under without your advice.
Uncle Bob: That's a bit premature. You've built that business with a lot of time and hard work.
Ben: I have put a lot of work into it, but there are still so many things I'm unsure of.
Uncle Bob: Like what?
Ben: Well, I still have lots of questions, and I'm really not sure which direction the company is headed.
Uncle Bob: What? I've read your business plan, and it was very clear.
Ben: Right. It was clear, but you'd be stunned by how much my industry has changed in the last year.
Uncle Bob: That's just the way business is, Ben.
Ben: I know, but what can I do about it?
Uncle Bob: Well, Ben, you need to take some initiative. You need to refocus on your business plan.
Ben: Refocus?
Uncle Bob: Sure. When we first talked about business plans, I told you that they need to evolve over time.
Ben: I get that. That's why I've worked hard to stay abreast of changes that are happening in the industry.
Uncle Bob: I know you have. But sometimes being aware of changes isn't enough. Sometimes you need to get ahead of the changes in order to stay relevant.
Ben: How do I do that?
Uncle Bob: I think the main thing is to look at prospective changes in your industry and to consider how you might deal with them.
Ben: You mean I should plan for things that might happen and not just react to things that have happened.
Uncle Bob: Exactly, Ben. You see, you don't need me at all.
Ben: I'll always need you, Uncle Bob.
Uncle Bob: Then you'll have to come and visit Hawaii.
Ben: Now that's good advice!

Grammar Gym:
"I get that." - "get".
"I get that." - I understand that.
didn't get one single thing in that meeting.
I'm sorry, I don't get that joke.
I got it! - when you finally find a way to solve a difficult problem what is bothered you for a long time, you can say: I got it!

Vocabulary Tips:
contemplate -seriously to thinking of something, consider about it for a long time.细细考虑或思量。
*For a long time, Timothy has been contemplating a career change.
*Nathan contemplated moving to the suburbs but give up the idea because of the long commute.
condo - condominium, a complex building.集合时管理的公寓住宅。
*Jacob and his wife and kids live in a condo near the beach.
condo / apartment -拥有产权的公寓/只租不卖的公寓。
beckon -calling you, attract to you. 召唤,招手(呼唤)吸引。
*The beautiful dress in the window is beckoning me.
*The long, sandy beach is beckoning swimmers and sunbathers. 日光浴的人
premature -not about time yet, too early of something. 未成熟的。 'pre' -在。之前,以先。 'mature' -成熟。
*The premature baby stayed in the incubator for a week. 早产的婴儿。。保温箱。
*It's still too premature to predict who's going to win the election.
a change of something (living environment, job...) - make some changes at something.
go under - falling, failing, sink.
put a lot of something into something - put a lot of (time, afford, energy..) into work, project, practice...
initiative -take first step, do before people tell you to do, step ahead. take care of something before the thing became an issue. 主动,积极行动。
*Will is going for an interview tomorrow and took the initiative to do some research on the company.
lost the initiative - 失去先机。
*We will lose the initiative by not investing in the development of new products.
breast -stay on top, not behind. 原本是并行,并肩,并排的意思。此为‘不落后的,跟得上的,跟上脚步的。
*We'll keep you abreast of the latest news.
*As a merchandiser, Sarah keeps abreast of new fashion trends.
relevant -related, important.相关的,有关的,有重要性的。
*Please keep your discussion relevant to the agenda.
*Your proposal is highly relevant to our company's future.
prospective -maybe not now but in the future might happen.未来的,将发上的。 'pro' -向前的 'pect'-看。
*We hope the new marketing strategy will bring a prospective increase in sales.
*The ad is aimed at prospective clients.
get ahead of something -  do something before other people started to do, not just stay at the same place.
get ahead of something = to have in edge - to get on the top of something.
evolve - change gradually from one thing to another. 有进展的,延伸。。
over time - time after time, for a long process of time.

Language Tips:
news- uncountable noun. 新闻。不可数名词。前面不加 'a'. 不用‘many’, 要用‘ much, some.’ 而且动词要用单数 'is'。不要看到news有‘s’ 就以为是复数形。
Is there any news? No, there is not much news.
I have some big news to share with you.
Wow. That is big news.
news -不能用 "a", 只能用"piece" or "item/story/report 来说明某个条或那一则新闻 -
Did you see the news report about the train crash?
be aware of something - 意识 到有东西在那里或某事物的存在。。。
beware of something - there is some danger need to be alerted.小心,提防。
aware of / beware of - sense/ alert. 小心,提防, 留意。
beware - careful, pay attention,
Beware of the dog.- 小心恶犬。
aware of dog -意识 到。。。
be aware of the dog -意识 到有狗在那儿睡觉。
Sometimes being aware of changes isn't enough. 有时只是意识 到一些的变化是不够的。

Notes taking of Studioclassroom.

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