Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Happy Facts

These fun facts are sure to make you smile
笑活療癒法 - 這些趣事肯定能讓你展顏歡笑.

Here are some things you can be happy about even if you're having a bad day.

Cartoon romance: Wayne Allwine was the voice of Mickey Mouse in many cartoons. He married Russi Taylor, who supplied Minnie Mouse's voice.

Friendly cows: Cows form close bonds with other cows. They have best friends and feel stressed if they are separated from their friends. 

Rabbit sports: In a Swedish sport, rabbits hop through courses with jumps of different heights and lengths. The sport has spread throughout Europe, the U.S. Canada and even Japan.

Hanging on: Otters hold hands when they sleep. This stops them from drifting away from each other.

Hugs heal: When you touch another person, your body produces a hormone called oxytocin. Studies suggest that oxytocin actually helps heal physical wounds. 

Superheroes visit sick children: Sometimes window washers at children's hospitals wear superhero costumes. The kids love these visits from their favorite characters.

Remember these, and you'll always have a reason to smile.

Grammar Gym:
"In a Swedish sport, rabbits hop through courses with jumps of different heights and lengths."
(something ) of different  (description 1) and (description 2). - use on describe "different kinds of (something)."
At the hair salon, I saw pictures of models with hairstyles of different colors and cuts.
It was hard for Sarah to pick out a bike at the bike shop; there were bikes of all styles and sizes for her to choose from.
When you walk into the candy store, you are surrounded by these delicious treats in different shapes and flavors.

Vocabulary Tips:
romance - a loving feeling that man and woman love each other. (n)罗曼史,恋爱。(adj) 浪漫的,温馨的,爱恋的。
*After a whirlwind romance, the couple got married in Hawaii last week.
*Despite the distance between Mark and Terri, their romance blossomed.
bond -a strong connection in relationship. 连结或结合力。
*A bond between the nanny and the baby quickly formed.
*The volunteers came from different walks of life, but they shared a common bond.
bond (v)- 建立。。。关系。
*The teacher bonds with her students easily.
drift (v) away - carry it away by water. 漂流,漂。
*We drifted down the stream and finally reached a river.
*The couple drifted apart after they graduated from school.
costume - a outfit than people is wearing to become a certain character.戏服。
*All the costumes for this play were handmade by the the director's wife.
*The costume designer won several awards because of this film.
sure - no question about it.

Language Tips:
hugs heal - 拥抱可以疗伤。
hug and kiss - ooxx, write in the end of the letter.
big hug - 大拥抱。欧美国家把见面或道别时的拥抱当作生活文化的一部分。很自然的,用以表示欢迎和友善。

Notes taking of Studioclassroom

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