Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Their motto – To save, to save
帶來祝福的密 碼:1919 (要救,要救)-他們的座右銘──救助 再救助

The“1919 Relief and Service Network" can be found throughout the island of Taiwan. All of the 1000 churches involved help with one or more of the following programs.

Disaster relief program
In a matter of minutes, earthquakes and floods can destroy not only people's homes but everything they have. In times of disaster, people have found help and support through this program.

Emergency family relief program
What does an already poor family do when it doesn't qualify for government help but runs into an emergency situation? Ming-chung owns a small steamed-bun business in the south. He developed diabetes and then had several heart operations. As a result, he ended up with countless medical bills to pay, as well as rent and his children's tuition. Thankfully, 1919 stepped in and helped this family survive for several months while Ming-chung was unable to work.

The food bank
The 1919 Food Bank opened in 2011 and now serves nearly 4,000 families. Everyday staples such as soap, rice and oil are donated by individuals, factories or companies. Volunteers package these items, which are then distributed every two months to those in need.

After-school program for disadvantaged children
These young children are usually on their own after school. They come from broken homes, homes with working parents or no parents and homes with only a grandparent. Homes like these can provide only the basic necessities, meaning no after-school programs. These kids find hope in one of 1919's 204 after-school programs conducted in churches around the island.

The program's first goal is to help the children finish their homework. The teachers found that the program raises kid's confidence and helps them stay in school. Basic life skills such as bathing and good character traits, including honesty and respect, are also taught. Music, arts and crafts are included.

The community helps by donating vegetables or rice to ensure the students receive a nutritious meal. The kids wash the dishes afterward. The teachers visit each child's home to offer help if needed. In 2010, this program was extended to junior high students. "Collecting donations of any amount from friends and relatives is fulfilling. People give &1,000, $5,000 or more or less. Put together, it all adds up and helps tremendously," states Steven.

Vocabulary Tips:
disaster - 第一个‘s’发'z' 音,第二个‘ s’发‘ s’音。灾难,灾害。
*many people lost their loved ones in the disaster.
disaster- 悲惨的情况,惨剧。
*The couple's breakup turned into a disaster and both families were involved.
qualify -符合资格,使合格。
*A bachelor's degree doesn't necessarily qualify you for this position.
*Sean became qualified to be a teacher when he got his credentials five years ago.
diabetes (n)-糖尿病
*Daniel suffers from diabetes. He needs to take medication at each meal.
diabetic (adj) -糖尿病患者的,患有糖尿病的。
*diabetic foods.-适合糖尿病人的食物。
tuition -学费。fee for school.
*Elaine works as a waitress to earn money for her tuition.
*Tuition has increased by five percent at this university over the past three years.
*Few can afford the tuition of private high schools.
character trait - 'character' - 品格,性格。 'trait' -特质,特徵。
*One of Angela's character traits is her optimism. 乐观。
*Many say that a person's character traits are mostly formed during their childhood.
nutritious (adj)-有营养的。
*A nutritious diet can strengthen one's immune system.
nutrition (n) -营养。
*This cereal is high in nutrition and low in fat.
disadvantaged -贫穷的,使处于不利的状况。是disadvantage过去式,和过去分词。
disadvantage - 使除于劣势。
*The school offers free private tutoring for disadvantaged students.穷困家庭的孩子(学生)
broken home - 破碎家庭。'broken' -破碎。
*Geoffrey is from a broken home; that's why he has such low self-esteem. 如此缺乏自信。
*The pastor is helping these teenagers from broken homes develop their talents. 
nature disaster - 天然灾害。
in a matter of something - in a matter of (time) year, month, days...迟早的事,只是时间问题。
step in - you get yourself involve to being helpful.
staples - staple - basic needs.
volunteer - serve without to get paid.
ensure - make sure, guarantee that will happen.
adds up - a little of here and there, all adds up or add up.
tremendously - great in number or amount, a lot, extremely.

Language Tips:
Acts of God -上帝的行为,作为。指‘天灾’。 常在合约,契约中出现,以确保突发状况。
unforeseen circumstances -没有预料或想到的突发状况。
contingency -偶发事件。
scenario -设想,假设的情况。
The worst case scenario -所能想象到的最坏的情况。
latchkey kids -钥匙儿童。指那些父母二人都上班,或是没父,没母的单亲孩子,头颈上挂一只大门钥匙,放学后自己开门,一个人在家的孩子。这些孩子通常都缺少自信心,也缺少人际互动及居家安全。

Notes taking of Studioclassroom

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