Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Downside of Staying Connected

The habit of looking down at your smartphone or tablet could be hurting you
小心長簡訊脖! - 低頭注視你的智慧手機或平板電 腦的習慣可能對你有害.

The next time you're riding a subway or bus pay attention to your fellow passengers. Chances are you'll see plenty of them with their heads down, tapping the screens of their tablets or texting on their smartphones.

While these folks may be making good use of their time by staying connected, their bodies are paying a heavy price for such convenience. As hand-held devices such as smartphones and tablets are becoming more common, users are reporting some new physical problems.

Florida chiropractor Dean Fishman began noticing an increased number of his patients complaining of neck and shoulder pain. He traced these symptoms to the overuse of hand-held devices, specifically the action of bending the neck, and  coined the term "Text Neck." As if the painful symptoms weren't bad enough, Fishman warns that an untreated case of Text Neck could lead to permanent spinal damage. He founded The Text Neck Institute in an effort to treat and educate those suffering from Text Neck. Treatments offered there include chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage therapy and exercise planning.

Ways to prevent Text Neck
In order to avoid or reduce the possibility of getting Text Neck, use the following basic ergonomic principles.

*** Avoid awkward positioning. Don't strain your neck, and stay aware of how your body is positioned in relation to the device.

*** Take frequent breaks when using any kind of mobile device. Many doctors recommend that users change their position every 15 minutes.

*** When using a tablet use a case that can prop up the device at a comfortable viewing angle.

There's an app for that
For those who simply can't take their eyes off of their devices, there is an ironic twist - downloading a special app could help. Dr. Fishman has released an app called the Text Neck Indicator App, which measures the angle of your smartphone. When the angle is appropriate, a green light appears in the upper corner of your screen. But when the angle puts you at risk for neck strain, the light turns red, triggering you to adjust your angle. So go ahead and stay connected, but don't let your body - or your neck - stay in one position for too long.

Grammar Gym"
" increased number of his patients complaining of neck and shoulder pain." 

the pattern in a formal way to say something more and more.... "An increased number of (something + verb-ing)".

An increased number of girls getting cosmetic surgery....
An increased number of investors buying property in this part of town....

Vocabulary Tips:
downside - negative result.缺点,负面的效应
*The downside of working abroad is being away from friends and family.
upside - positive result.好处,有利的一面。
*Even though Paul was fired, the upside is that he doesn't have to work for that terrible boss any longer.
make good use of something - use the most of it, not waste it. 善用,好好利用。
*Will decided to make good use of his business trip to see Rome.
symptom - sign of something. what are your symptom when you sick.症状,
*The symptoms of the flu are a fever, runny nose, coughing and muscle pain. 流感。。
symptom -症兆,征兆,症候.
*Constant conflicts are one symptom of an unhealthy marriage. 不断的冲突。
chiropractor (n)- who rub, massage of patients' muscle and treat people's body pain.整脊师,脊椎指压治疗师。
*After one visit to my chiropractor, my back stopped hurting.
chiropractic (adj)- 指压脊椎治疗的。
chiropractic treatment -指压脊椎治疗的治疗。
chances are - possibility.
traced something to something else - follow something to something else. draw a line from one thing to another.
coin (v) - coined, to create, to invent.
as if something isn't bad enough - if this is not bad enough, there is something that is worst.
spinal - main back bone. 脊椎。
massage - rub, back rub, rub the muscle.
in order to ..... (do something) - for ...something. (为了。。)
ergonomic (adj) - specific make for your comfort. something that  is comfortable.人类环境改造学的。
strain -pull it or force it in uncomfortable way.拉伤,扭伤,
* Janet strained the muscles in the back of her leg while hiking.。。。拉伤了后腿的肌肉。。
* Alex strained his back while carrying his son.。。抱他儿子闪到腰(背)
strain -压力,负担。
*Brenda has been under a lot of strain lately.  最近压力很大。
prop something up -support you to keep up a certain position. 支撑,支持某样东西。
prop (n) -道具, prop (v)-支撑。
*Gina propped herself up with a lot of pillows so that she could read in bed.用很多枕头支撑(她可以在床上看书)。
*It is hoped that the new policy will prop up the economy.
ironic (adj) - not expect it means it does.说反话的,讽刺的,幽默地,反常的,出乎意料的。
*His ironic remarks really irritated me. 他讥讽的话语。。惹恼的我。
*It's so ironic to see an independent group being commercialized like this.非常讽刺的。。。商业化到如此地步。
irony -讽刺。
*You can always find a hint of irony in his work.经常在他的作品中看到一丝丝嘲讽。
indicator - a sign that tell you something.指示者,指示器,指标。
indication (n)-a sign that tell you something。标示,指标, 信号。
indicate -指示,标明,标示。
*The color of the outfit Patricia is wearing is an indicator of her mood today.穿着衣服的颜色是显示她今天心情好坏的风向球。
*Oil prices are one of the indicators of inflation.油价上涨是通膨的指标之一。
trigger - pull the trigger, alarm.
in relation to something - refer to position, where is this place from another place.
*Where is the post office in relation to this hotel?

Language Tips:
text neck - 简讯脖。
R.S.I. = Repetitive Strain Injury. 重复使力伤害,重复使用某部为肌肉而引起的伤害。
tennis elbow -网球肘。手肘疼痛。
blackberry -黑莓,
blackberry thumb -有种手机,叫“黑莓机”前几年很风行的, 年轻人用左右二大拇指在黑莓机上不断地打text,而使得大拇指受伤。blackberry thumb 由此而来。
rubik's wrist - 玩魔术方块,大量使用手腕,手腕重复使力,转动而造成的疼痛伤害。
my arm fell asleep -头伏在手上趴在桌子上睡,醒来,双手发麻。我们可以说my arm fell asleep, 非常口语的说法。
my leg fell asleep -(口语的说法)我的腿发麻。
numb - 发麻,身体某处发麻,正式的说法"numb", "b" -不发音
pins and needles - 手脚由发麻中苏醒,感到麻麻的,又有刺痛如很多的针在扎,就说"pins and needles"
避免姿势不正确而受伤,最好:Don't let your body - or your neck - stay in one position for too long.

Taking note of study "Studio Classroom"

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