Sunday, March 24, 2013

Plagiarism: A Common Crime

Are you an idea thief?
剽竊:常見的過犯 - 你會偷走別人的創意嗎?

An Important assignment is returned face-down on your desk, and you turn it over to see a big, red O on it! You did so much research and spent so many nights burning the midnight oil on this paper - how could this happen?

You plagiarized - that's what happened. Plagiarism is presenting another source's material as your own, which students often do, though it's considered to be both theft and fraud.

Obviously if you simply take an online article and call it your own, you are an unrepentant plagiarist. But you will be given the same label if you use just one quotation or concept from another's work without giving credit to the original author. People across the world have had degrees and positions revoked for such actions.

However, you can avoid all of these consequences by citing your sources in the correct format and by confirming you did your work through an online plagiarism checking service. For example, PlagTracker allows you to upload a document and receive a free plagiarism report based on material on all web pages and in its extensive database. PlagTracker is a foolproof way to make sure your writing is appropriately documented and to ensure that you won't be accused of plagiarism.

Grammar Gym:
".....Giving credit to the original author." 
"to give credit " - to acknowledge that somebody is responsible for something.
"to give credit to someone " - the person has done significant work, should let others to know.
Although the talented musician has won many awards, he always gives credit to his teacher.
Nobody likes to be on Harrison's team because he never gives credit to any of his teammates.

Vocabulary Tips:
fraud -欺骗,诈欺。
*He was sentenced for tax fraud.
*She was charged with credit card fraud.
fraud (n)-骗子,骗人的东西。
*All the paintings they sold are frauds.
unrepentant -not regret.  "un" -not, 有“否定”之意。没有悔意。
repentant - feel sorry for what did wrong.悔过,后悔,悔改。
*Eric is still unrepentant about his rude behavior toward his boss.
*These unrepentant teenagers stole from their classmates and teachers again and again.
cite (v)- use someone else's word or article. 引用,引证,引述。
cit your sources - say or state where you see or get information from. 引证来源。
*He cited several renowned writers in his article.
citation (n)- 引证,引用。
*All citations were listed at the end the thesis.
foolproof - you can not be fool, can not go wrong. 简单到愚笨的人都会的,极其简单,万无一失的。
fool -愚笨的。
proof - 能抵挡的。
*Rita developed a foolproof weight loss program.
*The security system is pretty well foolproof.
burning the midnight oil - stay awake all night. 开夜车熬夜。
crime - did something unlawful.
face down - face toward the bottom.
document - record, official record of something.
documented - passport that is your documented to tell where you came from and who you are.
accuse - say that you did it regardless whether you did it or not.
revoke - cancel, change, take back.

Language Tips:
plagiarism -抄袭,本文指“文字上的”
musical plagiarism -音乐上的抄袭。
sample -样品,样本。
sampling -取样。拿歌曲的一小段为歌曲的取样。在美国如果有人取用他人的歌曲取样而作成一首新歌是非法的。

Taking notes of study "Studio Classroom"

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