Monday, March 25, 2013

The Art of Mime

In this art form, actions speak louder than words
默劇的藝術 - 在這種藝術形式中,肢體動作勝 於言語

What do you think of when you think of face painted white? A shirt with stripes? White gloves and a black hat? In the West this figure might come to mind when we think of mime. 

Mime is the art of acting without using speech. The word can also refer to a person who performs this art. This type of art has grown and changed over the centuries. What began as a simple form of communication is now a form of theater.

Mime through the ages
Mime is one of the earliest forms of self-expression. As languages were developing, humans still used their bodies to speak. Mime first became an art form in ancient Greece. Silent actors performed everyday scenes using gestures. These plays often taught a lesson about values.When the Romans conquered Greece, they took the art of mime back to Italy. There they made it their own. Even after the fall of the Roman Empire, mime survived.

In the mid-1500s mime became a form of street performance in Italy. Mimes wore masks and acted out comedies. Because masks hid their faces, they could make fun of any aspect of society. Everyone enjoyed these performances - young and old, rich and poor.

Mimes also traveled around Europe. Because their art had no words, there was no language barrier. Mime became especially popular in France. French performers created famous mime characters like Pierrot and Bip. These characters helped shape today's mime.

Mime like a pro
Want to try mime? Try communication only through body language; no talking allowed. Watch people's facial expressions and gestures closely and practice copying them. Create a story to act out - this will be more interesting to your audience. No props? No worries! You can create anything you need out of thin air.

The most important thing is to believe your illusion. If you believe it's real, your audience will, too!

Grammar Tips:
"What began as a simple form of communication is now a form of theater."

"What began as a now a..." this pattern is use in formal situation when you talk about something was in a way but now is changed to anther way.

What began as a tiny laboratory in the back of a school building is now a separate research center.
What began as a two-man business team is now a company with five hundred workers.

Vocabulary Tips:
perform -表演,演出
*The band will perform tonight at the prom.毕业舞会。
*The singer started performing in the early 70's.
perform -表现
*John performed well in this project.
communication - a way to keep relationship with people.传播,沟通,交流。
*Facebook opened a new way of communication.
*She had no communication with her parents once she moved out.
communication -通讯。
*Communication equipment.通讯器材,通讯设备。
self - expression :show people what you think, express yourself.自我表现.
self - 自己
expression -表达。
*He sees his poems as an important way for self-expression.
*Fashion is a medium for self-expression.媒介
gesture -手势,姿势。
*The professor loves to use gestures to emphasize his points. 喜欢用手势来强调他的重点。
gesture -用动作示意
*My boss gestured me to close the door. 。。用动作示意我把门关上。
mime (n) -滑稽的动作戏,丑角,喜剧演员,默剧动作,哑剧默剧无声的动作表演。
over (time) - something is going on and being last a long time.
*over the years, over the months, over the weeks.
performance -演出。表现 do.
*The actor's brilliant performance won him several awards.
performer (n) - person who perform the work.表演者。
*He's a world-renowned classical music performer.
barrier -障碍,阻碍。a block, block for something, separate from..., put a barrier  between our house and our neighbor, so we build a fence.
language barrier - 语言障碍。
*The couple conquered their age barrier and finally got married.。。年纪差异的障碍。。。
barrier -栅栏,关卡。
*The officer checks the papers of everyone who passes the barrier.
prop (n)- 道具something that support your performance, make audience easy to understand. 道具。
*The play company does their own props.
*The props for this scene are a table, a chair and a vase.
*The props used in the movie were donated to a fund-raising auction.募款。拍卖。
out of thin air -无中生有。凭空的。
thin air - wind, nothing in the air.风,抓摸虚无。
*The fairly appeared out of thin air in Cinderella's room.
*I can't come up with such a large amount of money out of thin air.
mask - a cover that hide your face behind it.
act out (act something out ) (act thing s out )- acting it out with gestures. perform.
comedies - the play is very funny and make people laugh.
acted out comedies-perform comedies.
make fun of something or someone - a kind of jock about something or someone. Be careful, it may not a good idea to make fun of someone who not enjoy or not accept it.
shape - to form, to create, to build up. parents, teachers or books can shape your thinking.
facial - face show some expression we call facial expression- happy, mad, anger etc.

Language Tips:
actions speak louder than words - 行动胜于言辞,言语。。
action -行动
words -言辞,言语
Do as I say, not as I do. -照我说的做,别照我做的做。
monkey see monkey do.-猴子看什么学什么。小孩们也是,所以大人千万不要有不好的嗜好,举止在孩子们面前,不然你若是告诉他“Do as I say, not as I do”. 是无意义的。记住:“action speak louder than words ”。
澳洲的俚语No worries = (美国 )no problem.
澳洲的俚语good on you =(美国 )well done. 称赞的话。
澳洲的俚语 barbie = (美国 )barbecue
澳洲的俚语outback - (美国 )偏远,蛮荒的内陆地区。

Take notes of study "Studio Classroom"

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