Sunday, October 28, 2012

How to Say No

You can say no and still be nice 拒絕的智慧 . 在拒絕別人的同時, 也能當個好人.

A friend or family member asks you to do a favor for them. If you say no, do you feel guilty or selfish? Many people do, so they say yes. That just increases their stress level and often leads to bad feelings. So learn to say no nicely! Maybe someone asks you to help with a fundraising event for your school. You don't have time. But before turning them down, say something about the event's importance. Say, "Thant's a great cause, " or "You have an important goal." That way, the person sees you value the project even if you cannot help.

When you say no, make kind remarks. Say, "Thank you for asking, but I can't this time." or "I regret having to say no." You can give the person other ideas. For example, your friend asks you to take care of her dog for a few days. You can't, but you know another person who loves dogs. Suggest them instead. Then your friend can get the help she needs. Just learn to say no - nicely. you'll be glad you did.

Grammar Tips:
Just learn to say no- nicely.
some remark, then "dash -" , than some remark. - is a informal way to write with a bit of humorous.
I'm very certain that Mr. Chen is coming to the meeting-at least, I think he is.
You should always do what your team leader tells you to do-unless he is not here.

Vocabulary Tips:
guilty - feel bad for what you did.有罪恶感的。内疚的。 guilt -  最恶
*I left guilty when I refused my sister's request.
guilty -有罪的,犯了某种错误的。
*Janet is guilty for not submitting the required documents before the deadline.
turn someone down -拒绝某人,或是拒绝某人的要求。
*This company gave me a really good offer, but I turned them down.
*Johnny proposed to Cathy last night, but she turned him down.
remark - something (phrase) you say about what you thinking.言辞,谈论,评论,批评。言论。
*The governor's remarks provoked negative responses from the media.
*Scott's remarks about his supervisor got him into big trouble. 批评他上司的言论引来很大的麻烦。
cause - 理由,原因,根源,动机,引起,发生。。。
goal - you have a target you set for yourself. 目标
regret - feel sorry. 感到抱歉。
instead - take place of. 代替。

Chat Room
time- 时间

Do you have the time? 你能告诉我现在几点?
The time - "time " 前加“定冠词” 是问时间是几点钟。
Do you have time? 你现在有空吗?现在有时间吗?
You don't have time. 我没空。
not give somebody the time of day - 不理某人。(嫌某人太烦,太啰嗦)对某人爱理不理的。
I tried to talk to him, but he didn't give me the time of day. 我想和他说话,但是他都不理我。或爱理不理的。

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