Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Games for Helath

These games add a dose of fun to medical treatment.大电玩也能保健。这些游戏替医疗增添了一“剂"趣味.

Video games already keep people entertained, but now they are developing a more serious side:  games for health. Game designers and medical experts combine their expertise to produce games that serve as treatment options for a host of conditions.

Games have been developed to help treat stroke patients, teens with depression and people struggling to lose weight, just to name a few. Some games for health include typical video-game action while others are more like mini-courses. But most involve the key elements of missions, rewards and social gaming.

Improving the Lives of Youth with Cancer
The company HopeLab developed the video game Re-Mission to improve the lives of a specific group of people - young people living with cancer. Players take on one of 20 different missions and lead a nanobot named Roxxi through a virtual human body, zapping cancer cells with virus weapons. The game has been shown to help players gain a sense of control over their disease and stick to their treatment schedules. And thanks to the input of medical experts and patients, the game strikes a balance between action and accuracy.

Getting Kids Off the Couch
Obesity among youth is another problem that has inspired HopeLab. In order to encourage kids to be more active, the company developed Zamzee, a gaming platform centered on player movement. Players purchase a Zamzee meter, a small motion-sensing device, and then clip it onto their belts or place it in a pocket. At the end of the day, they stick the meter into their computer's USB port and upload the information to their personal accounts. The more players move, the more points they receive.

Encouraging Healthy Habits
Originally intended to help diabetic patients live healthier lives. HealthSeeker is a social game on Facebook that anyone can play. The game features lever-based missions designed to encourage healthy diet and lifestyle choices.

To accept a certain mission, players must first select three health-related activities to carry out. If they finish all three activities within a week, they complete the mission and earn experience point. Afterward, they can share the accomplishment with friends and cheer on other players.

Games for health can't replace a doctor's advice, but they can be an important part of an overall treatment plan. The games being developed today will help treat new patients tomorrow.

Grammar Tips:
Game designer and medical experts combine their expertise to produce games that serve as treatment options for a host of conditions.
"host " - normally, we talk about a person who is in charge at the ceremony or at a program. or a person who is invite people home or party, to welcome and serve their guests.
"host " - here refer to "a large variety" or "a wild variety".
The scandalized company needs to choose the right spokesperson to handle the host of questions from the media.
Fish oil offers a host of health benefits.

Vocabulary Tips:
expertise -high level skill and knowledge in some area. 专业的知识或技巧。(重音在ti)
expert -专家。
*Dave's professional expertise keeps him competitive in his field. 在某方面用“in”。
*We need your expertise in computer programming.
zap - hit, destroy.扫射,轰炸,打败,制伏。
zapped / zapping -
*In the computer game, the enemies were zapped with all kinds of weapons.敌人被各种武器所消灭。
*Will Smith zapped all the aliens with his laser gun.
strike a balance - strike -reach, hit.抨击,击,此处是指“达到” 。 达到平衡,在二者之间用“between"。
*As a manufacturer, you have to be able to strike a balance between productivity and quality.在产能与品质之间达到平衡。
nanobot- nano means very small, bot is robot.
obesity - a person is a way over weighted. 过胖,肥胖。重音在“be ”.
*Howard suffers from obesity, which causes him various health issues.
*Stress, overeating and a lack of exercise cause obesity among young people.
platform - a type of device used, or a surface you can put things on or landed something. 平台,此指“电脑的系统平台。
*The helicopter successfully landed on the platform.直升机成功的降落在平台上。
*The software can easily be run on a personal computer platform.
diabetic (adj) - a disease that having trouble to balance the level of sugar. 糖尿病的,患有糖尿病的。重音在"be " .
*Mandy is diabetic, therefore she can only eat food low in sugar.
diabetic (n)-糖尿病的患者。重音在"be ".
*The device is designed for diabetics.
diabetes  (n)-糖尿病。重音在"be " .
*Wilma suffers from diabetes.

Chat Room:
stick -stay with 黏,附着。
stick to something. 对某事或某物坚持与忠心。
stick to it - 持之以恒的去做。不放弃。
stick to their treatment schedule.严格遵守治疗行程。
stick to it - make to an one word will be "stick-to-it-iveness (n). 毅力,耐力。不屈不挠的精神。毅力不拔。
stick to one's guns. (gun用复数 guns) -坚持自己的思想,原则。
game - 游戏,。
game plan -计划,策略。(狭意)球对在比赛前的策划,教练和球员讨论比赛战略计划。(广意)指任何行动前的策略。
the game plan -球对在比赛前的策划,任何行动前的策略。
surprise party - the game plan for a surprise party.事先不让当事人知道而给与当事人惊喜的派对。
two can play that game -二人可玩的游戏,彼此互不相让。
game plan -
That's a game that two can play.-用类似的方法来反击对方,报复对方。(你如果被伤害了,你可以说“That's a game that two can play ” (这一套你会,我也会)然后再反击回去。
beat someone at his own game.-以对方擅长的手法来击败对方。即“以其人之道还制其人之身”。


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