Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Where did those tasty treats come from?

The stories behind some of your favorite snacks may surprise you.美食探源。你最喜爱的点心背后的故事,可能会让你大感讶异

What is your favorite tasty treat? Is it a local delicacy or a food that originated in another country? Let's look at a few popular treats.

French Fries
Whenever people mention "french fries." McDonald's usually comes to mind. While the American corporation did not invent the potato creation, they did perfect it and popularize it around the world. The ubiquitous fry originated in France or Belgium. They both claim the invention. Only in the United States is this kind of fried potato associated with the French. In England, they're called "chips." And in France itself, they're called pommes frites meaning "fried apples."

An absent-minded 11-year-old boy is responsible for this favorite frozen treat. One cold night in 1905, Frank Epperson accidentally left a stick in a cup of flavored water outside on his back porch. The drink froze solid during the night. The next day Epperson found the water frozen onto the stick and called it the "Epsicle." His friends loved his frigid treat, and in later years, his kids did too. They asked for "pop's sicle." In 1923, Epperson applied for a patent and later sold the rights to the brand name "popsicle" to a New York company.

Potato Chips
This snack resulted from an irritated chef who wanted to teach a customer a lesson. In 1853, Chef George Crum worked at a resort in Saratoga Springs, New York. He made some French fries for a customer who decided they were too thick and returned them to the kitchen. Crum decided to irk the customer with very thinly sliced, crisply fried potatoes. His plan back fired; the guest loved the chips, and soon others were requesting Crum's "Saratoga Chips." Today "potato chips" come in a wide variety of flavors. Americans spend 6 billion dollars a year on potato chips.

Ice Cream Cones
While ice cream has a long history in both China and ancient Greece, the ice cream cone is a recent invention. The edible conical ice cream holder became popular at the St. Louis, Missouri, World's Fair in 1904. Syrian-American Ernest Hamwi had a waffle booth next to an ice cream stand. When the ice cream seller ran out of dishes, Hamwi shaped a waffle "cone" to hold ice cream. This version of the story is the official one, but four other men at the same fair also claim to have invented the ice cream cone.

This deep-fried treat was invented by people in Holland and Germany who were looking for something to do with leftover bread dough. The Germans just dropped theirs into boiling oil, but the Dutch wound theirs into knots (dough Knots), fried them, and rolled them in sugar. The most popular donut shap俄 is round with a hole in the center. Americans claim that a man from Maine invented the donut with a hole in 1847. He did this because he hated the uncooked center of the confection, so he simply removed the center before cooking the donut.

Candy Bars
Chocolate as a beverage was enjoyed in Sout和 America for years before Hernando Cortes took it back to Spain in 1529. It then took 300 years before people thought of eating it. In 1847, Joseph Fry discovered a way to mix melted cocoa butter and sugar into dry cocoa powder to create a paste that could be molded. The new chocolate bar was a hit. By the 1920s as many as 40,000 different candy bars had hit the market. While there are fewer today, the sweetness and smoothness of chocolate still delights the tongue and soothes the soul.

Grammar Tips:
Whenever people mention "french fries" McDonald's usually comes to mind.
Whenever people mention "subject" (Something) usually comes to mind.
Whenever people mention "Paris," the Eiffel tower usually comes to mind.
Whenever people mention "Japanese food," sushi usually comes to mind.

Vocabulary Tips:
popularize- 普及化,通俗地。普遍颇受欢迎的。popular -受欢迎。"ize" -使如何如何。
*Kung Fu was popularized in the West by Bruce Lee's movies.
*The video game was popularized by the blockbuster movie.
Ubiquitous -随处可见的,无处不在,普遍可见的,
*The ubiquitous wi-fi system made a lot of people's lies easier.
*There seems no way to get rid of these ubiquitous ants.
patent - 专利,专利权。
*The research team received a patent for the new drug they developed.
patent -专利证书
*The product's English patent was framed and posted on the wall.
irritate-something bothered him very much, or make him angry. 激怒,引起不快。
*Her constant nagging can easily irritated people around her.
*Mom was irritated when she saw my messy room.
irk - to bother or to irritate someone. 使恼怒,使心烦,使苦恼,使生气。
*The clerk's bad attitude really irked me.
*Freddie's inappropriate comments irked his colleagues.
*Pamela was irked by her husband's impatient looks.
edible - able to eat them.可食的。
*These wild mushrooms are not only edible, but also delicious.
*Only the stems of the vegetable are edible. 蔬菜的茎部
inedible - not able to eat.
teach lesson - correct them and show the what is wrong.
backfire - like very much. (回)反应热烈,
conical - 园椎 cone- 园椎形的东西。
popsicle -冰棒。
frigid - extremely cold.
deep fried - boil oil all around it.
dough -uncock part that really to put into the oven. 面团。
bread dough -作面包的面团
pastry dough- 作糕饼。。
knead dough -揉面。
*The baker is kneading dough in the kitchen.
dough- 口语的“钱”
*Jack is making a lot of dough.。。 日进斗金, 转很多钱。
*The beverages are included in the meal.
*Coffee, tea and hot chocolate are the hot beverages we serve.
*All beverages served on the flight are free.
soothe -安慰,抚慰。
*The mother's warm embrace soothed the crying baby.
*This painkiller should soothe your headache.
knot - tie together.结,打结
trout and salmon, deer or elk burger.
pop - dad, father.

Chat room:
treat - a little snack for dog. a food we don't usually eat. 1 -对待,2-请客,3-(n) 好吃的食物, 4- 非常的东西,尤其是少有的,料想不到的,感到幸福快乐的事。
I can't believe she treats her dog like that.
treat -请客
Let me treat you to ice cream.
He treated me to a movie.
treat (n)-好吃的食物
Where did those tasty treats come from?
dog treats.
a real treat-非常的东西,尤其是少有的,料想不到的,感到幸福快乐的事。
Spending the afternoon reading a novel has been a real treat.
Resort -a vacation place, or doing something when you out of other opportunity.
In 1853, Chef George Crum worked at a resort in Saratoga Springs, New York.
resort -度假胜地,度假村。
beach resort -
ski resort-
resort -采取某种手段。
The police had to resort to force. 采取武力手段。
resort to staying in a bus station. - 采取在公车站过夜的手段。
as a last resort -快要走头无路,别无其他办法,你仅有的最后选择或机会。
I slept in the bus station as a last resort. 没其他选择,只好在车站过夜。
wind (n)- 风 发‘i' 声
wind (adj)- 弯延,弯曲延绕。发’ai' 音
*The river winds through a valley.
wind up (idiom)- 结束
Let's wind up meeting.
wind up-结果,下场。
If you break the law, you may wind up in jail.
wound - wind (弯延)的过去式
The Dutch wound theirs into knots (dough Knots), fried them, and rolled them in sugar. 缠绕成结下锅油炸。
wound up -精神紧蹦,紧张。
The soldiers were wound up on the day before the battle.精神紧蹦

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