Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tips for taking great cellphone photos

How to make your memories into works of art. 让回忆变成艺术作品的方法

Now that most cellphones have built-in cameras, taking photos is easy. But to make your cellphone snapshots look really good, try following these tips.

Plan your photo
First, identify your subject-the person or object you're taking the picture of . Place the subject a little bit to one side, not in the center. Surround the subject with contracting colors to make it stand out. Lines from walls, sidewalks or fences can paint to the subject, creating an interesting picture. But make sure the background is not too busy. You don't want the subject to get lost. Check to see if anything is directly behind the subject. You don't want your photo to look like a tree is growing out of your friend's head!

Stay steady
Don't move when taking a photo because cellphone cameras are very sensitive. In fact, try leaning against a solid object to stop your hand from shaking.

Don't zoom in, stand closer
When the subject is far away, most people try zooming in. This looks fine on a phone's small screen. But when the picture is enlarged, it won't look sharp or clear. Instead of zooming in, try stepping closer until the subject almost fills the picture.

Provide enough light
If possible, try to take your photos outside using sunlight. Artificial lights tent to be dim and can sometimes turn objects a strange color. Some, but not all, cellphone cameras have a flash. Even if your phone has a flash, it is probably pretty weak. If you need a flash, move very close to make sure it hits the subject. If your cellphone doesn't have a flash, consider carrying a pocket-sized flashlight.

If you see something that you think would make a good photo photograph it! Some great photos don't fallow these rules. Take lots of pictures from different angles. You may be surprised by which ones look best!

Grammar Tips:
"check to see" - take time to look carefully to make sure...
Check to see if all the lights are turned off.
Check to see if our guest is here or not.

Vocabulary Tips:
snapshot -快照,简略的印象 snap- 拍快照
*Eric took snapshots of his daughter playing with a puppy.
*The documentary gave the audience a snapshot of the refugees' condition.
contrasting (adj)- 杰然不同,对比 -contrast -使对比
*Throughout the  debate, people had a chance to hear the contrasting political views of both candidates.
*The main character's contrasting personalities made the movie fun to watch.
*a steady chair-
*Hold the camera steady when you take the shot. 拍照
*His steady hands made him an excellent surgeon.
*You can see a steady increase in the sales of this product.
zoom in-(动词片语)把要拍的景放大。什么景,对象用“on” (zoom )v. 调整焦距
*To get a good picture, I had to zoom in on the peacock, because it was very shy.
*the picture of the suspect was enlarged so the features of his face would be clearer.
enlarge - 使放大。"en"-使如何
*The office building was enlarged last year.
experiment (n)- 实验 (v)-做实验,实验。以什么为对象用“on”,用什么工具用“with”。
*Some believe that it's inhumane to experiment on animals.
*I'm experimenting with different media to express this topic.

Chat Room:
stand out-站出来。
stand out-( two words)凸出,对比,瞩目
Surround the subject with contrasting colors to make it stand out.
standout -(one word) 杰出的(人)。
He was a real standout.
He was one of the standout players.
outstanding -杰出的,凸出的,极出色的,优异的。
He's an outstanding student.
You did an outstanding job.
sharp- 锋利,锐利的。
a sharp knife.
sharp- 清晰,鲜明,锐利。
it won't look sharp or clear.
sharp-精明,聪明,敏锐。反应快 smart, quick in thinking and response.
He's a very sharp child.
sharp wits- wits - 锐利的才智,机智,
We arrived at three o'clock sharp.
sharp-装扮时髦,萧洒,流行的,干净利落的 look very good.
You look sharp today. 看来很潇洒,利落。
He's a sharp dresser.时髦的服装师

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