Monday, March 26, 2012

Sam Worthington

This actor went from being homeless to Hollywood.

A big break
In 2006 Australian actor Sam Worthington was facing a crisis. He had just turned 30, but he didn't know his purpose in life. Worthington wanted to start over. Taking a leap of faith, he sold his possessions and started living in his car. About a week later, he received a call to audition for a movie. That call changed his life. Worthington auditioned initially without knowing anything about the movie. It came as a surprise when he learned he was auditioning for famous Hollywood director James Cameron. But the most shocking news was yet to come. Cameron wanted to cast him in his new movie. Avatar.

Humble beginnings
Worthington wasn't an international celebrity, but he knew about acting and hard work. Born in England, he moved to western Australia when he was young. At age 17 he was sent by his father to the other side of the country. He was told he had to work and use those earnings to make his way back home.

When he was 19, Worthington was accepted into Australia's National Institute of Dramatic Art. After graduating he had moderate success acting in Australian TV shows and movies. But his decision to sell everything prepared him for his next step.  When James Cameron asked him  to come to America, he went. He had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

International success
Having a lead role in a film as big as Avatar brought Worthington new opportunities. He worked well with James Cameron, a man with important contacts in the film business. When Cameron recommended Worthington for a role in Terminator Salvation, he got the part. Since then Worthington has played a starring role in Clash of the Titans. This year he'll be in the film's sequel and in Drift, a move about surfing. Of course he is willing to act in any rumored Avatar sequels. From  his car to stardom, Worthington has come a long way.

Vocabulary Tips
leap of faith- 凭信心放手一搏,大胆冒险尝试。"leap"-跳跃 "faith"-信心
*Zoe took a leap of faith and accepted the offer to work in Japan.
*Evan though Mark let us down last time, we took a leap of faith and trusted him again.
audition-试镜,试音(影艺工作)。"audi" -听。
*Helen's audition didn't go too well. She suddenly panicked on the stage.
audition (v)- 参加试镜,参加甄选(影艺工作)。
*Nancy auditioned for the part of Cinderella.
cast -选派角色,派选某人担任某角色。过去式,过去分词都是“cast"
John was cast in the lead role of his school musical.
cast someone as some role-派选某人担任某个特殊角色用“as”
*The director cast Vivian as Queen Mary.
*The product had only a moderate response in the market. 反应普通
*Kevin is a boy with moderate learning abilities, but he studies extremely hard.
*There has been a moderate sales growth in the last season.
*The rumored merger of two companies finally took place last month.
*It is rumored that the CEO of the company will be replaced soon.
*The young girl didn't know how to handle her sudden stardom.
*Many actors and actresses go to Hollywood to pursue stardom.

Chat Room:
audition-文艺(歌唱,戏剧,电影)的甄选, 选拔
screen test -试镜。在试镜时,先有一段独白或表演。
monologue -独白
He had nothing to lose.-没什么好损失的。不一定成功,但是也不会有比现在更糟或不好的结果。
Go ahead You have nothing to lose.
lose face-丢脸。


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