Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Watch where you walk

Look where you are going, not at your phone!
In January Cathy Cruz Marrero was walking through a mall in Pennsylvania, texting on her phone. She wasn't watching where she was going, so she tripped and fell into a fountain! Luckily only her pride was hurt - she quickly climbed out and walked away. But the embarrassment didn't end there. Her accident was caught on mall cameras and posted on YouTube.

The video was viewed almost 2 million times and received national attention. Marrero was angry and ashamed, but she learned her lesson: Texting while walking is dangerous. "I could have been walking into a bus, a car,... anything." she said.

Marrero may be famous for her mistake, but she isn't the only one who's taken a tumble while texting. In 2008 more than 1,000 pedestrians in America visited hospitals for similar reasons. They were walking and texting or talking on cellphones when, suddenly, a wall appeared! Or a hole... a street sign... a train. There were cuts, bumps, broken bones and worse.

When they are texting, people walk more slowly. They weave back and forth and don't notice other pople around them. And texting isn't the only thing people do on their phones while walking. They play games, answer e-mails and use applications as well.

Trying to do these things while walking may be dangerous, but people do it anyway. Some think it should be illegal, like texting and driving is in many places. But others think this kind of law would be hard to enforce. Too many people want to keep using their phones while they walk.

In the worst cases, people have died by accidentally walking into traffic while texting. Would anybody walk down the street with their eyes closed? Probably not, but texting is nearly the same thing. It only takes one quick glance to send a text or check an e-mail. In that instant, a little typing could cause a lot of trouble.

More information:
A professor and his class at Western Washington University did an experiment. They wanted to see what people notice when they are using a cell phone. So one student dressed as a clown and rode a unicycle around a crowded campus square. Then they asked students who walked through the square what they saw. Only 25 percent of the students who were using cell phones remembered seeing the clown!

Crammer Tips:
In the worst cases, people have died by accidentally walking into traffic while texting.
"In the worst cases" - in the worst situations or examples.( 加强其重要性时使用此句子)。
*Getting sick is not the end of the world; the worst case would be having to miss work for a few days.
*After the war, food became very expensive. In the worst cases, the price for bread was a woker's entire salary for a whole month.

Vocabulary Tips:
text- 传简讯 message or word you type on the phone and sent to others.
*David will text me his e-mail address later.
*The boy was caught texting during class.
text -本文,正文
*The text and the graphs of the report are over 50 pages long. 本文与图表。
pedestrian  (n)-行人 "ped" - relate to "feet", "walk"
*The streets are only open to pedestrians during weekends.
pedestrian (adj) walk -人行道,行人道
pedestrian (adj) crossing -行人穿越道
bump-碰撞而引起的腫塊; 碰撞,撞击。
*The boy tripped over a stone, and had a big bump on his knee.跘跌。。腫了一个大胞
*A bump from the truck caused the driver to be hospitalized for two weeks. 撞击
ashamed- feel guilty, did something wrong and feel bad.
tumble - fall over.
*The road weaved through the valley and led to the town down the hill. 弯曲迂迴, 山谷,小镇
*We weaved our way through the crowds trying to get out of the parade.穿来穿去, 人群。
illegal -不合法 legal-合法
*It's illegal to open other people's mail without their permission.
*The movie star was charged with possession of illegal drugs.
enforce-使执行,使实施。 "en" -有“使如何”之意,force-力量,强制 force people to follow.
*Traffic rules need to be enforced to protect both drivers and pedestrians.
*The doctor enforces a strict dietary program on his overweight patients.
application - a computer program that design to do some particular task.
glance- take a fast look, look it in a very short time.

Chat Room:
pride -驕傲 how a person think about him/her self.
Pride goes before a fall- 美国的一句名言“骄傲在跌倒之前”,骄者必败。基督教聖经的经句在箴言书中有“骄傲在败坏以先”
Be careful. Pride goes before a fall.
swallow his pride -把骄傲吞下去,即“服下来,服气,忍气吞声,向人低头”. swallow - accept
Luckily only her pride was hurt...有损,伤害,破坏。
SMS (short message service) / text (原本表示书中的文字,现为“传简讯”
SMS language - Textese (短讯文字 ) (如中文,日文Chinese, Japanese)


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