Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lu Xun - The father of modern Chinese Literature.

Learn about "the greatest writer Asia produced in the 20th century"
鲁迅:现代中国文学之父- 来认识这位“二十世纪亚洲培育出的最伟大作家”

Known as "the Father of modern Chinese literature," Lu Xun (鲁迅) - Zhou Shuren (周树人- is still renowned today. Yet if he had continued with his first career choice, the world might never have heard of him.
The early years
In 1881, Lu Xun was born in Shaoxing (绍兴) in Zhejiang  province(浙江省). His family was educated but poor, and his father was often in need of medical care. This made it necessary for the family to pawn items to pay his bills.

Lu Xun watched as doctors treated his father with traditional methods, which never helped him. As a result, Lu Xun became interested in modern medical treatments practiced in Japan. In 1902, he received a government scholarship to travel to Japan, where he later studied medicine. By 1906, Lu Xun had become concerned about problems within his own country. He decided that the best way to bring about changes in society was through literature. So he quit medical school and turned his attention to writing. This decision changed his life.

Grammar Tips:
Hoping to inspire writers to work toward social change. Lu Xun returned to China in 1909.
"Hoping to"- a sentence start with "hoping to..." is a formal to say or write.
*Hoping to impress his date, Dennis were his best suit to the restaurant.
*Hoping to get the best tickets for the concert, Ellen camped out all night in front of the ticket office.

Vocabulary Tips:
literature -文学,文献,或资料。
*Lawrence is an expert in modern American literature. 当代美国文学家。
*The professor listed the latest literature regarding this medical field for his students. 最新文献
pawn (v)- 典当,抵押,当铺典当东西
*He had to pawn his guitar to pay for his tuition.
*Martha pawned everything she had to buy food for her kids.
pawn (n)-当铺。
*Tina bought this ring in a pawn shop.
*Jason's stereo system is in pawn.
concerned (adj.)-挂虑的,担心的,不安的。 concern -使担心,使关心。
concerned about -对什么事感到担心,接“about
* We're concerned about the financial problems in our company. 担心。。财务状况
literary-文学的,文艺的。 literature 文学.
*The poet won several literary prizes last year.
*Most literary critics praise original style of this new novelist.
purposely- 故意的,蓄意的, purpose -故意,蓄意。
*Mom Purposely left the door open so she could hear what we were talking about.
*The girl purposely came to the party late so everyone would notice her.
preserve-保护,保存,保留“ pre ”- 有“提前”之意 “serv ”- 有“保存”之意。
*The governor promised to do his best to preserve the state's natural resources.
*Private collectors preserve the artist's works.(收藏保存某一位。。。)
renowned - famous.
medical - someone weak or ill needs treatment with medicine.
scholarship - who is need or a reward for student or learner who is very good on something.
world-round= has knowledge in all aspect and area.
philosophy - talk about life, what we think or do.
inspire- give people light or hope.
politics- something relate to government.
madman- crazy person.
movement - a group of people has same idea or goal, try to do something to reach their goal.
influential -影嚮 effected to other people's thinking or doing or behave
quantity- amount, large number.

Chat Room:
interested/interesting -有兴趣的/有趣的
interested -对“东西"感到兴趣 。对什么感到有兴趣,接(in)。
interesting- 有趣的,令人感到兴趣的。
*I'm very interested in science.
LuXun became interested in modern medical treatments practiced in Japan.
This book is so interesting.-。。。。很有趣。
Well, that's an interesting shirt. - 美国人对自己不认同的, 不是自己喜欢的,但不便直说,委婉表示, 也用interesting.
colloquial -白话的, 口语的 standard language.
slang -俚语,通俗的,非正式的。 informal, is part of standard language, most teen-ager say it, the older one or women don't use or say it.

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