Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The art of Yosifu 原住民艺术家-优席夫

A local artist returns to his roots-本土艺术家回归自己的根
SC: How did you begin your career in the arts?
Y: I've always been pretty artistic. Like many aboriginal kids. I enjoyed singing and dancing. After high school in Hualien, I moved to Taipei to work. I worked at different jobs and joined a singing group called Black Pearl. We were participants in a singing competition - and won. The prize was a recording contract. Unfortunately, we ended up having contract problems and were unable to perform or get another contract.

SC: How did you end up in Edinburgh?
Y: After my career as a performer fell through, I was having a difficult time. I blamed God for my problem. I didn't understand that God had just closed the door on my music career so He could open one for me in art. I had been so close to success as a musician that I couldn't bear to return to my village.
Fortunately, I had a friend from Edinburgh who knew about what had happened to me. He suggested I come to Edinburgh to get away and take some time off.

SC: You had never worked as a painter before. Why did you begin painting?
Y: I arrived in Edinburgh during their International Arts Festival. Edinburgh has a big, active artistic community and being there really opened my eyes. I had never had any formal training, but I started painting because I had a lot of free time.

SC: How did you become a professional painter?
Y: One day, a friend of mine was having a dinner party. One of the guests was the director of an art exhibition. He saw one of my paintings on the wall and asked to see my other paintings. Then he asked to show my work at his exhibition. I agreed, and to my satisfaction ended up selling a painting on the first day of the exhibition.

SC: Most of your pictures are portraits. Is there a reason for that?
Y: Yes, I think humans are beautiful. The color of the hair, the eyes, the shape of the body - humans are remarkable pieces of art from God. I like to communicate emotion through my art, and portraits are a good way to convey emotion faithfully.

SC:How do you create a painting?
Y: I usually have people dress in traditional costumes and take photos of them. Then I use the pictures when I sketch out the painting. I choose the colors by thinking about my memories, the environment and the feelings I am trying to convey. At first, I took pictures of my family because they are beautiful people and were willing to model for free. Now I use lots of other pictures, like old photographs, as references too.

SC: How has your art changed over time?
Y: When I started painting, my art was very Western in style. I painted a lot of flowers and landscapes and things like that. I was influenced a lot by artists like Picasso, Chagall, van Gogh and Gaoguin. I was also influenced by South American art because it reminded me of my own village and people. Then a friend from Edinburgh asked why I always told people I was abriginal, but didn't do aboriginal art. That was a wake-up call for me to start on the path I've been on ever since.

Vocabulary Tips:
aboriginal (adj) - "ab" -有“从某个地方开始”的意思。原始的,原住民的。
*These rarely seen aboriginal artifacts are very expensive. 原住民的手工艺品
*The aboriginal inhabitants of this coastal area were driven inland居住在.沿海一带的原住民。。
participate (v)-参与,参加 participation (n)-参与 participant (n)-参与者
*All of the participants in the debate will take turns speaking.辩论。
*The participants of the charity campaign from all walks of life. 慈善公益活动。。各行各业
*Fortunately, we caught the bus at the last minute.
*Many people were laid off, but fortunately Karl gets to keep his job.
satisfaction -(不可数名词)满足,满意。
* Dad gets a lot of satisfaction from helping other people.
to someone's satisfaction -让某人感到开心满足。
*To my satisfaction, the receptionist changed my hotel room to a non-smoking room.
remarkable -un-usual, unique, special in a good way.卓越,非凡,值得注意的,显著的
*The actor's remarkable performance won his an Oscar. 卓越的表演
*The patient made a remarkable recovery in just a few weeks.恢复的神速,显著的进步。
faithfully - can be trusted. faith-信心,忠心。
*Charles works faithfully for his boss.忠心地
faithfully -如实地,忠实地。
*The article faithfully described the challenges this business was facing.
community - form by a group of people.
exhibition - show, display.
portrait - 人像,人体化像
*The historical costumes displayed in this museum were handmade.。古装。。。都是手工做的
*the costumes in this movie were designed by a French fashion designer. 电影里的戏服
sketch out something -画素描。或写生。
*The painter sketched out the garden in just a few minutes.
sketch out - 概略的描诉。
*We sketched out the main points of our proposal in our briefing.简报中
*References are listed at the end of the report.
*I used several important studies as my references.

Grammar Tips:
That was a wake-up call for me to start on the path I've been on ever since.
a wake-up call- a special call to make someone up, like hotel wake up call service.
that was a realization for me to start on the path I've been on ever since.
*Splitting his parts was a wake-up call for Adam to start thinking about losing weight.
*Having her husband threaten her with a knife was a wake-up call for Teresa to get out of her ten-year relationship with an abusive husband.
Chat Room:
aboriginal (adj)- aboriginal kid
aborigine (n)- 原住民
indigenous - 本土的,原産的,土産的 indigenous people-本地人。
indigenous (to) - +"to" 原産于某一个地方
*The Black bear is indigenous to many different parts of North America.
*The plant is native to America.
endemic -某地方特有的。除了用于“动,植物”也可用于“疾病”
*..diseases endemic to the tropics.热带地方
native = aborigine = native
professional painter-职业画家
Paint a picture - 画一幅画,延伸有“描述,叙述。
paint a bleak picture of the economy. 将经济描述的很糟糕。
paint a rosy picture of something -把某事描述的很美
watching paint dry-等油漆或油彩乾,意即”枯燥,乏味“”
It is about as exciting as watching paint dry. 形容很无聊,很乏味,很枯燥。
to model-当模特儿。
They were willing to model for free.
My son likes to model his behavior on his Dad's behavior。模仿,效仿,向某人看齐
role model- 被效法的人。
The car I bought is last year's model. model (n) -款式


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