Friday, November 12, 2010

The World RPS Society

世界猜拳協會Making Rock, Paper, Scissors serious business剪刀、石頭、布成了嚴肅的事情 by Chip Ewald

There are two of you and only one piece of candy. Do you risk the friendship by snatching it when your friend isn't looking ? No You settle the matter in a simple way: You play Rock, Paper, Scissors, and everyone is happy.

Countless similar decisions are peacefully resolved this way: Rock crushes scissors; scissors cut paper; paper covers rock. Most think of it as a children's game of luck. But the World Rock Paper Scissors (RPS) Society, based in Toronto, Canada, promotes it as a sport of skill.

What began as a club in 1842 became the World RPS Society in 1925 when it included over 10,000 members. Today, the organization studies and teaches the psychological factors that influence an opponent's choices during a round of three plays. Desiring to promote the sport to a growing international audience, the Society plans conferences and tournaments all over the world. A skillful win can mean big money.

This month last year in Toronto, the 2009 Yahoo! World RPS Championship gave away all over CA $ 10,000 in prize money. Whether you play for money, honor or the last piece of candy, the World RPS Society can help you play to win.

More Information:
The History of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Because the game has evolved over time, its exact origins are debated. Some claim the game originated in Japan in the 2nd century B.C. Others think it may have begun in Northern Europe as early as the 6th century B.C. In any case , the game's simplicity and brilliance seem to reach beyond time and culture.

Grammar on the go:
What began as a club in 1842 became the world RPS Society in 1925 when it included 10,000 members.
=The world RPS Society started out as a club in 1842 and became an organization of 10,000 members in 1925.
"What began as...."- something that was.. and now turned into...
What began as a simple science experiment at the beginning of the summer turned into a departmental research project by the end of the year.
What began as a single-page lesson sheet with an accompanying radio program in 1962 turned into world-wide English teaching program consisting of three magazines radio programs, and two TV shows.

Vocabulary Tips:
*The bully snatched Patrick's lunch box right out of his hand.
*The Italian team snatched the gold medal from last year's champion.
*Rick snatched two hours of sleep during his flight to New York.
resolve- 解決.
*The couple is willing to resolve their differences by communication more frequently.
*A formal meeting was called to resolve the dispute between shareholders.
round (adj)-圓形的. (n) 指"一輪","一侷", 或是"一個回合"
*The young boxer was knocked out during the fourth round.
*The second round of voting will be held next week.
factor- thing that influence the result.
opponent- 對手,比賽的對手,另一方.

Chat Room:
Play your cards right-玩紙牌出牌很高明,演申為"制處理事情很高明,有計謀.
play with fire-玩火,冒險. (玩火自焚)
play games-玩遊戲,也指"捉弄人"
Quit playing games-停止捉弄人.

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