Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Top Ten Teacher Tips for Getting Tip-Top Homework Grades

老師的十大撇步讓你成績頂呱呱 Change a few habits and improve your grades 只要改變一些習慣,就能讓成績進步喔by David Hirning

Homework. The word alone elicits groans from kids of all ages. It's often accompanied by the thud of an overloaded book bag hitting the floor. A heavy helping of homework is, for many students, a fate worse than death.

But it doesn't have to be that way. There's no magic formula for getting good grades on homework assignments-and believe me, kids have been searching for one since the Stone Age. But there are some basic things that students can do to raise their grades. Here are ten homework tips from a veteran teacher (speaking on condition of anonymity, as these are trade secrets):

1. Study in a Clean and Well-Lighted Place.
Doing your homework while lying on your clothes- strewn bed by the light of the TV is probably not the best way to go.

2. Limit Distractions.
Listening to your iPod and sending instant messages to 14 different people while you're trying to study isn't the recipe for success. Multitasking is overrated when it comes to getting work done.

3. Organize Your Time.
Set aside a certain amount of time for homework every night. If you have nothing due the next day, you can work on long-term projects (see next item) or read a book. It won't kill you, I promise.

4. Keep Track of Assignments
Our source says that the best way to do this is to use a homework planner. This planner should include not only your day-to-day assignments, but also a schedule for longer-term projects. In other words, if you have a research paper due in three weeks, you would write down when you need to have all your books and materials, when your notes should be done, when the first draft should be completed, etc. This prevents those nasty "surprises" when you suddenly have to write a whole paper in one evening.

5. Watch Your Language.
Like, it helps to have a dictionary and thesaurus handy, y'know? Dude, they even have these things on the Internet now, (See Encarta's Dictionary and Thesaurus.) What's another word for "brilliant"?

6. Ask, Ask, Ask,
Our teacher writes: "It's important for every student to ask the teacher at least one question each week- and asking to go to the bathroom doesn't count. It can be as simple as, "How am I doing in your class?" If that's too scary, you can take in a paper and have the teacher check over it. This makes a world of difference in making a student-teacher connection."

7. Check Your Work
Everyone makes mistakes
, but it's better if you catch them rather than the teacher. Take the time to go over your work. And remember, four eyes are better than two, so get a parent or older sibling to review it as well. (Oops, I just caught a typo there myself.)

8. Procrastination=bad
This is also mentioned in number 3, but it's worth repeating. Don't wait until the last minute to do your assignment. Rushed work is sloppy work.

9. Reward Yourself
You worked hard, and now it's time for a little Xbox or a bowl of chocolate-peanut butter ice cream. or take a break. Telling your parents, and show them your masterpiece.

10. Eat Your Weadies:
Eat healthy food, get enough sleep and drink planty water to keep your body in a healthy and good condition.

Grammar Tips:
Like, it helps to have a dictionary and thesaurus handy, y'know?
"like", "y'know" are use on the informal conversation.很口語的,口頭禪的
My friends think that the movie is, like, funny.
"y'know"=you know, you see, you understand, right?
Whenever I'm on a hike, a nice barbecue just sounds really good, y'know?
Watch! not necessary word better avoid in a formal situation.

Vocabulary Tips:
*The anchor's inappropriate comments elicited severe criticism from all parts of the nation.
*After hours of interrogation, the detective successfully elicited the whereabouts of the stolen money.偵訊...引出...
anonymity-匿名,不公開姓名 anonymous (adj)-隱藏的,不公開的
*Speaking off the record and on the condition of anonymity, a government official conveyed the possibility of tax-raising. 以匿名的方式...私下透露..
overrated-過度評價的, 過度重視,過度高估的.
*Being slim is overrated nowadays.現今,保有瘦身材是被過度重視.
*It seems to me that the young actor is overrated.
"tip-top "--excellent, great, perfect, outstanding.
*Elizabeth uses a weekly planner to help her organize her schedule.
*My 2010 planner is made out of recycled materials.
*The nasty cut needs to be stitched.嚴重的割傷需要縫合。
*Patrick has a nasty habit of talking about people behind their backs. 討厭的嗜好
*A nasty snowstorm ruined the crops in the area. 嚴重的。。
*This pocket-sized electronic thesaurus really comes in handy when you travel.
*Using a thesaurus can help you write with more vocabulary.

Chat Room:
Study in a clean and well-lighted place
"light" - 有兩個過去式的寫法"lighted" and "lit"
a lit candle= a lighted candle. 一支點亮的蠟燭.

Watch your language-pay attention to what you say注意你的言語。
bad language/foul language-“三字經”之類的不好的話, 粗話。
Pardon my French.-原諒我的粗話,對我的粗話抱歉
Speak the same language-說同樣的話,意即“對於對方所說的話有同感,有共鳴”。“二人之間共同的想法,喜好”。
award-your work has approved and get recognition by others and giving it in public, some kind of competition involve. 經過審查或審核候,公開頒發的獎項,在公開,正式的場合(競爭之下)
reward-something you get for something you have done. 指個人的獎賞, 賞金。
reward yourself-善待自己
a $100 reward

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