Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Speak Through Words and Pictures

成功演講祕訣You can deliver a presentation that people will remember. 發表讓人們目不轉睛的演講Create presentations that make people take notice. by Lisa Holl Chang

Imagine you're at a presentation. What do you picture? Certainly there is a speaker, projector and slides. The slides were most likely made using PowerPoint. What about the content: Does it hold your attention?

Whether you're studying or working, you've probably seen many presentations. Think about the memorable ones. What made them effective? The answer probably begins with the presentation's story.

Tell a story
Apple CEO Steve Jobs gives amazing presentations. One of Jobs' secrets is that he makes people feel like they are part of a story. He believes Apple products will change the world. His passion makes people love a product, not just want to buy it. When you prepare a presentation, don't start with the slides. Start with the story. Think about your topic: Why is it significant? How can you get your audience to relate to it? What ideas or pictures will help your audience understand it? Communicate these thoughts, and your presentation will interest people.

Deliver an experience
Slides with pictures, illustrations and some words can powerfully communicate your story. But be careful the slides don't harm your presentation. Scientists who study how people learn say people receive information in two ways: word and pictures. As you speck, the audience listens to your words and looks at your pictures. But, if your slides gave too much text, people will read the text and stop listening.
Keep the slides simple. Scientists also say people can only process a limited amount of information at one time.
Use only words or pictures that relate to your speech. Don't bother with fancy clip art or several colors on your slides. These might distract the audience.

Practice, practice, practice
Research indicates that body language communicates 60 to 70 percent of one's meaning. Practice while paying attention to your gestures, eye contact, voice tone and the way you stand. These things are essential to your presentation's success. Now you know. So next time, give a presentation that will be one to remember.

Grammar Tips
How can you get your audience to relate to it?
relate-connected by family
Tony is related to Andy;they are cousins.
to relate to it --to relate to something
having some kind of a personal connection to something because there is meaning.
to relate to something-
He didn't like the movie because he couldn't relate to it.
Tiffany and Melanie relate to a lot of the same things.

Vocabulary Tips
*The famous pitcher pitched a memorable game before he announced his retirement.
*My wedding day is one of the most memorable days of my life.
audience-聼眾,觀衆 aud-與“聼”有關
*The talk show hostess always has a large audience.
*The audience watched the circus in amazement.
*The presenter interviewed one of the audience members about the new policy.
communicate-傳達,傳遞。 溝通,交流
*She tried to communicate her ideas but no one seemed to listen to her.
*Because of the Internet, communicating with people around the world is so easy.
process (n)-過程 (v)-處理
*It takes a week to process the application.
*Our computer system cannot process such a large amount of data.
distracted (v)-take attention away from someone. 使分心,使分散注意力。
dis- 使離開tract-拖,拉。
*Josh needs to work in complete silence because he is easily distracted.
*The kids were distracted by the noise coming from the construction site.
gestures- 手勢,姿勢,表示。The movement of your hands, arms or head.
*The speaker loves to use dramatic gestures to attract attention.
*He gave his girlfriend a bouquet of roses as a gesture of apology.

Chat Room
effect / affect-結果/影響
effect (n)-effective. 加定冠詞'the', 'an' 在 "effect"前面。 指 result. 效果,結果
One of the effect is keeping me stay awake whole night.
special effect-特效
effect background-背景效果
affect (v)- to influence ...影響
Coffee affected my sleep.
Smoking affects health.
affected personality-僞裝,虛情假意的個性.(最好不要有)
information overload.-資訊超載。
overload- 超載too much of something
an elevator overload with people.
people can only process a limited amount of information at one time.-避免過多的資訊,乃是要給真正有有用的資訊。

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